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A powerpoint on…

Idaho Core Teacher Standards and the

Danielson Framework for Teaching

By: William Joseph

In This Powerpoint You Will Learn…

● The ten core standards for teachers in Idaho

● The Four Domains from the Danielson Framework for Teaching
● How the standards and the framework are used together to help guide and assess Idaho
What Exactly Are the Core Standards for Teaching

● The core teaching standards in Idaho consist of ten standards that outline what professional
educators must have to be successful educators.

● Each standard is broken down into two categories, performance and knowledge. Performance is the
demonstration of the standard. Knowledge is the understanding of what the standards require of
professional educators. Each standard also has the required disposition from the educator.

● The core standards are also broken up in the following categories: The Learner and Learning;
Content; Instructional Practice; and Professional Responsibility. These categories are there to help
educators think about the standards in a general view.
The Learner and Learning

● The core standards under this category make sure the educator puts the learning of their students
first. That the educator understands that every student is different and will learn and develop
● The educator is responsible for learner development, understanding learning differences, and
creating a safe learning environment.
● The three following core standards for teaching fall under The Learner and learning category

2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage –
Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #1
Learner Development
● “Standard #1: Learner Development. The teacher understands how learners grow and develop,
recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the
cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements
developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE
approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator uses assessment to improve ● The educator respects the learners
● Understands how learning works and what instruction to meet students needs (this is strengths and weaknesses
practices promote learning group and individual assessment ● The educator is committed to using the
● The educator creates instruction that is learner’s weaknesses as learning
● Understands student’s development. appropriate developmentally for their opportunities and strengths as a starting
Which includes social, emotional, students point for growth
physical, cognitive, and linguistic ● The educator connects with families and ● The Educator takes the responsibility for
development other educators to promote the growth and the learning of their students
development of their students. ● The educator values the input from
● Understands how to make language in the families, the community, and other
instruction comprehensible. While making educators.
the instruction relevant and challenging

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #2
Learning Differences
● “Standard #2: Learning Differences. The teacher uses understanding of individual differences
and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each
learner to meet high standards.” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive.
(2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● Knows how to create instruction for their ● The educator creates lessons that let ● The educator believes that all students can
student’s strengths learners learn in different ways achieve and in turn is persistent at helping
students achieve to the highest of their
● Knows how to accommodate instruction ● The educator creates lessons that is adapt ability
for all students including students with to the learners
disabilities ● The educator respects each student and
● The educator brings other perspectives makes the students feel valued no matter
● Knows that each student comes from a into class discussions their background
specific culture and how to promote their
cultures ● The educator uses appropriate resources ● The educator should also value diverse
and services to promote student’s learning languages
● Knows that all students come from
different backgrounds and how to
accommodate for them

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #3
Learning Environment
● Standard #3: “Learning Environments. The teacher works with others to create environments
that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction,
active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf.
Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator understands that there is a ● The educator is committed to creating a
relationship between motivation and ● The educator creates a safe and positive positive and supportive learning
engagement. Knows how to create learning environment by collaborating environment
instruction that promotes ownership of with learners, families, and other
learning educators ● The educator values the individual’s role
in their own learning
● Knows how to help learners work with ● The educator develops lessons that
each other and be productive promote self-directed learning and ● The Educator is a thoughtful and
collaboration responsive listener that is committed to
● Knows the elements of a safe learning supporting learners through self-directed
environment and how to monitor them ● The educator actively makes the learning learning and collaboration
environment engaging for the students
● The educator knows how to communicate
in different environments ● The educator communicates in different
ways to show respect for different cultures
● The educator knows how to use which promotes a safe learning
technology to help promote a safe learning environment

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).

● The core standards under this category make sure the educator has a deep understanding of the
content in their discipline. As well as a flexible understanding of the content

● These core standards make sure the educator is expressing content knowledge through various
forms of communication

● The core standards also make sure the educator is making the content relevant by connecting
issues from the local, state and global levels

2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage –
Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #4
Content Knowledge
“Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and
structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the
discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013
SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator knows the major concepts, ● The educator explains the key ideas of the ● The educator sees that the content
assumptions, and inquiries of their discipline and help students in knowledge is ever changing and
discipline that they teach understanding the concepts understands the new ideas in the discipline
● The educator creates learning experiences ● The educator appreciates different views
● The educator knows the common that the students are able to ask questions of the discipline
misconceptions in learning the discipline and learn the content ● The educator recognizes their bias towards
and how to help students through those ● The educator creates lesson that correct the discipline and addresses their bias
common misconceptions of the discipline ● The educator is committed to helping each
● The educator must know the standards and ● The educator modifies resources to make student master the content and skills of the
objectives for their students in the them more comprehensible and accurate discipline
discipline. for the discipline

● The educator knows how to use the

academic language of the discipline in a
way that the students can understand and
learn from

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #5
Application of Content
“Standard #5: Application of Content. The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use
differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem
solving related to authentic local and global issues” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud
Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator knows how the discipline ● The educator guides students to analyzing ● The educator explores ways to use
they are teaching connects with other an issue/question through different disciplinary knowledge to address issues
disciplinary approaches disciplines using projects that are local and global
● The educator understands how to manage ● The educator makes lessons that makes ● The educator appreciates outside
information and evaluate ethical issues students apply the content they learned to knowledge that is not in their content area
related to the information real world problems and uses it to help student learning
● The educator understands how to promote ● The educator creates discussion for ● The educator values learning
original work through creative thinking students to engage into to promote environments that promote exploration
processes disciplinary and interdisciplinary and discovery
● The educator knows where resources are communication skills
that create global understanding and ● The educator makes the students engage in
awareness coming up with original ideas and
evaluating them

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Instructional Practice

● The core standards under this category make sure the educator integrates assessment as a end
goal for their instruction

● The core standards make sure the educator knows the learning objectives for the students

● The core standards also focus on planning and using a variety of instructional practices

2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage –
Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #6
“Standard #6: Assessment. The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage
learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s
decision making” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator knows how to use formative ● The educator uses a balance of formative ● The educator takes the responsibility for
and summative applications of assessment and summative assessment to support and making assessments and instruction to
and how they differ verify learning align with one another
● The educator knows how to analyze data ● The educator designs the assessments to ● The educator is committed to engaging
received from assessments match the learning objectives students in the process of assessment. Also
● The educator knows how to prepare ● The educator uses multiple types of data allows them to see their own progress
students for assessments and that includes from assessments to understand each ● The educator is committed to using the
accommodations students learning needs data from assessment ethically and use it
● The educator knows how important ● The educator guides students to to help students learn
descriptive feedback is for student growth demonstrate knowledge in multiple forms ● The educator is committed to making
of assessment accommodations for students if needed

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #7
Planning for Instruction

Standard #7: “Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in
meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-
disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.” (2013
standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator knows and understands the ● The educator selects and creates ● The educator respects each student’s
content standards and how it works with instructional experiences that are based on strengths and needs, and wants to create
the curriculum content standards and curriculum instruction that is effective
● The educator understands the strengths ● The educator plans out how each student ● The educator takes responsibility to use
and weaknesses of their learners and how will achieve their learning goals panning to assure student learning
to plan for those ● The educator forms lessons based on ● The educator believes that plans should be
● The educator knows a variety of evidence- formative and summative assessment data subject t change and revision based on the
based instructional strategies and how to ● The educator plans with professionals that needs of students
use them in instruction have specialized expertise (special
● The educator knows how to use resources educators for example)
for students who need extra help with a

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #8
Instructional Strategies
Standard #8: “Instructional Strategies. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional
strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections,
and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf.
Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator understands the cognitive ● The educator uses strategies to adapt to ● The educator is committed to bringing
process that associate with learning types needs of each student awareness to the strengths and needs of
● The educator knows how to achieve ● The educator is constantly checking on their students
learning goals through applying students learning and having the students ● The educator values different ways of
developmental, cultural, and linguistic assessing their progress communication and encourages the use of
instructional strategies. ● The educator uses questions to stimulate different forms to their students
● The educator understands various forms of discussion with the class ● The educator is constantly looking for
communication show ideas, build ● The educator expands the student’s ways to incorporate technologies into
relationships and have self expression communication skills by uses a variety of instruction to promote learning
● The educator knows that media and instructional strategies ● The educator values the flexibility of
technology can support skill development teaching for adapting to student’s needs
and how to evaluate it

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Professional Responsibility

● The core standards under this category make sure the educator is creating safe learning
● These standards make sure that educators are participating in professional learning and regularly
self-reflecting and practicing
● These standards also make sure the educator is involved in the school and in the community.
Whether it is supporting the vision of the school or holding a leadership position in the school or
● These standards also focus on collaboration of educators with learners, other educators, and

2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage –
Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #9
Professional Learning and Ethical Practice
Standard #9: “Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional
learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her
choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts
practice to meet the needs of each learner.” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft
OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator knows how to use ● The educator participates in learning ● The educator feels responsible for their
assessment and problem-solving to reflect opportunities that help develop skills and student’s learning and uses analysis to
on their plans knowledge to be able to use in a classroom improve their practice
● The educator understands that experiences ● The educator uses data to evaluate ● The educator is dedicated to
and personal identity affect expectations. outcomes of teaching and learning. Uses understanding where they stand when it
They understand their bias this to adapt their planning and practice comes to certain topics and the biases they
● The educator understands the rights of the ● The educator reflects on the bias they have may have
learner and their responsibility as an and uses resources to understand other ● The educator also see themselves as a
educator. They also know the laws they biases to create more relevant learning learner and constantly uses resources to
must follow for privacy experiences better their practice
● The educator knows how to make a plan ● The educator teaches ethical and legal use ● The educator understand the codes of
for growth for themselves as professional of resources and information. For example ethics, the professional standards of an
educators. They do this by using feedback the documentation of sources educator, and the laws and policies
from teacher evaluations and observations. associated with it

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
Standard #10
Leadership and Collaboration
“Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and
opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families,
colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to
advance the profession.” (2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013). )

Knowledge Performance Disposition

● The educator understands schools in a ● The educator takes an active role in ● The educator takes on responsibility for
historical context and knows how to work examining student work, receiving and shaping/supporting the mission of their
with others to support learning giving feedback, and in sharing school
● The educator understand the sphere of responsibility for decision making for each ● The educator respects the beliefs of the
influences a student has and how they student’s learning student’s families and seeks to work with
enhance a student’s learning ● The educator works with other educator to them
● The educator knows how to work with plan learning to meet diverse needs ● The educator takes on the initiative to
others and has skills in collaboration ● The educator works with other educators grow with their colleagues
● The educator knows how contribute to a to create a supportive culture and shared ● The educator takes on the challenges of
culture that supports high expectations vision of the school constant change and improvement
● The educator takes leadership roles at the
school, state, or district to advocate for
students and the school

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).
What Is the Danielson Framework for Teaching?

● It is a tool created by Charlotte Danielson to help evaluate educators and help educators learn the
complexities of being an effective educator
● There are 22 components of the framework and they are broken down into 4 domains
● #1 Planning and Preparation
● #2 Classroom Environment
● #3 Instruction
● #4 Professional Responsibilities
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation

● 1a Applying Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

● 1b Knowing and Valuing Students
● 1c Setting Instructional Outcomes
● 1d Using Resources Effectively
● 1e Planning Coherent Instruction
● 1f Designing and Analyzing Assessments

Danielson-framework-correlation-with-InTASC.pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2014).
Domain 2: Classroom Environment

● 2a Cultivating Respectful and Affirming Environments

● 2b Fostering a Culture for Learning
● 2c Maintaining Purposeful Environments
● 2d Supporting Positive Student Behavior
● 2e Organizing Spaces for Learning

Danielson-framework-correlation-with-InTASC.pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2014).
Domain 3: Instruction

● 3a Communicating About Purpose and Content

● 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
● 3c Engaging Students in Learning
● 3d Using Assessment for Learning
● 3e Responding Flexibly to Student Needs

Danielson-framework-correlation-with-InTASC.pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2014).
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

● 4a Engaging in Reflective Practice

● 4b Documenting Student Progress
● 4c Engaging Families and Communities
● 4d Contributing to School Community and Culture
● 4e Growing and Developing Professionally
● 4f Acting in Service of Students

● Danielson-framework-correlation-with-InTASC.pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2014).
Comparison of the Framework and the Standards
This table shows how each standard fits into the domains of the
Danielson Framework for Teaching

● Domain 1: Planning and Preparation ● Standard #1: Learner Development

● Standard #2: Learning Differences

● Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

● Domain 2: Classroom Environment ● Standard #5: Application of Content

● Domain 3: Instruction ● Standard #3: Learning Environment

● Standard #4: Content Knowledge

● Standard #6: Assessment

● Standard #8: Instructional Strategies

● Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities ● Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

● Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration

What does the Rubric Look Like When the Framework
is used for Evaluation?

● The example to the right is from the Danielson Group website. It is based off of the 1A Applying
Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy component from domain #1
● The image shows how educators are evaluated through each domain and component and what is
expected from the professional educator

(2022). The Danielson Group. Retrieved from


● The ten core standards for teachers in Idaho are broken up into 4 sections and give
guidelines for educators to follow
● The Four Domains from the Danielson Framework for Teaching have 22 components that
are used for educators to understand the complexity of being an effective teacher
● The standards and the framework are used together to help guide and assess Idaho
teachers by giving guidelines and goals for what an effective educator would be like

● 2013 standards for initial certification (2013 SBOE approval 2016 accountability)(2).pdf. Personal Cloud Storage –
Microsoft OneDrive. (2013).

● Danielson-framework-correlation-with-InTASC.pdf. Personal Cloud Storage – Microsoft OneDrive. (2014).

● The framework for teaching. Danielson Group. (2022, August 9).

● (2022). The Danielson Group. Retrieved from


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