Presentation On Wireless Notice Board Display Using Arduino Uno and Bluetooth Module

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Presentation on
Wireless notice board display using Arduino uno and
Bluetooth module

Presented by:
Naigapula Rakesh
The proposed method consists of electronic notice board that is
controlled by an android device and displays message on it.
Traditionally, there were notice boards where any information or
notice had to be stick daily. This becomes tedious and requires daily
maintenance. The project the overcomes this problem by introducing
an electronic display notice board interfaced to an android device
through Bluetooth connectivity. The Bluetooth receives the message
from the android device that is sent to an Arduino. Notice board is a
primary thing in any institution/organization or public utility places
like bus stations, railway stations and parks. But sticking various
notices day-to-day is a difficult process. The Notice board is a
common display for effective mode of providing information to the
people, but this is not easy for updating the messages instantly. This
project deals about an advanced Hi-Tech wireless Notice Board. This
system is enhanced to display the latest information through an
Android application of smart phones or tablet.
In this world Mobile Phones and the related technologies are becoming mor and
more prevalent. Various technical arms in the field of Telecommunication and
Embedded Systems are becoming omnipresent in the people. The use of cell planes
has rapidly increased over the last decade and a half Upgradation in networking
technologies has encouraged the development and growth of very derse networks
Now-a-days the general mass prefer commmaunicating while on the move
therefore handlines usage has been drastically reduced. Notice boards are one of
the widely used ones ranging from primary schools to major organizations to
convey messages at large. A lot of paper is been uned and which is later wasted by
the organisations. This is turn leads to a lot of deforestation thas leading to global
warming Small inovative steps in making we of technology for regular purposes
would have an adverse effect on the environment issues which we are presently
concemed about. The main aim of this paper is to design a SMS driven automatic
display Board which can replice the currently used programmable electronic
display and conventional notice boards. It is proposed to design to receive message
in display toolkit which can be used from an authorized mobile phone. The whole
process can be described from the transmitter and receiver section
Block Diagram
Arduino Uno:

The Arduino Uno is an open-source microcontroller board designed for

simplicity and versatility. Released in 2010, it is based on the Microchip
ATmega328P microcontroller. Here's a brief explanation:
1. **Microcontroller:** Powered by the ATmega328P, an 8-bit AVR processor
running at 16 MHz.
2. **I/O Pins:** Equipped with 14 digital I/O pins (6 with PWM capability) and
6 analog input pins for connecting to various sensors and devices.
3. **Programming:** Programmed using the Arduino IDE via a USB
connection, allowing easy code development and uploading.
4. **Power Options:** Can be powered through a USB cable or a barrel
connector (7-20V), providing flexibility in power sources.
5. **Compatibility:** Shares the same microcontroller as the Arduino Nano and
headers as the Leonardo, ensuring compatibility with other Arduino platforms.
6. **Open Source:** Hardware design is open source, encouraging
collaboration and modification. The design files are available under a Creative
Commons license.
7. **Significance of "Uno":** The name "Uno" signifies a major redesign,
marking the ninth version in the Arduino board series. It succeeded the
Duemilanove release.
8. **Bootloader:** Comes preprogrammed with a bootloader, enabling code
uploads without an external programmer.
9. **Communication Protocol:** Uses the original STK500 protocol for
communication and features an Atmega16U2 (or Atmega8U2 in earlier versions)
programmed as a USB-to-serial converter.
10. **Community Support:** Widely used in the maker and electronics
communities with an active user base, making it an excellent choice for
beginners and experienced developers.
The Arduino Uno's user-friendly features, coupled with a large community and
extensive online resources, have made it a popular choice for various projects,
from simple LED blinking experiments to complex robotics and automation
Bluetooth module HC-05:
Wireless communication is swiftly replacing the wired connection
when it comes to electronics and communication. Designed to
replace cable connections HC-05 uses serial communication to
communicate with the electronics. Usually, it is used to connect
small devices like mobile phones using a short-range wireless
connection to exchange files.The transfer rate of the data can vary up
to 1Mbps and is in range of 10 meters.
The HC-05 module can be operated within 4-6V of power supply. It
supports baud rate of 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, etc. Most
importantly it can be operated in Master-Slave mode which means it
will neither send or receive data from external sources.
he HC05 bluetooth module is used as UART serial converter module
and can easily transfer the UART data through the wireless
bluetooth. The Bluetooth module has a Frequency: 2.4GHz ISM
band, PIO control and comes with an integrated antenna and edge

We utilize screen as display. LCD is utilized in a project to visualize the

output of application. Liquid crystal displays (LCDs) have supplies which
combine the properties of both liquids and crystals. With the liquid
crystal material sand witched in between them, an LCD consists of two glass
panels. The inner surface of the glass plates are covered with
transparent electrodes that identify the character, symbols or patterns to be
displayed and the polymeric layers are present in between the electrodes
and the liquid crystal, which makes the liquid crystal molecules for
maintaining a defined direction angle.
A. Arduino IDE
Audino Is the required softwar environment to program the Arduino by
writing a code and upload it to the Arduino. It also outputs the results for
analysis using both serial monitor and serial plotter.
It is an Arduino software, making code compilation too easy.It is available for all
operating systems i.e. MAC, Windows, Linux and runs on the Java Platform that
comes with inbuilt functions and commands that play a vital role in debugging,
editing and compiling the code.
It is easy to use , it supports all the Arduino boards , it has a built in library which
is easy to use. The Arduino IDE is very user-friendly .
B. Arduino Automation
It allows to control devices using your Arduino board
(and similar boards) via Bluetooth or WIFI.BT Terminal is a
terminal app with UART serial communication protocol
that transmits & receives data wirelessly through Bluetooth
connections. The app used for Robotics Communication,
Configuring Bluetooth Modules (using AT Commands), Home
Advantages of Wireless Electronic Notice Board

•The electronic notice board is wireless and no need for wires for
displaying the information on the LCD display.
•It is very easy to operate and consumes less power
•The circuit of the wireless notice board is portable.

Applications of Electronic Notice Board

•The applications of wireless notice board mainly include public places like
bus stands, railway stations, airports, shopping malls, and parks to display
the information wirelessly.
•This project is also used in organizations, schools, and colleges.

As the technology is advancing every day the display board systems

are moving from Normal handwriting display to digital display.
Further to Wireless display units . This project develops a wireless
notice board system with Bluetooth connected to it, which displays
the desired message of the user through an SMS in a most populated
or crowded places. Here by introducing the concept of wireless
technology in the Field of the communication. We can make our
communication more efficient and faster, with greater efficiency. We
can display the messages and with less errors and maintenance.
Thank You

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