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CVG 5150 – Advanced Concrete Technology

Leandro F. M. Sanchez, PhD, P. Eng.

Course Outline
• Introduction
• Mix- Design: Conventional Methods (conventional concrete)
 ACI Method
 Example 2
 Experimental Method for Optimizing Mortar Content
 Example 1

ACI Method: Example 2
• Example: Data
 Concrete for a bridge;
 Strength (f'c = 40 MPa);
 Exposed to freeze-thaw cycles (intense), to de-icing salts and soils containing moderate
levels of sulphate;
 Use of a water reducing admixture, an air entraining admixture and a superplasticizer;
 Concrete supplier: standard deviation (SD) of a similar concrete is 2 MPa;
 Slump required: 200 mm - 250 mm (difficult access);
 Requirement: Shrinkage reducing admixture to keep shrinkage within 300 (μm/m).

ACI Method: Example 2
• Available materials:
 Cement
 Type 20E-SF, Portland cement with silica fume (binary cement);
 Density: 3,14;
 Silica fume content is 5 %.
 Fly ash
 Class F;
 Density: 2,60.
 Blast furnace slag
 Type S;
 Density: 2,90.

ACI Method: Example 2
• Available materials:
 Coarse aggregate:
 Crushed stone;
 Maximum particle size (diameter) = 20 mm;
 Density = 2,68 kg;
 Absorption = 0,5%;
 Dry-rodded bulk density = 1600 kg/m³
 Humidity = 2%;
 Aggregate is potentially reactive to develop ASR in service.

ACI Method: Example 2
• Available materials:
 Fine aggregate:
 Natural sand;
 Density = 2,64;
 Absorption = 0,7%;
 Humidity = 6%;
 Fineness modulus = 2,8.
 Chemical admixtures:
 Air entraining admixture;
 Water reducing and retarding admixture (3 g per kg of binder);
 Superplasticizer (30 g per kg of binder);
 Shrinkage reducer (15 g per kg of binder);
 Water reducer + Superplasticizer (↓15% the water demand).
Mix- Design: MCO Method
• MCO Method:
Select the maximum nominal size of coarse aggregate

Select the consistency (slump) needed for a given application

Select the average compressive strength at 28 days

Select three mix proportions : rich mix (1: m-1), conventional mix (1:m) and dry mix(1:m+1)

Calculate mortar content (α) for the conventional mix: (1 + a) / (1 + m)

Optimize mortar content for the standard mixture to achieve the slump required

Mix- Design: MCO Method
• MCO Method:

Re-calculate mortar content (α) for the conventional optimized mix: (1 + a) / (1 + m)

Calculate water-to dry materials ratio (H) for the conventional mix : (w/c) / (1 + m)

Calculate the rich (1: m-1) and dry mixes (1: m+1) for the same α and H:
Rich and dry mixtures

Analysis of 28 strength

Draw mix-design diagram

MCO Method: Example 1
• Example: Data
 Concrete pavement;
 Exposed to moisture and de-icing agents, in an intense freeze-thawing
environment (C2);
 Air entrained concrete;
 Resistance (f'c = 35 MPa);
 Slump = between 25 mm and 75 mm;
 Maximum aggregate size (coarse aggregate) = 28 mm.

MCO Method: Example 1
• Available materials:
 Cement type GU;
 Coarse aggregate:
 Gravel;
 Maximum particle size (diameter) = 28 mm;
 Density = 2,68 kg/liter;
 Absorption = 0,5%;
 Dry rodded specific bulk density = 1600 kg/m³;
 Humidity of 2%.

MCO Method: Example 1
• Available materials:
 Fine aggregate:
 Natural sand;
 Density = 2,64;
 Absorption = 0,7%;
 Humidity = 6%;
 Fineness modulus = 2,8.
 Chemical admixtures:
 Air entraining admixture;
 Water reducing admixture (↓10% water demand).

MCO Method: Example 1
• Calculation (ACI mix design or other technique up to final standard mix)
 11)Final mix-design (slump = 75 ± 20 mm):
 Cement: 435 kg
 Coarse: 1093 kg;
1: 1.65: 2.51: 0.31
 Fine: 719 kg;
 Water (to add): 83 kg
 Total = 2330 kg ! (2200 et 2400 kg/m³)

MCO Method: Example 1
• Calculation (ACI mix design or other technique up to final standard mix)
 12) Mortar Content and water to dry materials ratio: 1: 1.65: 2.51: 0.31
 α = (1+a)/(1+m) = (1+ 1.65) / (1+1.65+2.51) = 51%
1: 1.12: 2.03: 0.25 Rich mix
 H = w/c / (1+m) = 6%
1: 2.14: 3.02: 0.37 Dry mix
 13) Rich mix:
 α = (1+a)/(1+m) = 51% = (1+ a) / (1+1.65+2.51-1) = a = 1.12; b = 2.03
 H = w/c / (1+m-1) = 6% = w/c = 0.25
 14) Dry mix:
 α = (1+a)/(1+m) = 51% = (1+ a) / (1+1.65+2.51+1) = a = 2.14; b = 3.02
 H = w/c / (1+m+1) = 6% = w/c = 0.37

MCO Method: Example 1
• Calculation (ACI mix design or other technique up to final standard mix)
 15) Compressive strength model (measurement): 1: 1.65: 2.51: 0.31
 fc = (A = 90 for air entrained concrete; B = 10)
1: 1.12: 2.03: 0.25 Rich mix
o Rich mix ≈ 50 MPa (air entrained concrete);
1: 2.14: 3.02: 0.37 Dry mix
o Dry mix ≈ 38 MPa (air entrained concrete).
 16) Cement Content (kg/m3):
 Crich = 1000 / (1/3.15 + 1.12/2.64 + 2.03/2.68 + 0.25) =
571 kg/m3
 Cdry = 1000 / (1/3.15 + 2.14/2.64 + 3.02/2.68 + 0.37) =
380 kg/m3

MCO Method: Example 1
Cement efficiency
• Calculation: fc (MPa)
 17)Mix Design Diagram:


Content (kg/m3) 571 435 380 0.25 0.37

1: 1.65: 2.51: 0.31

1: 1.12: 2.03: 0.25 Rich mix

1: 2.14: 3.02: 0.37 Dry mix

m=a+b 75 ± 20 mm

Thank you!


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