Management Game - Course Outline

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Management Game

Waseda Business School

Saturday 30th Sept and Sunday 1st Oct

Dr. Kaori Ono

Assistant professor
Institute for Business and Finance
Timetable: First day
○ 9:00 - 10:00 Introduction to Management Game Room 901

○ 10:00 - 10:50  Build a management policy/strategy Group

○ 10:50 – 11:30  Inaugural meeting: Present your company Room 901

○ 11:30 - 12:00  Input data of the first term in the first year Group

○ 12:00 - 13:30  Lunch Group

 Input & Send data of the second term in the
first year by 13:30

○ 13:30 - 18:00  Game simulations Group

*Input & Send data every 30 minutes
○ 18:00 - 21:00  Preparation for mid-annual meeting Group
 Input & Send data of the 11th term by 9:30
on 1st October
Timetable: Second day
○ 9:00 - 9:30  Mid-annual meeting (present your Room 901
company’s mid term results)
○ 9:30 - 11:40  Game simulations Group
*Input & Send data every 30 minutes

○ 11:40 - 13:00  Lunch Group

 Input & Send data by 13:00
○ 13:00 - 15:10  Game simulations Group
*Input & Send data every 30 minutes

○ 15:10 - 16:30  Preparation for final annual meeting Group

○ 16:30 - 18:00  Final annual meeting (present your Room 901

company’s annual results) & Wrap-up
 Course evaluation
Allocation of tasks in a team
 First, assign a President in each team

 Second, assign other roles : CFO, Sales & Marketing director, R&D director,
Production director, Strategy & Planning director etc…

 Third, Someone should be both a role of the above and a role of data management.
Main roles of data management
• Input management policy and share its information among members
• Input action planning and share its information among members
• Submit documents of mid and final annual meetings
Input your management policy

 Discuss and decide your

management policy in your team.

 Input your management policy

after discussion in the system.

 Don’t forget to “register” (send)

Input your action plans (each term)

 Input your action plans each

term after discussion in your

 Check your input data carefully

before you register (send) it.

Approximately 30 minutes for

each term
How is each game closed?
 You can check your remaining time of each period on the screen.
 After all the teams send an action planning, its period is closed.
※ A game of each period is not closed until all the teams finish to input.

【 Notes on input and how to check results 】

 You should double check each other before you send your data.
 Once you complete your data sending, one of your team members leave
the breakout room and enter the general meeting space.
 Please check the bulletin board (next scheduled time, etc.) and return to
the breakout room.
How to use IT equipment in group work room
 We will use Zoom to communicate with the instructors. Please always
turn it on. After the game starts, please enter the breakout room set
for each team. We will post the latest status and timetable on the
bulletin board. Someone in your team should check them.

 When using a projector, please use the projector cable and

conversion plug built into the AV box. (Material projection will be
smoother if used in conjunction with Zoom.) When finished, please
return to AV box. Not allowed to bring any supplies home.

 There are power sources in two locations on the floor at the front and
rear of each room, as well as the AV box. You can connect the PC
power cord from there (Do not use the power supply near the
entrance/exit as it is easy to get caught when passing by).
Notice !

• AV Box is opened by the instructors. Please return the AV box key at

the end of the game (Please return projector cables to the instructors).
You can use your room by 21:00.

• You can use the white board but please erase it before you leave.

• Thank you for your cooperation in separating the trash.

Submission of documents of the final annual meeting

Summarize (visualize with graphs, or other visuals from the game to illustrate
your team’s results) the history of your sales results and analyze causes of
both good results and bad results.

 The presentation materials should be in Power point and submitted through

Waseda Moodle by 16:15.
 Write your team number, student’s number & name of your members on a
cover slide.
 The file name of Power point should be “Final annual meeting_Team
number.pptx”. e.g. Final annual meeting_Team 3.pptx.
Grading / Assessment

Course Grading will be based on individual report.

• Individual report: 100%

Class attendance for 2 days is mandatory to receive credit.

Individual assignment after the class
Write a comprehensive report that includes the following sections:

• Briefly introduce the management game you played and provide a summary of your
Team building
• Describe your communication style while playing the game. Explain the way you used
to communicate, and discuss any challenges or uncertainties you encountered in the
multinational team.
Decision-Making Process
• Describe your team’s decision-making process while playing the game. Explain the
criteria your team used to make decisions, and discuss any challenges or uncertainties
you encountered in the multinational team.
Outcome Analysis
• Analyze the outcomes of your team’s decisions. Did they lead to success or failure
within the game? Provide specific examples and statistics if applicable.
Individual assignment after the class
Lessons Learned
• Reflect on the lessons you learned from playing the game. Discuss how your
understanding of management concepts evolved through the experience.
• Describe what subjects you will need to learn for doing better next time?
• Summarize the key takeaways from your experience and the report.
• Cite any sources or references you used to support your analysis, including the game
itself and any management textbooks or articles.
Submission Guidelines
• The report should be in Word format.

• Write your group number, your student’s number and your name (First name
& Family name) on a cover page.

• Include screenshots, graphs, or other visuals from the game to illustrate your
points if applicable.

• 10 pages Max without a cover page.

• Submit your report through Waseda Moodle by Tuesday 31st October, 2023.
Evaluation criteria of the report

Your assignment will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

• Full participation in the management game (2days).

• Clarity and coherence of the report.
• Depth of analysis of team building, decision-making and outcomes.
• Reflection on lessons learned.
• Adherence to formatting and submission guidelines.
Room for Group Work
Group No. Room No. Group No. Room No.
Group 1 801 Group 6 809
Group 2 805 Group 7 813
Group 3 806
Group 4 807
Group 5 808

*Management Game Office: Room 811

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