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Plastic Analysis of Structures

Sudib Kumar Mishra

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Plastic Analysis of Structures

Distribution of stress and strain

across the depth of the beam at
various instant of loading
Elastic Moment Capacity
Elasto-Plastic Moment Capacity
Elasto-Plastic Moment Capacity
Plastic Moment Capacity
Formation of Plastic Hinge

 Plastic hinge is a zone of Yielding due

to plastification of section in flexural
Ratio of Ultimate to Yield Load: Shape Factor

The bending moment at the center of the beam M c  PL 4

Thus, the load corresponding to first yielding is M C  M Y   PY 
4 L

Collapse will occur when the plastic hinge will form at the center, making the
structure into a mechanism. The collapse load is then

Pu L 4M P
MC  M P   Pu 
4 L
The ratio of the collapse to the Yield load is then
Pu 4M p L M p Z p y Z p
     Sf
Py 4M y L M y Z e y Z y

Where Z p ,Z e the plastic and elastic section modulus and their ratio are is referred

as the Shape Factor S 

Shape Factor
Plastic Section Modulus: Equal Area Axis
Plastic Section Modulus and Shape Factor : I Section
Plastic Section Modulus and Shape Factor :
Length of the Plastic Hinge
Length of the Plastic Hinge
Shape of the Plastic Zone
Plastic Analysis of Portal Frame
Methods of Plastic Analysis

1. Static method or Equilibrium method

Collapse load is determined on the basis of collapse bending moment diagram.

This is also called Lower Bound Method as the collapse load estimates would be
always less than or equal to the actual collapse load

2. Kinematic method or Mechanism method or Virtual work method

Work performed by the external loads is equated to the internal work by the
plastic hinge formation. Load determined by assuming any mechanism will
always be greater than or equal to the actual collapse load.
Out of alternative collapse mechanism, the mechanism is one for which loading is
minimum. This is called the Upper Bound Method
Lower bound, Upper bound and Uniqueness theorem
Plastic Analysis by Static Method
Plastic Analysis by Kinematic Method
Propped Cantilever by Static/Kinematic Method
Plastic Analysis ~ Redistribution of Moment

From plastic mechanism analysis

1 L  WU 
M P  M P  2   M P  L(  )
2 2  L 
16 M P
 WU 
The ratio of the ultimate load to the first yield load becomes
  1.33  Shape factor
Wy 3 My

Thus, the structure would carry an increased load of 1.33S

i.e for a I section it would be almost 1.33x1.15=1.53 i.e. a
50 percent increase in the ultimate load capacity of the beam
Plastic Analysis of Fixed Beam
Plastic analysis of propped cantilever
Portal Frame Plastic analysis
Portal frame analysis
Portal frame analysis

Bending moment diagram at plastic collapse

Interaction diagram among the mechanism

Portal frame analysis
Portal frame analysis
Portal frame analysis
Gable frame analysis
Gable frame analysis
Gable frame analysis
Plastic Hinges in Steel Structures
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