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chemical parameters of water
pollution and
methods of examination

O Agriculture -
i) Animal husbandary
ii) Field husbandary
O Transport –
i) water trasnport
ii) Ground based transport
O Communal- Domestic
i) Economic- household dump
O Industrial
i)Plants and fabric
iii) Mineral resource industry
O The sanitary-chemical parameters are organic substances and
products of their decomposition; ammonium salts, nitrites,
O The presence of organic substances can be determined by next
parameters: the water oxidizability and dissolved oxygen in water.
O Ammonia is an initial product of decomposing of organic
nitrogencontaining substances (including proteins). Therefore in
most cases the presence of ammonia in water can be considered
as a parameter of latest water pollution by organic substances of
animal source and dangerous in epidemic sense.
O However sometimes, especially in deep underground waters,
ammonia formation and presence is possible owing to reduction
of nitrates in conditions of oxygen absence. In this case the
ammonia presence in water is not a parameter of poor water
quality. Also the high concentration of ammonia in marshy and
peat waters (phytogenous ammonia) is not a parameter of
epidemic dangerous water pollution. The normal concentration
of ammonia is 0,1mg/ l.
O Nitrites are the products of ammonia oxidation under
influence of microorganisms in process of nitrification.
O The presence of nitrites in water is also an evidence of
possible water pollution by organic nitrogen-containing
O The nitrites presence in water specifies the certain
duration of pollution. The normal concentration of
nitrites is 0,002 of mg/l.
O Nitrates are the end-products of organic nitrogen-
containing substances mineralization. The nitrates
presence in water without ammonia and nitrites
specifies the end of mineralization process.
O The simultaneous
presence of ammonia,
nitrites and nitrates in
water testifies to
incompleteness of the
process of
mineralization and
continued pollution of
O However the high
concentration of nitrates
in water may have
mineral cause due to
dilution of soil salts,
chemical fertilizers, for
example, saltpeter.
O The high concentration of nitrates in
drinking water may cause“nitrate
methemoglobinemia” in organism.
O It is hemic hypoxia with appropriate
O The severe cases of disease depend on
concentration of the formed
methemoglobin. In most cases the
children of early childhood age
(under six months) being on artificial
feeding are exposed to this disease,
because of they have a nitrate-
reducing microflora in upper part of
gastrointestinal tract, the fetal
hemoglobin and deficiency of
O Nitrates may also get to the water
sources with industrial sewage.
O It is related to lack of seaweed, which
utilize the nitrates in that water.
O Besides the effect of nitrates for occurrence of water-nitrate
methemoglobinemia , the nitrates are initiators of carcinogens –
nitrozamins – formation (especially at some pesticides presence)
in reduction of organism resistance to effect of mutagenic and
carcinogen factors.
O The recommended concentrations of nitrates in drinking water is
not more than 10 mg/l, converting on nitrogen.
O Chlorides in water of water sources are considered as valuable
parameters of household’s pollution.
O The increase of chlorides concentration in comparison with the
usual chlorides concentration in the given water-source is
evidence of hazardous water-source pollution by faeces and urine.
O Oxidability as parameter allows getting the general overview about
organic substances concentration in water.
O Oxidability is a quantity of oxygen (in mg) used for chemical
oxidation of organic substances, containing in 1 L of water.
Oxidability is regulated by standard as 2-4 mg/l.
Determination of the ammonia (NH3)
concentration(colorimetric method)
• The principle of ammonia
determination method is based on
ammonium compounds ability to
form the iodide of mercury
ammonium (red-brownish color)
reacting with Nessler reagent.
• The presence and quantity of
ammonia is defined by intensity of
color (colorimetric method) .
• Procedure: Pour 10 ml of testing
water sample to test tube. Then add
0.2-0.3 ml of 50 % of Rochelle salt ,
mix it and add 0.2 ml of the Nessler
Determination of the nitrites (NO2)
concentration(colorimetric method)
• The principle of nitrites
definition is based on ability of
nitric acid to give the pink azo
color reacting with Griss reagent.
• The nitrites concentration is
defined on intensity of color
• . Procedure: Pour 10 ml of testing
water sample to test tube. Add 0.5
ml of Griss reagent, then heat it in
water bath at 70°С during 5
minutes. The occurence of the
pink coloration specifies the
nitrites presence.
Determination of the nitrates (NO3) concentration (colorimetric
O The principle of nitrates qualitative definition is based on picric acid
formation by nitrates at presence of phenol and sulfuric acid. This picric
acid reacting with ammonia forms ammonia picrate (yellow color).
O Procedure: Pour 2 ml of testing water to the porcelain cup. Put 2-3 chips of
diphenylamine or brucine by glass stick and then apply some drops of the
concentrated sulfuric acid from a pipette with small pump.
O Diphenylamine in reaction with nitrates changes the color on dark blue.
Determination of water oxidizability (permanganate method)
O The method is based on oxygen isolation from reaction of potassium
permanganate with sulfuric acid. The oxygen oxidizes organic substances at
the water boiling.
O The quantity of chemically decomposed КМпО4 defines the oxidability or
quantity of oxygen (in mg), used for oxidizing the organic substances in 1 L.
O For analysis 0.01 N solution of КМпО4 is used:
1 ml of this solution is adequate to 0.08 mg of
oxygen. As solution of КМпО4 is not stable,
before conducting of analysis it’s
necessary to determine its titer by
0.01 N solution of oxalic acid.
O Procedure: 1. For determination of the КМпО4 solution titer: pour 100 ml of distilled
water to the flask, add 5 ml of 25% solution of H2SO4, heat flask up to boiling and then
titrate mixture by 0.01 N solution of КМпО4 until pink color appearance. 2. Then in the
same solution which not contains unoxidized organic substances pour (from the burette)
10 ml of 0.01 N oxalic acid solution and again titrate by КМпО4 solution up to pink color
appearance. Write down the titration results. Then pour out the flask contents. Without
rinsing flask pour 100 ml of testing water, 5 ml of 25 % H2SO4 and 10 ml of КМпО4.
Heat it up to boiling and boil during 10 minutes. Then take out flask and add 10 mL of
oxalic acid right to the hot liquid in flask. After color disappearance titrate the flask
contents by 0.01 N solution of КМпО4 until pink color occurrence.
O Calculation of water oxidability is made by next formula:
X=(V2-V1) · K · 0.08 · 1000/V
Where, X - oxidability of water, mg/l;
V1- total volume 0.01 N solution of КМпО4, used on titration 100 ml of water and 10 ml of
oxalic acid solution added originally;
V2 - volume of 0.01 N solution of КМпО4, used on oxidation 10 ml of oxalic acid solution of
at the titer determination
V – volume of examined water sample,ml
1000 - converting factor for 1L of water
K- practice factor to titer of КМпО4
0,08 – quantity of oxygen which is isolated by 1 ml of 0.01 N solution of КМпО4, mg;

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