Power Point Participate in A Team

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Department of Human Resource Management

Participating in a team
Prepared by: Gebrehans T
Nov, 2023
LO1: Developing Effective Workplace
 What is a good working relationship?
 Working is not just performing your job according to specified
 It is also at the same time doing communications with others.
 It is also important to know that since you are communicating,
good relation should be observed among the workers to
eliminate barriers or hindrance in meeting the goal of the shop
and work itself.
 Characteristics of a good working relationship are:
 Open and honest communication
 All workers should observe these five traits of good working
relationship. It means:

1. Being open and honest shows how you to speak others.

2. It shows how you and your group have helped each other.

3. Respecting and treating each other fairly.

4. Being able to confide and open up to one another about any
problems regarding the

work and workplace.

5. Telling each other how each and every one performed at work
 Benefits of good working relationship

 Help to make the workplace enjoyable

 Allow for a supportive environment
 To be able to ask questions, receive assistance
 and have some to confide in
 Are extremely helpful particularly in times of stress
 Responsibilities and duties

 Duties and responsibilities includes

 Job description and employment arrangements
 Organization’s policy relevant to work role
 Organizational structures
 Supervision and accountability requirements including OHS
 Code of conduct
Seeking Assistance from Workgroup
when difficulties arise
 One definition of conflict suggests that it occurs because
 person can have influence over their needs being met.

 For example, if two workers both want to take holidays during

Holy Week when one person must stay behind to undertake the
stock review. This may cause conflict between two workers.
 Advantages of Workplace Conflict

It allows us to let off steam

 The real issue is identified
It causes change for the better
 It causes people to speak openly and honesty
 It stirs people into action
 It leads to people learning more about themselves
and others
 Disadvantages of Workplace Conflicts

 People start fighting rather than trying to fix the

 The conflict becomes personal
 The conflict harms team spirit
 Workplace Difficulties and Seeking Assistance

 When difficulties, such as conflict, arise in the workplace, it is

important to seek assistance from workmates.

 Often colleagues can put an issue in perspective, provide a fresh

point of view or suggest an alternative course of action.

 Everyone should always practice to seek the assistance of other

group members who provide you with sound advice on specific
Steps to manage conflict
 If you are having problems with another worker then the
following steps should be followed in an attempt to improve the
 Acknowledgement: - communicate openly and honestly about
the problem.

 Preparation:- work out your needs and wants and think about
the needs/wants of the other person/people

 Identify the problem:- define the problem accurately and do

not accuse, judge or blame others
 Deal with outcomes:- think about all a common ground so
that everyone is satisfied to some degree
 Agreement:- agree on a way to solve the problem, write
down the outcome and make a time to meet again soon.
Providing Feedback by Others in the Team

 Feedback is a response to either an action or words. It is very

important at work because it lets others know how they are

 Feedback provides information about three key things:-

Firstly, how accurately your message has been received
Secondly, how we impact on others
Finally, how others see us
 The Difference between Positive and Negative Feedback
 Positive feedback tells you positive things, things you like to
 Negative feedback is information given to you about the way
you can improve on or what you need to change.

 Feedback on performance includes

 Formal/Informal performance appraisal
 Obtaining feedback from supervisors and colleagues and
 Personal, reflective behavior strategies
 Routine organizational methods for monitoring service
Respecting and acknowledging differences in
personal values and beliefs
 Every person likes to have their own values and personal
integrity respected.

 Mutual respect fosters a strong team spirit. A common source of

conflict is misunderstanding brought about by the judgments we
or other people make.

 Judgments may include those about:-

Beliefs what we believe to be true
Conditioning what we have thought to expect/believe
Expectations what we expect will happen
Culture our own ways of living
LO: 2

 Contributing to Work Group Activities

 Providing Support to Team Members to Ensure
Workgroup Goals

 In the workplace you will be required to work in a

workgroup/team and contribution to team environment.
 A common definition of a team is a group of individuals
working together to achieve common goals.
 The Benefit of Team
 Working as part of a team benefits both the organization and
the individual.
 Benefits for the individual
Improved communication
A cooperative and supportive work environment
The opportunity to be involved in decision making
Commitment develops
Effective problem solving
Development of individual skills
Conflict resolution
Support and the Workgroup
 You can provide support to other by:-
Giving feedback
Showing empathy and understanding
Communicating clearly
Being approachable
Being open and honest
Keeping others on track and committed
 Providing support to team members include
Helping colleagues
Providing encouragement
Providing feedback to another team member
Undertaking extra tasks if necessary
Making Constructive Contributions to
Workgroup Goals and Tasks
 A workgroup must achieve a goal or set of goals to be
 In any organization, goals are set so that profits are made and
company stays in business.

 Goals and SMART Approach

SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable and Tractable)
Contributing to the achievement of goals
 In order for individuals to be involved in an effective
workgroup, members need to:-
Share common goals
Interact with one another
See themselves as a group
Gain satisfaction as a result of group memberships
and participation
Skills for Constructive Contribution

To be a good team member, the things you should do to make sure that you are making a valuable
contribution are:-

 Enter into discussion  Support all members of the

voluntarily group to be able to say their
 Share ideas, information piece
and experiences  Build on the contribution of
 Help the group others
understand their goals  Help the group to work out
 Listen actively conflicts and problems
 Draw all participants into  Give feedback
the discussion  Show empathy
 Keep discussion on track  Respect different points of
Sharing Information Relevant to Work
 Members of the workgroup must be able to provide each
other honest feedback and must be able to evaluate the
team’s performance in terms of:-
Achievement of tasks or goals
Group functioning
The following items could be addressed:-
 Were the goals and  Were the group procedures
objectives met? acceptable?
 Were the resources used  Was interpersonal
to their full potential? communication effective?
 Was there a high degree of  How did the group solve
trust in the group? problems/make decisions?
 Was there any conflict and  Was the team creative?
how was it resolved?  Was the atmosphere
 Was there a leader?
 Was feedback and
 Was there a lot of support
communication open and
for team members? honest?
LO 3: Describe team role and scope
 What is teamwork?
 Teamwork is defined as "a joint action by a group of people, in
which each person subordinates his or her individual interests
and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group.

 " This does not mean that the individual is no longer important;
however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork
goes beyond individual accomplishments.

 The most effective teamwork is produced when all the

individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work
towards a common goal.
 Why we Interest in Teamwork? The most important element of
team work is share information.

 Teamwork has become an important part of the working

culture and many businesses now look at teamwork skills
when evaluating a person for employment.

 Most companies realize that teamwork is important because

either the product is sufficiently complex that it requires a
team with multiple skills to produce, and/or a better product
will result when a team approach is taken.

 Therefore, it is important that work in a team environment

 What is a team role?
 A team role is a tendency to perform, contribute and interrelate
with others in a particular way. Team role shows the different
types of contribution that is make to the team.

 Team role: describe your "soft product" contribution to team

discussions and interactions.
The nine team roles are
 Shaper  Resource Investigator
 Implementer  Plant
 Completer Finisher  Monitor-Evaluator
 Coordinator  Specialist
 Team Worker
 Role and objective of team

1. To solve problems in unconventional ways

2. To provide a logical eye, make neutral judgments where

required and to weigh up the team’s options in a
dispassionate way.

3. To draw out team members and delegate work

 When the team was at risk of becoming isolated and
inwardly-focused, resource investigators provided inside
knowledge on the opposition and make sure that the team’s
idea will carry to the world outside the team.

 Implementers plan a practical, workable strategy and carry it

out as efficiently as possible.

 Completer Finishers check errors, subjecting it to the highest

standards of quality control.

 Team workers help the team to identify the work required

and complete it on behalf of the team.
LO 4: Identify own role and
responsibility within team
 Individual role and responsibilities within the team

1. Members work interdependently and work towards both

personal and team goals, and they understand these goals are
accomplished best by mutual support.
2. Members should feel a sense of ownership towards their role in
the team.

3. Members should work together and use their talent and

experience to contribute to the success of the team's objectives.

4. Members base their success on trust and encourage all members

to express their opinions, varying views, and questions.
5. Members make effort to be honest, respectful, and listen to
every person's point of view.

6. Members should offer their skill, knowledge, and in turn

each member is able contribute to the team success.

7. Members participate equally in decision-making, but each

member understands that the leader might need to make the
final decision if the team cannot come to a consensus
 Team structure
 Teams work best when there is a balance of primary
roles and when team members know their roles, work
to their strengths and actively manage weaknesses.
 To achieve the best balance, there should be:
One Co-coordinator
A Plant to stimulate ideas
 A Monitor/evaluator to maintain honesty and
 One or more Implementer, Team worker,
Resource investigator or Completer/finisher
 Questions to individuals in a team
 What team role am I playing at work?
 What contribution am I making to the team?
 Does your team role match your personality preferences or
stretch you?
 Do I have a clear understanding of what is expected of me? Do I
know my boundaries?
 Do the people around me understand my role? Do they
understand the relationship between my role and theirs?
 Does each member of my team clearly understand their roles
and responsibilities?
The following are some of the points that a team must full fill
 The team must have a  The team must have a
clear goal collaborative climate
 The team must have a  The team must have high
results-driven structure standards that are
 The team must have understood by all
competent team members  The team must receive
 The team must have external support and
unified commitment encouragement
 The team must have
principled leadership
 Team report
 The team manager is required to submit a weekly progress
report for the team. Follow the same general writing
1. Name:[ Manager Name and Date Submitted: ] Put team
manager/coordinator name and the submission date at the

2. Team Accomplishments: Summarize what the team

accomplished in the last week.

3. Unfinished Tasks: List things you were supposed to have

finished but didn't.
4. Schedule Revisions: Describe any changes that have been made
to your teamwork Project Schedule.

5. Group Problems: Describe any difficulties your team is

experiencing, whether technical, personal, or interpersonal.
Describe any ideas or plans you have for addressing these

6. Late Status Reports: List any team members who did not
submit their individual status report on time.
7. Submission: Submit the progress report to the concerned body
via email or any means of transmission by the due date stated in
the Project Plan.
 Working with Team environment Tips

 Form teams to solve real work issues and to improve real

work processes.
 Hold department meetings to review projects and progress
 Build fun and shared occasions into the organization’s
 Use ice breakers and teamwork exercises at meetings
 Celebrate team successes publicly
 Legislation

 Legislation is defined as the processor act of making law or

a set of laws by the Legislative Body (Governing Body) in a

 Legislation is usually available in print or electronic

formats and one can get their copy from any specified
Government Information centers or Agencies as well as
from Government Websites.
LO 5: Work as a team member
 Work team communication
 Communication is an active process in which information
including idea, goals, feelings, work orders and so on is
exchanged among team members.

 It gives an opportunity to send their thoughts and feelings,

and to have these thoughts and feelings received by
someone else.

 Team communication is any form of communication among

members of the same group or organization that is crucial
for a healthy and effective dynamic.
 Many frustrations, misunderstandings and questions can easily
be addressed with the proper team communication.

 Team communication is essential for a healthy team

 Team communication is used to guide and direct the team as a

 It is used to address general questions, issues and agendas in a

group setting, either in a lecture or round-table format.

 Team communication is used to keep potential issues from

arising and to avoid misunderstandings.
 Teamwork goals, vision and mission
 Teamwork is a work performed by a team towards a
common goal.
 Teamwork goal: A job description need not be limited to
explaining the current situation, or work that is currently
expected; it may also set out goals for what might be
achieved in future.
 The need communication
To discuss problems –
To get help
To assist customers
To receive or pass on information and instructions.
 Principles of constructive (use full) feedback
 Prepare carefully for any formal feedback session
regardless of whether you are the recipient or the provider
of the feedback.

 Think about the content of the information you are going

to provide during the feedback session. It should be
specific and to the point.

 The feedback should focus on the issue, not the person.

Consider the timing of your feedback session.
 Plan it so that you both have an opportunity to benefit
from the experience
Steps to team work communication
 Define the team task
 Define the membership
 Determine Primary
 Developing Team
 Ethical Dimension
 The word "ethics" refers to how a person should behave.
 Ethics are a product of society that deals with the
individual and the group at large.
 Organization, at an event, or during a transaction.
 Resolve Conflicts within team
 The point of using good team communication skills is to
prevent conflict from getting in the way of success.

 Team Meeting
 A meeting is any time two or more people come together to
give or gather Information, take action, plan, problem
solve, and make decisions.
 How to conduct meeting
1. Purpose
2. Date, time, and place
3. Name of facilitator and recorders
4. Attendee’s name
Ways for an Effective Team Meeting

1. Make an Agenda
2. Be Time Sensitive
3. Assign Someone to Take
4. Listen to the Team
5. Assign Tasks and
6. Ask Feedback
7. Determine Frequency of
 Planning a meeting
 A clear understanding of objectives to be accomplished is
essential to an effective meeting.
 Once the purpose is apparent, questions as to who will attend,
and where (and when) the meeting will take place can be
dealt with.
 Agendas may include time for
A. review of notes from past business;
B. discussion of new issues; and
C. Evaluation of progress toward goal achievement.
Supervisors are cautioned not to be overly optimistic about
what can be accomplished in a single meeting.
 Conducting the meeting
 The role of the individual conducting the meeting is to
1) Keep the discussion on target (task function) while at the
same time
2) Making sure everyone gets heard and people’s needs are
met (maintenance function
 Steps on How to Conduct Effective Meetings
 Before you call your next meeting, the FIRST step is to decide if
it is really essential.

To determine that, ask yourself the following: Is this

meeting essential? ·
Can we do without it? ·
Can we accomplish the task without a meeting? · Can it
wait another week? ·
Can we get things done with few meetings?

Then, if you have decided a meeting is the best way to

accomplish your objective
 The following tips can help you conduct more effective
1. Start and end meetings on time. Make sure everyone knows
what time you are to start and to end. If you have an ending
time, you will find your time is more productive in the time
2. Have an open agenda on the chalkboard or flip chart.
Participants can add an item before the meeting. However, they
must be prepared to lead the discussion if they put an item on the

3. If an item isn’t on the open agenda, reschedule it for discussion

at a later time.
4. Give each item on the agenda a time limit. If action or discussion
cannot be completed during the allotted time, it must be delayed
until the end of the meeting.

5. After all agenda items have been discussed, address the delayed
items and estimate how long it will take to discuss them. Decide if
the item can be discussed today or needs further action before a
decision can be made.

6. Any delayed item should be the first item on the next open

7. Summarize and record action items before adjourning the

 Follow up the meeting Minutes

A. Minute:- All meetings should have minutes. Minutes assist the

group in recording actions and preventing wasting time repeatedly
discussing the same issue.
 Minutes should include:
i. Introduction
1. Name of the team
2. Purpose
3. Date, time and place
4. Name of facilitator and recorder
5. Attendees´ names
ii. Body
1. Brief summary of reports
2. Decision on any action items. Care should be
taken in the wording of the agreed-upon decision. If
uncertain, check with the team to be sure the
wording of the decision is accurate
3. Additional decisions
4. Assignments made include name of person
assigned an item needing follow up, its completion
date, and the expected reporting date
iii. Conclusion
1. Time meeting concluded
2. Date of next meeting, if known
 Minutes Should Not Include
1. An account of what was said at the meeting
2. Opinions, interpretations, or judgmental statements by
the person recording the minutes

B. Between meetings, make that sure that action items are

being completed
C. Immediately after the meeting, begin the agenda for the
next meeting using the Parking Lot
Thank You!!!

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