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peline Branch Penalties

In Computer Architecture

Md. Saddam Khan Rakib

Group Members

Mominul Islam

Md Saddam Khan Rakib

Submitted To :

Md. Julkar Nayeen Mahi

Department of Software Engineering
Daffodil International University

1. Introduction

2. Features of the system

3. Implementation

4. Outcomes

5. Conclusion
Pipeline Branch Penalty
What is pipeline branch penalties ?
Pipeline branch penalties are a critical aspect of computer architecture that
directly impacts the performance of modern processors. The term refers to
the delay or inefficiency introduced in the instruction pipeline when a branch
instruction is encountered. Branch instructions are pivotal for facilitating
decision-making and altering the control flow of a program, but their
presence poses challenges to the seamless execution of instructions in a
pipelined processor.
The Role of Branch Instructions

• Importance of Branch Instructions:

1. Branch instructions play a pivotal role in decision-making and control

flow within a program.

2. They determine the next instruction to be executed based on specific

conditions, influencing program execution
Causes of Pipeline Branch Penalties
Speculative Nature of Pipelined Processors:

Pipelined processors rely on speculation when encountering branch instructions to

maintain continuous instruction flow.

Unpredictability of Branch Outcomes:

The outcome of a branch is often unknown until the decision is made in later
pipeline stages.

Introduction of Delays:
Incorrect branch predictions lead to delays as the pipeline must discard wrongly
speculated instructions and reload the correct path.
Methods to Mitigate Pipeline Branch Penalties
Branch Prediction:
Static Branch Prediction:
Predicts branches based on program structure without runtime information.

Dynamic Branch Prediction:

Adapts to runtime conditions, adjusting predictions based on actual program

Out-of-Order Execution:
Allows the processor to execute instructions out of their original order,
maintaining a continuous flow.
Methods to Mitigate Pipeline Branch Penalties
Speculative Execution:

Executes instructions speculatively based on branch predictions, with the

ability to discard if predictions are incorrect.

Delayed Branches:

Postpones branch execution until the last possible moment, reducing the
likelihood of incorrect predictions.
Features of this system:

1. Lightweight console application written in C .

2. Secure login system requiring a valid username and password with password

reset functionality.

3. Ability to add new student records with details such as name, tuition fee, ID,

department, and courses.

4. View all student records with a clear and organized display of information.

5. Search for specific students by name to quickly retrieve their details.

6. Modify as well as delete existing student records, allowing for updates to

information like names, tuition fees, and department details.

Implementation of the project
File Handling:
fopen(): Opens a file for reading or writing.
String Handling:
fclose(): Closes an open file.
strcpy(): Copies one string to another.
fwrite(): Writes data to a file.
strcmp(): Compares two strings.
fread(): Reads data from a file.
strlen(): Calculates the length of a string.
strcat(): Concatenates two strings.

User Input and Output:

printf(): Prints formatted output to the console.
scanf(): Reads formatted input from the console.
gets(): Reads a line of text from the console.
Implementation of the project
Control Flow:
if-else statements: For conditional branching.
switch-case statements: For multiple choices in the menu.
while loop: Used for repeated execution of a block of code.
for loop: Used for iterating over a range of values.
Custom functions like gotoxy(), login(), menu(), add(), view(), search(), modify(),
deleterec() ,login()
Defined structures like struct student and struct Account to represent the data model.
Preprocessor Directives:
#include: Includes header files for necessary libraries.
#define: Defines constants for file names, security codes, and max lengths.

Good Features:
1. User-Friendly Interface

2. Secure Login and Password Reset

3. Modular Code Structure

4. File Handling for Persistent Storage

5. Dynamic Screen Positioning

6. Menu-Driven Interface

1. Security Considerations
2. Single-User System
3. Console-Based Interface
4. No Data Validation
5. Not compatible for storing large data
6.Runs on local system

Future Improvements:

1. GUI :Implementing a GUI using a library like GTK, Qt

2. Database Integration : Transitioning from file-based storage to a database system

3. Multi-User Support: Introduce features for managing multiple user accounts

4.Cross-Platform Compatibility: Modify the program to be compatible with different

operating systems (Android,iOS)

References :
1. From the main code of this capstone project “Mini Student Portal”
Thank you !

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