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ZES 1133

Technical English 1

What is an Adverb?
An adverb is used to describe the action of a verb such
as How, Where or When it is done.

Examples :
He frowned angrily.
She shouted loudly.
They passed the test easily.
What is an Adverb?
Adverbs are also used to modify adjectives, other
adverbs, a whole sentence and a prepositional phrase.

to modify adjectives – She is very excited.
to modify other adverbs – He ran very quickly.
to modify a whole sentence – Actually, we don’t know.
to modify prepositional phrase – The ball flew right
through the window.
Types of Adverbs
Adverbs of manner describe ‘how’
Example : happily, easily, loudly, well

She sings happily.

He shouted loudly.

Adverbs of time describe ‘when’

Example : soon, then, now, before, since, already

They need the books now.

I lived here before.
Types of Adverbs
Adverbs of place describe ‘where’
Examples : here, there, everywhere, nowhere

I’ve looked everywhere but I can’t find it.

She was here just a few minutes ago.

Adverbs of degree describe ‘how much’

Examples : almost, much, only, quite, very, rather

Rahim runs much faster than Johari.

He is very good at chess.
Types of Adverbs
Adverbs of frequency describe ‘how often’
Examples : once, twice, again

I once saw a yellow beetle.

I beat the boy twice.

Adverbs of interrogation are used in questions.

Examples : where?, when?, how?

Where do you stay?

When did he call?
How long is it?
Types of Adverbs
Adverbs of negation.
Examples : no, not

They are not here.

No, I did not see your pen
Position Of Adverbs
Adverbs can be placed anywhere in the sentence.

Initial position ( at the beginning of a sentence or

clause )
Soon, he walked out of the class
Suddenly, Jane screamed

Mrs. Wan often bakes delicious cakes.
I have always enjoyed sentimental music
Position Of Adverbs
Jane screamed suddenly.
We ended the meeting early.
Position Of Adverbs
Most adverbs can fit both mid-position and end-position
She often falls ill.
She falls ill often.

I completely forgot about it.

I forgot about it completely.
Position Of Adverbs ( Exception 1 )
Adverbs never place in mid- position.

1. Adverbs of place
She came inside.

2. Adverbs of definite time.

The fire occurred yesterday.
Tomorrow, I shall visit my grandmother
Position Of Adverbs ( Exception 1 )
3. Adverbs of definite frequency
This magazine is published monthly.
We practice together daily.

4. Adverbs used to evaluate ( to say how well something

is done.
They dance beautifully.
My sister does not cook well.
Position of Adverbs ( Exception 2 )
1. Adverbs never placed in end-position
Examples: only, simply, also, specially, too,
either , as well, particular, definitely,
nearly almost, quite, hardly, scarcely, etc.
Where to put the Adverbs
Mid-position Adverbs
1. Before verbs
We always travel together.
They seldom go to cinema.

2. After ‘is’
Ali is never around when I need him.

The shopping complexes are often crowded in the

Where to put the adverbs
3. After the first auxiliary verbs ( if the verbs has several
parts ).
You will definitely have to return the book to the
My parents have never question me on my decision.

4. Before an auxiliary verbs ( if it used alone ).

I never will. ( to the question ‘ Will you return?’ )
I always did. ( to the question ‘ Did you love him?’ )
Where to put the adverbs
5. Adverbs of manner are put after auxiliary verbs .
Don’t worry, it will be well taken care of.
Has it been properly washed.

6. In emphatic sentences, many adverbs are placed

before the first auxiliary verb.
I really thought he was an honest fellow.
She never has been an easy person to deal with.
Where to put the adverbs
End-position adverbs
Generally, the order of adverbs in end
positions is an follow.

1. Adverbs of manner+ 2. Adverbs of place+ 3. Adverbs of

We study hard in school daily.
They performed well on the stage tonight
Adverbs Formation
From an Adjective
Careful Carefully
Beautiful Beautifully
Fitting Fittingly

From a present participle

Willing willingly
Glowing Glowingly
Surprising surprisingly
Adverbs Formation
From a present participle
Assured Assuredly
Affected Affectedly

When adjective end in –able or –ible, the adverbs is

formed by replacing final –e with –y

From an Adjective

Horrible Horribly

Terrible Terribly
Adverbs Formation
When adjective ends in –y, the advebs is formed by
replacing final –y with –ily
From an adjective
Happy Happily
Lucky Luckily

When adjective ends in –ic, the adverbs is formed by

replacing final –ic with -ically
From an adjective
Economic Economically
Ironic Ironically
Adverbs commonly used with certain
Using suitable adverbs will make your writings more
interesting. Look at the example:

Act Quickly, suddenly, warily, suspiciously, strangely

Apologize Sincerely, humbly, sheepishly

Fall Heavily, suddenly, accidently, weakly, clumsily

Need Badly, immediately, urgently

Sing Loudly, softly, sweetly, tunefully, melodiously

Write neatly., carelessly, beautifully, legibly

Sample Questions
1. Complete these sentence with suitable adverbs.

a) She walked ____________________________.

b) The bird sang __________________________.
c) Take these dirty socks away _______________.
d) She ____________________got killed.
e) They _______________ take the short cut to school.
f) Pradeep is __________________ the first in class.
g)_______________________ are you going home
Sample Question
2. Writing out these sentences using the correct from of
the adverbs in brackets.

a) The ( soon ) you finish your work, the ( good ).

b) The children walked ( fast ) than their mother.
c) Karen speaks ( softly ) than anyone I know.
d) I can whistle the ( loud ).
e) He can do sums ( easy ) than any of us.

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