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along with
of plates
Table of contents:
Table of contents:
-convergence between an
oceanic plate and a continental
- convergence between two
oceanic crust
- convergence between two
continental crust
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
The continental crust curves upward
on top of the oceanic crust due to its
lesser density. The oceanic crust, due
to its greater density, stays below.
This process is called subduction.
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
When an oceanic crust converges
with a continental crust, a crack
between the crust underwater is
formed, its called a trench.
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
At the mantle, the leading edge of
the subducting plate melts or
becomes fluid which turns into a hot
molten material called magma.
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
Due to the heat in the mantle, the
magma builds up a pressure that
enables it to push the ground above
it. The column of rising magma is
called a mantle plume.
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
Because subduction continues, a
group of volcanoes, called volcanic
arc, is formed at the surface of the
continental crust along the boundary
where the two crust converged.
Convergence between an
oceanic and a
continental plate!
Tsunamis may be formed and
earthquakes may happen especially
when there is volcanic activity such
as an eruption.
Convergence between
two oceanic plates!
Convergence between
two oceanic plates

Similar to the first type of

convergence; tsunamis and
earthquakes may occur. There is also
subduction because one is denser
than the other.
Convergence between
two oceanic plates
Convergence between
two oceanic plates

The front part of the subducting

plate becomes magma upon reaching
the mantle. Then it builds up
pressure due to heat, pushes the
crust above it, forming a volcano.
Convergence between
two oceanic plates

Since the plates are moving, the

volcano will move with the plate. It
becomes extinct when it is no longer
above the magma deposit in the
mantle. A new volcano will then be
Convergence between
two oceanic plates

Series of volcanoes under this type

of convergence is called volcanic
island arc since it is surrounded by
Convergence between
two continental plate
Convergence between
two continental plate

Converging continental crusts or

plates result in a collision zone, which
could cause shallow earthquake. At
that place, a crack called fault is
Convergence between
two continental plate
Convergence between
two continental plate

This will cause no subduction since

the two plates have the same
densities. There would be no
volcanoes formed and no tsunamis,
but will result in a group of high
landforms called mountain ranges.

Objective: explain the processes

that occur when two continental
crust converge.

1. What happened to the colliding parts of the


The end of the crackers goes up and form a

slight bump at the fault line.

2. If the crackers were Earth's crust, what landform

was produced?

A mountain or a mountain range.


3. What event will the people reside in nearby places

experience? Why?

Earthquakes , because when two continental

crust collides it will result in a collision zone which
causes shallow earthquakes.

4. Do you think volcanic eruption is possible to

happen? Why?

No. Continental to continental convergences only

forms mountains, it cannot form a volcano because
subduction doesn’t occur because both plates have
the same density.

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