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What is the time now?


Xiànzài shì zǎoshɑng shí diǎn sānshí fēn

现在是早上 十点三十分。
New Words (am / pm)
[MUST put BEFORE saying time!]

•早上 zǎo shang morning (am)

•中午 zhōng wǔ noon (pm)
How to say
•下午 xià wǔ afternoon (pm) MIDNIGHT
in Mandarin?
•晚上 wǎn shang night (pm)
早上 zǎoshang 下午 xià wǔ
中午 zhōng wǔ 晚上 wǎnshang

12:00 - 1:59 pm 7:00 - 11:59 pm

6:00 – 11: 59 am
2:00 - 6:59 pm

zhōng wǔ
中午 wǎnshang
Zǎoshang xià wǔ
早上 下午
New Words


… diǎn…fēn
… 点…分
Zǎoshang diǎn fēn

1) 9:10 a.m. 早上 九点十

zhōngwǔ diǎn fēn
2)12:15 p.m. 中午 十二点十五分
Xiàwǔ diǎn fēn
3) 3:35 p.m.
下午 三点三十五分
Please choose the correct answer.
Please choose the correct answer.

Please choose the correct answer.

2 : 05 p.m.
To use / say
两 Liǎng
[FOR 2 o’clock only]
〇 / 零 Líng
when mentioning time!
Please listen to the time and choose the correct answers.

(1) A. 10 : 00 a.m. B. 10 : 00 p.m.

(2) A. 12 : 15 p.m. B. 12 : 05 p.m.

(3) A. 2 : 40 p.m. B. 2 : 10 p.m.

(4) A. 7 : 30 a.m. B. 7 : 30 p.m.

Satu suku

Tiga suku
Unit Besar Unit Kecil
10 diǎn 8 diǎn bàn

Xīngqī’èr zǎoshɑng 11 diǎn 15 fēn Xīngqīwǔ zǎoshɑng 9 diǎn 45 fēn

Xīngqīliù zhōngwǔ 12 diǎn 39 fēn Xīngqīrì xiàwǔ 2 diǎn 28 fēn

Shénme 什么

shéi 谁
Tell the time in Mandarin !


Xiànzài jǐdiǎn

A : 现在几点?
Xiànzài shì xiàwǔ diǎn .
B : 现在是 下午三点。

Xiànzài jǐdiǎn?

A: 现在几点?
Xiànzài shì xiàwǔ diǎn fēn
? ? ?
B: 现在是下午六点十分。
Xiànzài jǐdiǎn?
Xiànzài shì zǎoshɑng shí diǎn shí wǔ fēn.
? ?
现在是早上 十点 十五分。
Go to class
go to KL
go to library

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