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Explaining the Explain

- Pratik Lakhpatwala
What is EXPLAIN?
• The EXPLAIN facility provides an "English" translation of the plan the SQL
Optimizer develops to service a request.
• May be used on any SQL statement, except EXPLAIN itself.
• Look for key words AND phrases
• Execution time AND row count estimates depend on:
• Are statistics collected?
• Actual execution time depends on:
• Is DBS processing other requests?
• Is channel or network busy?
How is EXPLAIN Text Generated?

AccessRights DD Cache RESOLVER
RoleGrants (V2R5)





Information Known to Optimizer
• Number of nodes in system
• Number and type of CPU’s per node
• Number of configured AMP Vprocs
• Disk array configuration
• Interconnect configuration
• Amount and configuration of memory

All are taken into account when calculating query cost.

Additional Information Required by the Optimizer

• Columns with indexes

• Rows in the table
• Rows per block
• Values per column
• Rows per value
• Row length
Optimizer – Random AMP Samples
• Statistics collected by a random AMP sample apply in these cases …
– row counts for the table are needed and statistics are not collected
on PI.
– indexed columns are used in the query and statistics are not
– With Teradata 12.0, statistics have been collected, but are
considered stale.
• By default, Teradata chooses an AMP for random AMP (or dynamic) data
• Enhancement starting with Teradata 6.0.
– When statistics are not available, the Optimizer can obtain random
samples from more than one AMP when generating row counts for a
query plan.
– Random AMP sampling is controlled via a DBS Control parameter.
Random AMP Sampling
• For a table row count estimate, read one cylinder on 1 AMP.
– Calculate the approximate number of rows in the table:
• For NUSI estimates, read one cylinder from the NUSI subtable.
– Uses a similar technique by counting the number of NUSI values in
the cylinder. The table row count is divided by the extrapolated
NUSI row count to get a rows/NUSI value.
• Any skewed component in the sample skews the demographics.
• For non-indexed columns without statistics, the optimizer uses fixed
formulas to estimate the number of rows. For example,
– Assumes 10% for one column in an equality condition
– Assumes 7.5% for two columns, each in an equality condition, and
ANDed together
Optimizer Facts
• Cost-based Optimizer - looks for lowest cost plan
• Does not store plan - dynamically regenerates
• As data demographics change, so may plan
• Will only assign cost to steps for which there are choices
• Assigns confidence factors on row estimates
• Mature, large-table, decision-support optimization
SELECT Last_Name, First_Name, Dept_Name, Job_Desc
FROM Employee E
INNER JOIN Department D ON E.Dept_Number = D.Dept_Number
INNER JOIN Job J ON E.Job_code = J.Job_code
ORDER BY 3, 1, 2;
EXPLAIN Example (cont.)
1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to prevent global
deadlock for TFACT.E.
2) Next, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to prevent global
deadlock for TFACT.J.
3) We lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to prevent global deadlock
for TFACT.D.
4) We lock TFACT.E for read, we lock TFACT.J for read, and we lock TFACT.D for read.
5) We execute the following steps in parallel.
1) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.D by way of an all-rows scan with no
residual conditions into Spool 2 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. The size
of Spool 2 is estimated with high confidence to be 19,642 rows (726,754 bytes). The
estimated time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
2) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.J by way of an all-rows scan with no
residual conditions into Spool 3 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. Then we
do a SORT to order Spool 3 by the hash code of (TFACT.J.Job_Code). The size of Spool
3 is estimated with high confidence to be 12,166 rows (450,142 bytes). The estimated
time for this step is 0.01 seconds.
6) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 2 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan, which is
joined to TFACT.E by way of an all-rows scan with a condition of ("NOT (TFACT.E.Job_Code
IS NULL)"). Spool 2 and TFACT.E are joined using a single partition hash_ join, with a join
: :
8) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in processing the
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement 1. The total
estimated time is 0.14 seconds.
EXPLAIN Terminology
….”Pseudo Table” Locks….

 Prevents two users from getting conflicting locks with all-

AMP requests

 All-AMP lock requests are handled as follows:

− PE determines Table ID hash for an AMP to manage
the all-AMP lock request.
− Put pseudo lock on the table
− Acquire lock on all AMPs
EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
….” Pseudo Table” Locks….

First PE PE Second
request request

Table ID hash


EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
Most EXPLAIN text is easy to understand. The following additional definitions
may help:
 ... (Last Use) …
A spool file is no longer needed and will be released when this step completes.
 ... with no residual conditions …
All applicable conditions have been applied to the rows.
Transaction locks are released, and changes are committed.
 ... by way of the sort key in spool field1 (dbname.tablename.colname) …
Field1 is created to allow a tag sort. Teradata 12.0 includes the column name used for
the sort.
EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
5) We execute the following steps in parallel.
1) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.D by way of an all-rows scan with no
residual conditions into Spool 2 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. The size
of Spool 2 is estimated with high confidence to be 19,642 rows (726,754 bytes). The
estimated time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
2) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.J by way of an all-rows scan with no
residual conditions into Spool 3 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. Then we
do a SORT to order Spool 3 by the hash code of (TFACT.J.Job_Code). The size of Spool
3 is estimated with high confidence to be 12,166 rows (450,142 bytes). The estimated
time for this step is 0.01 seconds.
6) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 2 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan, which is
joined to TFACT.E by way of an all-rows scan with a condition of ("NOT (TFACT.E.Job_Code
IS NULL)"). Spool 2 and TFACT.E are joined using a single partition hash_ join, with a join
with a join condition of ("TFACT.E.Dept_Number = Dept_Number"). The result goes into
Spool 4 (all_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. Then we do a SORT to order Spool 4
by the hash code of (TFACT.E.Job_Code). The size of Spool 4 is estimated with low
confidence to be 26,000 rows (1,690,000 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.04
7) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 3 (Last Use) by way of a RowHash match scan,
which is joined to Spool 4 (Last Use) by way of a RowHash match scan. Spool 3 and Spool 4
are joined using a merge join, with a join condition of ("Job_Code = Job_Code"). The result
goes into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. Then we do a SORT to
order Spool 1 by the sort key in spool field1 (TFACT.D.Dept_Name, TFACT.E.Last_Name,
TFACT.E.First_Name). The size of Spool 1 is estimated with low confidence to be 26,000
rows (3,822,000 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.08 seconds.
8) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in processing the
EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
Most EXPLAIN text is easy to understand. The following additional definitions may
 ... we do an ABORT test …
Caused by an ABORT or ROLLBACK statement.
 ... We execute these steps in parallel.
The following indented steps are executed in parallel.

3) We lock DBC.ArchiveLoggingObjsTbl for read on a RowHash, we lock DBC.TVM for write

on a RowHash, we lock DBC.TVFields for write on a RowHash, we lock DBC.Indexes for
write on a RowHash, we lock DBC.DBase for read on a RowHash, and we lock
DBC.AccessRights for write on a RowHash.
4) We execute the following steps in parallel.
1) We do a single-AMP ABORT test from DBC.ArchiveLoggingObjsTbl by way of the
primary index.
2) We do a single-AMP ABORT test from DBC.DBase by way of the unique primary
3) We do a single-AMP ABORT test from DBC.TVM by way of the unique primary index.
4) We do an INSERT into DBC.TVFields (no lock required).
: :
7) We do an INSERT into DBC.Indexes (no lock required).
8) We do an INSERT into DBC.TVM (no lock required).
9) We INSERT default rights to DBC.AccessRights for TFACT.Orders.
EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
 ... which is redistributed by hash code to all AMPs (dbname.tablename.colname)

Redistributing data (in SPOOL) in preparation for a join. Teradata 12.0 includes the column
 ... which is duplicated on all AMPs …
Duplicating data (in SPOOL) from the smaller table in preparation for a join.
 ... (one_amp) or (group_amps) or (all_amps) …
Indicates one AMP, a subset of AMPs, or all of the AMPs will participate.
 ... ("NOT (table_name.column_name IS NULL)") …
Feature where optimizer realizes that the column being joined to is NOT NULL or has
referential integrity.
 ... eliminating duplicate rows ...
Duplicate rows only exist in spool files, not set tables.
EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
4) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.D by way of an all-rows scan with no residual
conditions into Spool 2 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. The size of Spool 2 is
estimated with high confidence to be 19,642 rows (726,754 bytes). The estimated time for this
step is 0.02 seconds.
5) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 2 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan, which is
joined to TFACT.E by way of an all-rows scan. Spool 2 and TFACT.E are joined using a single
partition hash_ join, with a join condition of ("TFACT.E.Dept_Number = Dept_Number"). The
result goes into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is redistributed by the hash code of
(TFACT.E.First_Name, TFACT.E.Last_Name, TFACT.E.Employee_Number,
TFACT.D.Dept_Name) to all AMPs. The size of Spool 1 is estimated with low confidence to be
26,000 rows (3,614,000 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.09 seconds.
6) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.D by way of an all-rows scan with a condition
of ("NOT (TFACT.D.Dept_Mgr_Number IS NULL)") into Spool 3 (all_amps), which is
redistributed by the hash code of (TFACT.D.Dept_Mgr_Number) to all AMPs. Then we do a
SORT to order Spool 3 by row hash. The size of Spool 3 is estimated with high confidence to
be 1,403 rows (51,911 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.01 seconds.
7) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 3 (Last Use) by way of a RowHash match scan,
which is joined to TFACT.E by way of a RowHash match scan with no residual conditions.
Spool 3 and TFACT.E are joined using a merge join, with a join condition of
("TFACT.E.Employee_Number = Dept_Mgr_Number"). The result goes into Spool 1
(group_amps), which is redistributed by the hash code of (TFACT.E.First_Name,
TFACT.E.Last_Name, TFACT.E.Employee_Number, TFACT.D.Dept_Name) to all AMPs. Then
we do a SORT to order Spool 1 by the sort key in spool field1 eliminating duplicate rows. The
size of Spool 1 is estimated with low confidence to be 27,403 rows (3,809,017 bytes). The
estimated time for this step is 0.06 seconds.
EXPLAIN Terminology (cont.)
 ... we do a BMSMS (bit map set manipulation step) …
Doing a NUSI Bit Map operation.

3) We do a BMSMS (bit map set manipulation) step that builds a bit map for TFACT.Employee
by way of index # 4 "TFACT.E.Job_Code = 3500" which is placed in Spool 2. The estimated
time for this step is 0.01 seconds.
4) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.E by way of index # 8
TFACT.E.Dept_Number = 1310" and the bit map in Spool 2 (Last Use) with a residual
condition of ("TFACT.E.Job_Code = 3500") into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally
on the AMPs. The size of Spool 1 is estimated with low confidence to be 60 rows (4620
bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
5) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in processing the
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement 1. The total
estimated time is 0.03 seconds.

Statistics were collected on the NUSIs Job_Code and Dept_Number.
Synchronized Scanning
In the case of multiple users that access the same table at the same time,
the system can do a synchronized scan (sync scan) on the table.

Query 1766
1 100766 3001 Frankel Allan
2212 106363 3005 Bench John
310229 2231 108222 3100 Palmer Carson
209181 1235 108221 3001 Smith Buster
123881 2433 101433 3007 Walton Sam
223431 2500 105200 3101 Brooks Steve
221015 1019 108222 3199 Woods Tiger
Query 2
121332 2281 101281 3007 Walton John
118314 2100 101100 3002 Ramon Anne
104631 1279 100279 3002 Roberts Julie
210110 1201 101222 3003 Douglas Michael
210001 1205 105432 3022 Morgan Joe
100076 1011 104321 3021 Anderson Sparky
100045 1012 101231 3087 Michelson Query
319116 1219 121871 3025 Crawford Begins
: : : : : :
: : : : : :
Synchronized Scanning (cont.)

3) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.daily_sales by way of an all-rows scan
with no residual conditions into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the
AMPs. Then we do a SORT to order Spool 1 by the sort key in spool field1
(TFACT.daily_sales.Item_id). The input table will not be cached in memory, but it is
eligible for synchronized scanning. The result spool file will not be cached in memory.
The size of Spool 1 is estimated with high confidence to be 76,685 rows (2,530,605 bytes).
The estimated time for this step is 0.09 seconds.
Understanding Row and Time Estimates
The EXPLAIN facility may express “confidence” for a retrieve from a table.
Some of the phrases used are:

. . . with high confidence . . .

− Restricting conditions exist on index(es) or column(s) that have collected
. . . with low confidence . . .
− Restricting conditions exist on index(es) having no statistics, but estimates
can be based upon a sampling of the index(es).
− Restricting conditions exist on index(es) or column(s) that have collected
statistics but are “AND-ed” together with conditions on non-indexed
− Restricting conditions exist on index(es) or column(s) that have collected
statistics but are “OR-ed” together with other conditions.
. . . with no confidence . . .
− Conditions outside the above.
Understanding Row and Time Estimates

The following are “confidence” phrases for a join:

. . . with index join confidence . . .

− A join condition via a primary index.

. . . with high confidence . . .

− One input relation has high confidence and the other has high or index join

. . . with low confidence . . .

− One input relation has low confidence and the other has low, high, or join
index confidence.

. . . with no confidence . . .
− One input relation has no confidence.
− Statistics do not exist for either join field.
Understanding Row and Time Estimates (cont.)
5) We execute the following steps in parallel.
1) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.D by way of an all-rows scan with no
residual conditions into Spool 2 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. The size
of Spool 2 is estimated with high confidence to be 19,642 rows (726,754 bytes). The
estimated time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
2) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.J by way of an all-rows scan with no
residual conditions into Spool 3 (all_amps), which is duplicated on all AMPs. Then we
do a SORT to order Spool 3 by the hash code of (TFACT.J.Job_Code). The size of Spool
3 is estimated with high confidence to be 12,166 rows (450,142 bytes). The estimated
time for this step is 0.01 seconds.
6) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 2 (Last Use) by way of an all-rows scan, which is
joined to TFACT.E by way of an all-rows scan with a condition of ("NOT (TFACT.E.Job_Code
IS NULL)"). Spool 2 and TFACT.E are joined using a single partition hash_ join, with a join
with a join condition of ("TFACT.E.Dept_Number = Dept_Number"). The result goes into
Spool 4 (all_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. Then we do a SORT to order Spool 4
by the hash code of (TFACT.E.Job_Code). The size of Spool 4 is estimated with low
confidence to be 26,000 rows (1,690,000 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.04
7) We do an all-AMPs JOIN step from Spool 3 (Last Use) by way of a RowHash match scan,
which is joined to Spool 4 (Last Use) by way of a RowHash match scan. Spool 3 and Spool 4
are joined using a merge join, with a join condition of ("Job_Code = Job_Code"). The result
goes into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. Then we do a SORT to
order Spool 1 by the sort key in spool field1 (TFACT.D.Dept_Name, TFACT.E.Last_Name,
TFACT.E.First_Name). The size of Spool 1 is estimated with low confidence to be 26,000
rows (3,822,000 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.08 seconds.
8) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in processing the
Query Cost Estimates
Row estimates:
• May be estimated using random samples, statistics or indexes
• Are assigned a confidence level - high, low or none
• Affect timing estimates - more rows, more time needed

• Used to determine the ‘lowest cost’ plan
• Total cost generated if all processing steps have assigned cost
• Not intended to predict wall-clock time, useful for comparisons

Miscellaneous Notes:
• Estimates too large to display show 3 asterisks (***).
• The accuracy of the time estimate depends upon the accuracy of the row estimate.
Understanding Row and Time Estimates

• Low and no confidence may indicate a need to collect statistics on indexes or

columns involved in restricting conditions.
• You may otherwise consider a closer examination of the conditions in the
query for possible changes that may improve the confidence.
• Collecting statistics or altering the conditions has no real impact unless it
influences the optimizer to pick a better plan.
EXPLAIN of Create Table
,order_date DATE FORMAT 'yyyy-mm-dd'
,cust_id INTEGER)

1) First, we lock TFACT.Orders for exclusive use.

4) We execute the following steps in parallel.
1) We do a single-AMP ABORT test from DBC.ArchiveLoggingObjsTbl by way of the
primary index.
2) We do a single-AMP ABORT test from DBC.DBase by way of the unique primary
3) We do a single-AMP ABORT test from DBC.TVM by way of the unique primary index.
4) We do an INSERT into DBC.TVFields (no lock required).
5) We do an INSERT into DBC.TVFields (no lock required).
6) We do an INSERT into DBC.TVFields (no lock required).
7) We do an INSERT into DBC.Indexes (no lock required).
8) We do an INSERT into DBC.TVM (no lock required).
9) We INSERT default rights to DBC.AccessRights for TFACT.Orders.
5) We create the table header.
6) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in processing the
-> No rows are returned to the user as the result of statement 1.
Unique Primary INDEX Request (UPI)
FROM Employee
WHERE Employee_Number = 1104066;

1) First, we do a single-AMP RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee by

way of the unique primary index "TFACT.Employee.Employee_Number =
1104066" with no residual conditions. The estimated time for this step is
0.00 seconds.
-> The row is sent directly back to the user as the result of statement 1.
The total estimated time is 0.00 seconds.

Simplest and most efficient type of access.

Spool is not used.
UPI Request With Residual Condition
FROM Employee
WHERE Employee_Number = 1104066
AND Dept_Number = 1404;

1) First, we do a single-AMP RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee by way

of the unique primary index "TFACT.Employee.Employee_Number =
1104066" with a residual condition of ("TFACT.Employee.Dept_Number =
1404"). The estimated time for this step is 0.00 seconds.
-> The row is sent directly back to the user as the result of statement 1. The
total estimated time is 0.00 seconds.

Residual condition does not help the query.

No change to plan or time estimate.
Full Table Scan
FROM Employee
WHERE Emp_Mgr_Number = 104043
AND Job_Code = 3405;

1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to

prevent global deadlock for TFACT.Employee.
2) Next, we lock TFACT.Employee for read.
3) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee by way of an all-
rows scan with a condition of ("(TFACT.Employee.Emp_Mgr_Number =
104043) AND (TFACT.Employee.Job_Code = 3405)") into Spool 1
(group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. The size of Spool 1 is
estimated with low confidence to be 8 rows (616 bytes). The estimated time
for this step is 0.02 seconds.
4) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement
The total estimated time is 0.02 seconds.
EXPLAIN SELECT dept_number, SUM(salary_amount)
FROM Employee GROUP BY 1;

1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to

prevent global deadlock for TFACT.employee.
2) Next, we lock TFACT.employee for read.
3) We do an all-AMPs SUM step to aggregate from TFACT.employee by way of an
all-rows scan with no residual conditions, grouping by field1
(TFACT.employee.Dept_Number). Aggregate Intermediate Results are
computed globally, then placed in Spool 3. The size of Spool 3 is estimated
with high confidence to be 1,403 rows (51,911 bytes). The estimated time for
this step is 0.06 seconds.
4) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from Spool 3 (Last Use) by way of an all-
rows scan into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. The
size of Spool 1 is estimated with high confidence to be 1,403 rows (57,523
bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
5) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement 1.
The total estimated time is 0.08 seconds.
INSERT/SELECT is the process of SELECTing data FROM one table and using it as input
to be inserted into another table.

Two different optimizations can occur:

1) If the PI of the source AND destination tables are identical, an AMP local
operation is used.
2) If the target table is empty,
a) Transient Journaling is reduced
b) 127 KB block transfers are used

If both conditions are satisfied, both optimizations are used.

Optimized INSERT/SELECT Example
INSERT INTO Employee_copy SELECT * FROM Employee;

1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for write on a RowHash to

prevent global deadlock for TFACT.Employee_copy.
2) Next, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to
prevent global deadlock for TFACT.Employee.
3) We lock TFACT.Employee_copy for write, and we lock TFACT.Employee for
4) We do an all-AMPs MERGE into TFACT.Employee_copy from TFACT.Employee.
The size is estimated with no confidence to be 25,382 rows. The estimated
time for this step is 2.29 seconds.
5) We spoil the parser's dictionary cache for the table.
6) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> No rows are returned to the user as the result of statement 1.
INSERT/SELECT With Different PIs
If the target table has a different Primary Index, a standard insert SELECT
process must be used.
A BYNET operation will be used to relocate the SELECTed rows onto the
target AMPs.
This will require:
a) Single row inserts (vs. 127 KB blocks)
b) Transient journal entries for each row
Non-Optimized INSERT/SELECT Example


(Employee_Number INTEGER,
Location_Number INTEGER,
Salary_Amount DECIMAL(10,2))
UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX ( Employee_Number );


(Employee_Number CHAR(10),
Location_Number INTEGER,
Salary_Amount DECIMAL(10,2))
UNIQUE PRIMARY INDEX ( Employee_Number );
Non-Optimized INSERT/SELECT Example (cont.)

INSERT INTO Employee_CharPI SELECT * FROM Employee;

4) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee by way of an all-rows
scan with no residual conditions into Spool 1 (all_amps), which is redistributed
by the hash code of (TFACT.Employee.Employee_Number (CHAR(10),
FORMAT 'X(10)', NULL)) to all AMPs. Then we do a SORT to order Spool 1 by
row hash. The size of Spool 1 is estimated with high confidence to be 26,000
rows (1,950,000 bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.06 seconds.
5) We do an all-AMPs MERGE into TFACT.Employee_CharPI from Spool 1 (Last
Use). The size is estimated with high confidence to be 26,000 rows. The
estimated time for this step is 1.38 seconds.
6) We spoil the parser's dictionary cache for the table.
7) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> No rows are returned to the user as the result of statement 1.
Unexpected Full Table Scan
SELECT * FROM Employee_CharPI WHERE employee_number = 1104066 ;

1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to prevent

global deadlock for TFACT.Employee_CharPI.
2) Next, we lock TFACT.Employee_CharPI for read.
3) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee_CharPI by way of an
all-rows scan with a condition of ("(TFACT.Employee_CharPI.Employee_Number
(FLOAT, FORMAT'-9.99999999999999E-999'))= 1.10406600000000E 006") into
Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. The size of Spool 1 is
estimated with no confidence to be 2 rows (166 bytes). The estimated time for
this step is 0.02 seconds.
4) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement 1.
The total estimated time is 0.02 seconds.
Correct use of Primary INDEX
SELECT * FROM Employee_CharPI WHERE employee_number = '1104066' ;

1) First, we do a single-AMP RETRIEVE step from

TFACT.Employee_CharPI by way of the unique primary index
"TFACT.Employee_CharPI.Employee_Number = '1104066 '" with no
residual conditions. The estimated time for this step is 0.00 seconds.
-> The row is sent directly back to the user as the result of statement 1.
The total estimated time is 0.00 seconds.
Explaining Macros
CREATE MACRO Dept_List (dept_no INTEGER)
(SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE dept_number = :dept_no;);

EXPLAIN EXEC Dept_List (1404);

1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to

prevent global deadlock for TFACT.Employee.
2) Next, we lock TFACT.Employee for read.
3) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee by way of an all-
rows scan with a condition of ("TFACT.Employee.Dept_Number = 1404") into
Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs. The size of Spool 1
is estimated with high confidence to be 40 rows (3,080 bytes). The estimated
time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
4) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement 1.
The total estimated time is 0.02 seconds.
Explaining Macros (cont.)
EXPLAIN USING (dept_no INTEGER) EXECUTE Dept_List (:dept_no);

1) First, we lock a distinct TFACT."pseudo table" for read on a RowHash to

prevent global deadlock for TFACT.Employee.
2) Next, we lock TFACT.Employee for read.
3) We do an all-AMPs RETRIEVE step from TFACT.Employee by way of an all-
rows scan with a condition of ("TFACT.Employee.Dept_Number
= :dept_no") into Spool 1 (group_amps), which is built locally on the AMPs.
The size of Spool 1 is estimated with low confidence to be 19 rows (1,463
bytes). The estimated time for this step is 0.02 seconds.
4) Finally, we send out an END TRANSACTION step to all AMPs involved in
processing the request.
-> The contents of Spool 1 are sent back to the user as the result of statement 1.
The total estimated time is 0.02 seconds.
How to Influence the Optimizer
COLLECTED STATISTICS can help the Optimizer make better decisions using
actual row counts and data distribution information.

Collect Statistics on:

 Non-unique indexes
 Non-index join columns
 Primary Index of small tables

Collect Statistics considerations:

 Requires a full table scan
 Must be kept current
 May be unnecessary for very
large tables
Other Factors To Help Optimizer
• Proper index choices at physical design time
• Add secondary, join, or hash indexes where helpful
• Use equality-based join conditions
• Experiment using EXPLAIN

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