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Social Media Analytics

• Text Analysis/Mining
Support researchers to find inferences from
In this classification of text on the basis of
sentiment is sentiment analysis.
Two approaches:
a) Dictionary based classification
b) Machine learning based
• Social Network Analysis
Finds relationship between persons, groups by
analyzing structure of their connections.
Influence of an actor in network can be
• Trend Analysis is to make use of recent
advances to predict emerging topics.
Explore & Evaluate-Dashboard
• Snapshot of social media activity from one
single source.
• Collection of widgets giving personnel an
overview of reports and metrics.
• Allow monitoring of any metrics and find
correlation between different reports.
Dashboard-drill down capabilities
• Drill down business data into the level of
detail as needed.
• See What is causing trend
• What area business requires action
• Include more complex charts & graphs
Types of charts
• Pie Chart
• Bar Chart
• Trend Chart
Sentiment Analysis
• Sentiment analysis (or opinion mining) is a
natural language processing (NLP) technique used to determine whether
data is positive, negative or neutral.
• Sentiment analysis is often performed on textual data to help businesses
monitor brand and product sentiment in customer feedback, and
understand customer needs.
Types of Sentiment Analysis
• Sentiment analysis focuses on the polarity of a text (positive, negative, neutral) but
it also goes beyond polarity to detect specific feelings and emotions (angry, happy,
sad, etc), urgency (urgent, not urgent) and even intentions (interested v. not
• Graded Sentiment Analysis
If polarity precision is important to your business, you might consider expanding your
polarity categories to include different levels of positive and negative
• Emotion detection
Emotion detection sentiment analysis allows you to go beyond polarity to detect
emotions, like happiness, frustration, anger, and sadness. Uses text and ML algos.
• Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis
Usually, when analyzing sentiments of texts you’ll want to know which particular
aspects or features people are mentioning in a positive, neutral, or negative way.
Dashboard analysis of sentiment
four sentiment analysis data visualization results
that the dashboard has visualized for us.
• Overall Sentiment
• Sentiment over Time
• Sentiment by Rating
• Sentiment by Topic

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