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Respiratory disease
Our Team#2

najla jing yee sarah

teammate teammate
Bronchitis is inflammation of the lining of the
bronchi, the bronchi that carry air in and out of the
lungs. People with bronchitis often cough up
thick, sticky phlegm that can change color.
Bronchitis can be acute or chronic.Acute
bronchitis, usually caused by a cold or other
respiratory infection, is very common. Chronic
bronchitis is a more serious condition, usually
caused by persistent irritation or inflammation of
the bronchial lining caused by smoking.
symptom a persistent cough, which may produce

s wheezing

a feeling of tightness in the chest

sore throat

blocked nose and sinuses

the lining of bronchial tubes which are the air ways windpip or
trachea that connect with lungs , swells and becomes inflamed.
how to
-Avoid smoking. Cigarette smoke
increases the risk of chronic bronchitis.
- vaccination. Many cases of acute
bronchitis are caused by influenza
viruses. Getting the flu shot every year
can help prevent the flu. You may also -Wear a surgical mask. If you have
consider getting vaccinated to prevent COPD, consider wearing a mask at
certain types of infectious pneumonia. work (if you are exposed to dust or
fumes), and when you are in contact
with people.

☆What is COPD?
COPD is primarily an umbrella term
for two conditions: emphysema and
chronic bronchitis. Someone with
COPD may have one or both of these
issues, and the severity of each varies
from person to person
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