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Matter and Nomenclature:

Elements, Compounds, and Chemical Equation

Duration : 2 x 50 minutes

Kimia Dasar I
Classification of Matter (Review last class)

Natural Abundance of Elements in earth crust
and human body

Earth crust

Human body

Periodic Table
 Summarizes periodic properties of elements
Modern Periodic Table
• Arranged by increasing atomic number (Z):
• Rows called periods
• Columns called groups or families
 Identified by numbers
 1 – 18 standard international
 1A – 8A longer columns & 1B – 8B shorter

Modern Periodic Table


A groups—Longer columns :
Alkali Metals (1A = first group)

• Very reactive
• All Metals except for H 
• Tend to form +1 ions
• React with oxygen
Form compounds that dissolve in water
Yield strongly caustic or alkaline solution

A groups—Longer columns :
Alkaline Earth Metals (2A = second group)

• Reactive
• Tend to form +2 ions
• Oxygen compounds are strongly alkaline (MO)
• Many are not water soluble
• Accumulate in ground

A groups—Longer columns :
Halogens (7A)

• Reactive
• Form diatomic molecules in elemental
2 gases
1 liquid
2 solids
• Form –1 ions with alkali metals—salts

A groups—Longer columns :
Noble Gases

• 8A = last group on right

• Inert—very unreactive
• Only heavier elements of group react &
then very limited
• Don’t form charged ions
• Monatomic gases

Transition Elements
B groups—shorter columns
• All are metals
• In center of table
• Begin in fourth row
• Tend to form ions with several different
• Fe2+ and Fe3+
• Cu+ and Cu2+
• Mn2+, Mn3+, Mn4+, Mn5+, Mn6+, Mn7+
Note: Last 3 columns all have 8B
designation 11
Metals, Nonmetals, or Metalloids

Metals, Nonmetals, or Metalloids
 Elements break down into 3 broad categories
 Organized by regions of periodic table
 Left-hand side
 Sodium, lead, iron, gold
 Upper right hand corner
 Oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine
 Diagonal line between metals & nonmetals
 Boron to astatine 13
Most elements in periodic table
Conduct heat & electricity
Solids at Room Temperature
• Melting points (mp) > 25 °C
• Hg only liquid metal (mp = –39 °C)
• Tungsten (W) (mp = 3400 °C)
• Highest known for metal
Chemical reactivity
• Varies greatly
• Au, Pt very unreactive
• Na, K very reactive 14
Metals, Nonmetals, or Metalloids

• Brittle
• Pulverize when struck
• Insulators
• Non-conductors of
electricity and heat
• Chemical reactivity
• Some inert
• Noble gases
• Some reactive
• F2, O2, H2
• React with metals to form ionic compounds
Metals, Nonmetals, or Metalloids

• 8 Elements
• Located on diagonal line between metals &
• B, Si, Ge, As, Sb, Te, Po, At
• Between metals & nonmetals
• Metallic shine
• Brittle like nonmetal
• Semiconductors
• Conduct electricity
• But not as well as metals
• Silicon (Si) & germanium (Ge) 18
Metals, Nonmetals, or Metalloids


Classification of Compound

• Molecular / Covalent Compound

 chemical compounds that take the form of
discrete molecules
 usually between two or more nonmetals
 Ex : H2O, CO2, C6H12O6
• Ionic Compound
 compounds made up of ions
 Usually between metals (as cation) and
nonmetals (as anion)
 Ex : NaCl, KBr, MgSO4, NH4Cl 21
Molecular/Covalent Compound
A molecule is an aggregate of two or more atoms in a
definite arrangement held together by chemical forces.

H2 H2 O NH3 CH4

A diatomic molecule contains only two atoms

H2, N2, O2, Br2, HCl, CO diatomic elements

A polyatomic molecule contains more than two atoms

O3, H2O, NH3, CH4
Molecular Formula and Empirical
A molecular formula shows the exact number of atoms of
each element in the smallest unit of a substance
An empirical formula shows the simplest whole-
number ratio of the atoms in a substance

molecular empirical
C6H12O6 CH2O

O3 O
N2H4 NH2
Ionic Compound
ionic compounds consist of a combination of cations
and an anions
• The formula is usually the same as the empirical formula
• The sum of the charges on the cation(s) and anion(s) in each
formula unit must equal zero

The ionic compound NaCl

An ion is an atom, or group of atoms, that has a net
positive or negative charge.
cation – ion with a positive charge
If a neutral atom loses one or more electrons it becomes a cation.

Na 11 protons Na+ 11 protons

11 electrons 10 electrons
anion – ion with a negative charge
If a neutral atom gains one or more electrons it becomes an anion.

Cl 17 protons Cl- 17 protons

17 electrons 18 electrons
Monoatomic and Polyatomic Ion

A monatomic ion contains only one atom

Na+, Cl-, Ca2+, O2-, Al3+, N3-

A polyatomic ion contains more than one atom

SO42-,OH-, CN-, NH4+, NO3-

Common Monoatomic Ion

Common Polyatomic Ions

• Crystals that contain water molecules
e.g., Plaster: CaSO4∙2H2O calcium sulfate dihydrate
• Water is not tightly held
• Dehydration
• Removal of water by heating
• Remaining solid is anhydrous (without water)

Blue = White = CuSO4

CuSO4 •5H2O

Chemical Nomenclature
Why ??

Chemical Nomenclature

Ionic Compound Molecular Compound

1. Non-Metal

Cation (1st) Anion (2nd)

1. Metal (1A, 2A, 3A, 1. Non Metal
except Boron) 2. Polyatomic Anion
2. Transition Metal
3. Polyatomic Cation
Nomenclature of Ionic Compound
• Often a metal + nonmetal
• Cation (1st) = name of atom (metal)
Li - Lithium
Be - Beryllium
K - Potassium
Ca - Calcium
Sc - Scandium
Ti - Titanium
V - Vanadium
Cr - Chromium
Mn - Manganese
Fe - Iron
Co - Cobalt
Ni - Nickel
Cu - Copper
Zn - Zinc

JacobH/Getty Images
Nomenclature of Ionic Compound
• Often a metal + nonmetal
• Cation (1st) = name of atom (metal)
= name of polyatomic cation
(NH4+ : Ammonium/ amonium)
• Anion (2nd) = nonmetal,
Monoatomic anion: add “ide” to element name (in Bahasa : add “ida”)
Polyatomic anion = the name of polyatomic anion
Monoatomic English Bahasa Polyatomic English Bahasa
anion anion
Cl- chloride klorida CO32- carbonate karbonat
Br- bromide bromida PO43- phosphate fosfat
O2- oxide oksida SO42- sulfate sulfat
S2- sulfide sulfida CrO 2-
chromate kromat
Nomenclature of Ionic Compound
• Often a metal + nonmetal
• Cation (1st) = name of atom (metal)
= name of polyatomic cation
(NH4+ : Ammonium)
• Anion (2nd) = nonmetal,
Monoatomic anion: add “ide” to element name (in Bahasa : add “ida”)
Polyatomic anion = the name of polyatomic anion
BaCl2 barium chloride barium klorida
K2 O potassium oxide kalium oksida
Mg(OH)2 magnesium hydroxide magnesium hidroksida
KNO3 potassium nitrate kalium nitrat 35
Transition metal ionic compounds

Transition metals usually form several type of cations

Indicate charge on metal with Roman numerals

FeCl2 2 Cl- = -2, so Fe is +2 iron(II) chloride

FeCl3 3 Cl- = -3 so Fe is +3 iron(III) chloride

Cr2S3 3 S-2 = -6 so Cr is +3 (+6/2) chromium(III) sulfide 36

Common Cation and Anion

Find name of Cations and

Anions in “Bahasa” !!
Concept Check
Give the correct name for below ionic compounds:

1. KBr
2. (NH4)3PO4
3. FeCO3
4. Cr2(SO4)3

Nomenclature of
Molecular compounds
• Molecular compounds
− Nonmetals or nonmetals + metalloids
− Common names
− H2O, NH3, CH4,
− Element furthest to the left in a period and di
closest to the bottom of a group on Tri
periodic table is placed first in formula Penta
− If more than one compound can be formed Heksa
from the same elements, use prefixes to Hepta
indicate number of each kind of atom Nona
− Last element name ends in ide (ida in deka
Bahasa) 39

HI hydrogen iodide Hidrogen iodida

NF3 nitrogen trifluoride Nitrogen trifluorida
SO2 sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioksida
N2Cl4 dinitrogen tetrachloride Dinitrogen tetraklorida

NO2 nitrogen dioxide Nitrogen dioksida

N2O dinitrogen monoxide Dinitrogen monoksida


Hydrates are compounds that have a specific number of water

molecules attached to them.

BaCl2•2H2O barium chloride dihydrate Barium klorida dihidrat

LiCl•H2O lithium chloride monohydrate Litium klorida monohidrat
MgSO4•7H2O magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Magnesium sulfat heptahidrat
CuSO4 •5H2O Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate Tembaga (II) sulfat pentahidrat

CuSO4•5H2O CuSO4
Concept Check
Give the correct name for below compounds
1. MnSO4
2. SF6
3. Na2SO4.7H2O
4. NH4Br
5. N2O4

Common Trivial Name

Chemical Equation

How to describe chemical reaction

• One or more substances react to

form one or more new substances

Ex methane CH4 reacts with

oxygen (O2) and produce carbon
dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O)
Reactant = CH4 and O2
Product = CO2 and H2O

• How to describe that reaction?

• By Sentences, too long
• By Image, ????!!!!###### 46
Chemical Equation
• Use symbol and formula to show reactant and product
Reactant at left
Product at right
Arrow symbol () meas “react and produce)
• Number in the front chemical formula
• Describe how many substance reacted or
• Example , CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O
• methane reacts with oxygen and produce carbon dioxide
and water

Mass Balance in Chemical Reaction
• Atom cannot be created and destroyed
• It means that amount of each atom at reactant and product
must be same
• If amount of each atom is same, total mass of each element
must be same

CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O

4H + 4O + C = 4H + 4O + C 48
Balancing Chemical Equations

1. Write the correct formula(s) for the reactants on

the left side and the correct formula(s) for the
product(s) on the right side of the equation.

Ethane reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water

C2H6 + O2 CO2 + H2O
2. Change the numbers in front of the formulas
(coefficients) to make the number of atoms of
each element the same on both sides of the
equation. Do not change the subscripts.

2C2H6 NOT C4H12 49

Balancing Chemical Equations (cont)

3. Start by balancing those elements that appear in

only one reactant and one product.
C 2H 6 + O 2 CO2 + H2O start with C or H but not O

2 carbon 1 carbon
multiply CO2 by 2
on left on right

C 2H 6 + O 2 2CO2 + H2O

6 hydrogen 2 hydrogen
on left on right multiply H2O by 3

C 2H 6 + O 2 2CO2 + 3H2O
Balancing Chemical Equations (cont)

4. Balance those elements that appear in two or

more reactants or products.
C2H6 + O2 2CO2 + 3H2O multiply O2 by 7

2 oxygen 4 oxygen + 3 oxygen = 7 oxygen

on left (2x2) (3x1) on right
C2H6 + 7 O
2 2 2CO2 + 3H2O
remove fraction
2C2H6 + 7O2 4CO2 + 6H2O
multiply both sides by 2


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