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Managerial Levels And

Level of manager in an organization:
● Top managers
● Middle managers
● First- line managers
● Non managerial Employees
Top Managers:are those managers at the very top level of hierarchy who have
the most authority and who are ultimately responsible for the entite organization.They
are those who are responsible for making wide- organization decisions and establishing
the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These individuals typically have
titles such as executive vice president,president ,managing director, chief operating
officer, chief executive officer.
Role Of Top Manager:
1. Other titles include “chief executive officer”(CEO),president,executive vice
president, executive director, senior vice president and sometimes vice president.
2. They oversee allover planning for the organization, work with middle managers
in implementing and planning and maintain overall control over the progress of
the organization.
3.ln those public corporation that sell their stock to the public,top manager report to
the board of director whose function is to represent the interestof the stockholders.
4. They are responsible for the overall direction of organization and for creating the
context for the change.
Middle Managers: are those manager beneath the top- level of
hierarchy and directly supervise other managers below them.lt includes all
levels of management between the first- line level and the top level of the
organization.These managers manage the work of first-line manager and
may have titles such as departmant head, project leader,plant managers and
division manager.
Role of Middle Managers:
1. Typical titles include “ manager”” director of,””chief” “ department head”
and “ division head” .
2. Middle managers are manily responsible for implementing overall
organizational plans so that organizational goals are achieved as expected.
3. They plan, allocate resources to meet objective and coordinate and link
groups,departments, and divisions with in a company.
4. They monitor and manage the performance of subunits and
individual managers who report to them.
5.lmplement changes and strategies generated by top managers.
6. Reducing the number of managers result in greater power
and resppnsibillity for those managers who remain.
First- line Managers: are thoes managers having the least authority and are
at the lowest level in the hierarchy of the organization.First line managers are at the
lowest level of management and manage the work of non- managerial individauals
who are involved with the production or creation of the organization’ s
product.They’ re often called supervoisers may also called line managers,office
manager and even foremen.They are responsible for the operating employeees.
Role of First- line Managers:
1. Titles often include the term “ superviser”.
2. Factors chaning the jobs of first line managers include emphasis upon worker
participation and teamwork and the use of computers to regulate many activities
formely regulate by first line managers.
3. The jobs of first line managers are likely to change towards a greater emphasis on
dealing with internal human relations.
Functions of Management:
● Planning
● Organizing
● Leading
● Controlling
● Planning tend to be more important for
top managers.

● Controling tends to be more important for both

top and middle level managers.
● Leading is more important for first line
● Controling is important among all level
ofs of hieraarchy.
Management skills,knowledge and performance
● Manager need knowledge based. This knowledge base provides context for manager’s
activities. It can include information about an industry and its technology, company polices and
partcies, compnay goal and plan, compney culture, the personalities of key organization members ,
and important suppliers and coustmers.
● Manager needs three types of key skills to performs the duties and activities
associated with being a manager.
○ Technical skills
are skills that reflects both understanding of a proficiency
in a specialized field.
Technical skills includes knowledge of and proficiency in certain specilized fields such as an
engerning, computer, accounting, or menafuctring .

● Human skills
are associated with a managers abilitie to work well with others both as a member of
member of group aur leader who get things doen through others.
Because manager deal directly with people, this skill is crucial! Manager with
human skills are able to get the best out of there people . They know how to
communicate, motivate, lead and inspire and anthuisam and trust.
● Conceptual skills
are skills related to ablity to visualize the organization as a
whole , discern interrelationship among
Organizational parts, and understand how the organization fit
into the wider context of the industry, community in the world.
Concept of organizational performance by peter Drucker.
● Effectiveness is the ability to choose appropriate and achive goals
● Efficiency is the ability to make the best use of avaliable
resources in the process of achiving goals.
Managing in 21st century:
● The world of busniss has changed dramatically in the past generation or so. Technology has shrunk
distances made communications possible in real time.
● Four trend are likly impact manigral work in future.
● Sucessfull manager in the twenty first century will have able to guide their compnies through shift in economic
conditions, modifications in costmers preference, rapidly changing technology or other changes.
● The working force is becoming increasingly diverse. Managers will need to be able to utlize much broder selection of
personal in the immidate future.
● Busniss increasingly face global competition - therefor,
manager need to have greater knowledge of international
business and to develop a global prespective business are
also more likly to be operating in more then one country .
● Quality management programs have increasingly
important and total quality management program
aimed at continuousimprovements have been
implemented in many busniss.

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