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Introduction to TTLM

What is TTLM?
Teacher-made printed instructional aid
that supplements the teacher’s oral and
visual instructions
Well-designed and carefully developed
learning aid that provides detailed learning
instructions to the trainee/learner
Self-instructions to guide the
trainee/learner in learning and
progressing at a rate comfortable to them
Features of TTLM
Directly related to the occupational
standards and the curriculum
An instructional media that is
individualized, self-faced instruction
allowing the trainee to learn and move
along independently without much or
constant direction, correction and
instruction from the teacher
Designed by the teacher to fit local
condition and appropriate to intended
Designed in a way that addresses the
learning for the learning outcome within
the learning module
Provide structure to the learning process
by giving detailed instructions about what
to do and when to do it
Ensure that trainees/learners receive the
same instructions and information with
the rest of the class
Provide a system of learning that the
trainee have more active involvement
Benefits of TTLM
Useful when contents are not available in
textbooks, manuals, etc.
Helpful in ensuring that the
trainee/learner remember the required
Useful in providing a permanent record of
the content of the training program
Useful as a critical component of an
individualized instructional system
 Helpful when trainee/learner missed a lesson
Types of TTLM
Resource-Based Learning Materials
● Structured materials designed to direct
the learner to
● experience learning through a series of
learning activities, and
● to a range of external resources, to
achieve specified competences or
learning outcomes.
Self-Contained Learning Materials
● Integrated resources which are
packaged into one complete unit of
planned learning activities and
instructions designed to
● assist the learner to accomplish well
defined competences or outcomes.
● Series of planned activities
Components of TTLM
Teacher’s Guide
Learning Guide
Assessment Packet

1) Teacher’s Guide
 Companion document that guides
the teacher in facilitating the
learning activities in accordance
with the curriculum design
 There is only one teacher’s guide
for every TVET program and it
must contain all the information
and activities intended as
designed by the curriculum
Teacher’s guide provides the following
information –
Cover page
– Presents the title and qualification level
of the TVET program that the guide
addresses and the institute logo and title
– Gives the teacher the overview of the
TTLM and general introductory
information about what the
trainees/learners are going to learn and
the activities they have to perform, the
mechanics of the training and how to
administer the learning guides
 Matrix of Competence
– Provide the list of competences that the
trainee/learner have to acquire at the end of
the training program with their corresponding
learning module title and learning outcomes
 Learning Methods/Training Mechanics
– Explains the flow of training and learning
activities or events, the learning
methodologies and strategies that will be used
or applied for the attainment of the overall
goal of the program
 Session Plans
– Detail the delivery of content coverage by learning outcome as
defined in the learning module and link learning guides to the

 Assessment Context
– Provides the design of assessment as presented in the learning
guides and includes the key to correction on the self-assessment
and LAP test

 List of Support / Reference Materials

– The complete title and description of reference materials or
textbooks that are mentioned in the learning guide, where
they are located or can be obtained

 Annexes
– contain the trainee’s Test Guide and Knowledge Test for
summative evaluation
Sample TG

Logo Name of Institution


LG Code: CON MAS2 M03 LO7-07

2) Learning Guide
 Self-contained or resource –
based packet of information and
learning activities
 It tells the trainee what need to
do, when and how to do it and
what the teacher expects from
him/her to know and be able to
do once the learning activities
are completed
Learning guide provides the following
information –
Cover page
presentsthe title and qualification level of
the TVET program
the unit of competence and module title
and number, and the learning guide is
the learning guide (LG) code, the institute
logo and title, and the number of the
learning guide in reference to the whole
LG Code: CON BEI 3 M02 LO1-05 Fourth group of four
characters signify the
Learning Outcome and
Learning guide number
(the learning guide
number is continuous for
the whole program)
Third group with letter M (stand for
Module) and two numbers signify
the numerical order of the specific

Four characters in the second group signify

the occupational title expressed as a work
INSTALLATION LEVEL III and qualification
level written in numerical form
First three characters signify the industry/sector
TTLM Code: CON BEI 3 TTLM 0214v1
Fourth group of six
numbers signify the
month and the year
of development and
the letter with
number present the
version of the TTLM
Third group of four letters stand
for Training, Teaching and
Learning Material
Four characters in the second group
signify the occupational title expressed
as a work function e.g. BUILDING
LEVEL III and qualification level written
in numerical form

First three characters signify the

industry/sector acronym
 Instruction Sheet
 tells the trainee the objectives of the
learning guide and the step by step of
what to do to complete the learning
 thisportion also informs the trainee of
what ‘must need to know’ and be able to
do once the activity is completed
 how the knowledge, attitudes and skills
will be evaluated and what level of
performance is expected
 It also provides relation to what has already
been learned, the pre-requisite knowledge
attitudes or skills the trainee must have
before using the learning guide

 the criticality of the task and importance to

job performance.
 Information Sheet

 contains the background information and

cognitive (knowledge) necessary to understand
the subject/topic or task.
 presents information such as facts,
explanations, examples, discussions, concepts
or principles.
 it also provides the lecture notes and reading
assignments that may be supplemented with
audio, video, text, illustrations, drawings, etc
 Self-check
 provides the self-assessment activity
 It is sets of question which give the trainee
a chance to apply or determine what have
just learned from reading the information
sheet, suggested readings or viewing a
film, etc.
 Self-check questions are for the trainee
own use and not to be checked by the
teacher unless the trainee wants it. It is
never used as a basis for awarding marks
or grades.
 Operation Sheet
 is a task sheet containing a set of
instructions or a step-by-step procedures
on ‘how’ to perform a specific operation,
process, task or skill that is required in
the learning outcome
 it instruct the trainee to do a task or
series of tasks that may involve one or
more operations and that may be
supplemented with a video, audio, book,
pictures, illustrations or text, etc.
 this portion of the learning guide is considered
the learning step
 it contains the three essential events in learning
– presentation, practice and feedback
 the trainee is presented some instructions
appropriate for the learning outcome then,
provided an opportunity to practice or apply the
competence (KSA) presented, and finally, given
the immediate feedback on the success of that
practice by evaluating finished product or
critique performance of procedures
Guidelines in operation sheet
describe or name the operation clearly
generally contains the manipulative or
psychomotor (skills) portion of learning
use the correct and accepted occupational
and technical terminology
list in proper order all the steps involved in
performing the operation
state the instructions in clear and concise
use illustrations, diagrams, or drawings to
clarify the steps
Guidelines in operation sheet
indicate any special safety precautions to
be observed or sanitary standards to be
indicate any critical points that are
essential to the success of the operation.
state the accepted criteria for the quality
of the operation
Guidelines in operation sheet
listjobs in which the operation may
suggest references and resources that can
be used to obtain further information
about the job
 Learning Activity Performance
Test(LAP Test)
test designed to measure what the
trainee have learned from the learning
it is also a measure if the learner can
put all together the learned information
and actually do the job.
the job can be a product, service or
both. This is an assessment in
performing the specified learning
 List of Resource Materials
Tips in making LAP test
 identify the operations to be addressed by the lap test
 select a job task that relates to the performance objectives
of the training program
 identify the tools, equipment, supplies, and materials the
trainee will need
 include illustrations, plans and specifications, and
drawings to aid trainee in doing the job
 sequence the operations in a logical manner
 indicate how the trainee’s work will be evaluated and
directions for checking the accuracy in the performance of
the tasks
 indicate safety precautions to be observed, sanitary
conditions to be maintained
Tips in preparing learning guide
Tips in preparing learning guide
Tips in preparing learning guide
Tips in preparing learning guide
Tips in preparing learning guide
Sample LG

Logo Name of Institution


Unit of Competence: Set-out Masonry Structures

Module Title: Setting-out Masonry Structures
LG Code: CON MAS2 M03 LO7-07
TTLM Code: CON MAS2 TTLM 0112v1

LO 7: Clean-up
3) Assessment Packet
 Contains the necessary information that
guides the teacher in designing a
teacher-made assessment tools
It can be in the form of –
 practical simulation/demonstration
with oral questioning or
 observation of trainee/learner
performing the actual task in the
 Written test / oral questions
 The packet also provides the
steps in conducting an
efficient trainee evaluation

 The packet also includes the

assessment tools template
that can be used by the
teacher to perform formative
and summative evaluation
Sample AP

Logo Name of Institution


TTLM Code: CON MAS2 TTLM 0112v1

Translating Curriculum to TTLM

Teacher’s Session
Guide Plan
g Guide

Assessment Packet

•Curriculum •Teachers Guide (Session Plan, Test, Reports)

Design •Learning Guide (InS, IS, SC, OS, LAP Test)
•Learning Modules •Assessment Packet (Plan and Conduct Assessment)
Organizing TTLM

Learning Outcome Teacher’s

1 Plan-1
Session Guide
Unit of Learnin
Competence Learning Outcome
Module Session Plan-2
Learning Outcome
3 Plan-3 Guide #4

Learning Outcome
4 Assessment
Session Plan-4
Logo of TVET Session Plan-7 (M01-LO7)
LEARNING MODULE Unit of Competence Set-out Masonry Structures
Module Title Setting-out Masonry Structures
LO7 Clean up
MODULE TITLE: Setting-out Masonry Structures Session Objectives: At the end of this session the trainees
MODULE CODE: CON MAS2 M01 0312 shall be able to –
NOMINAL DURATION: 8 Hours  clear work area and dispose reused or
MODULE DESCRIPTION: recycled materials in accordance with
This module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes legislation/regulations/codes of practice
required to make pre condition activities which kelps Identifying and indicating site and job specification
boundaries, to sets out right angled corners, as well as checking for accuracy.
LEARNING OUTCOMES:  clean, check, maintain and store tools
At the end of the module the learner will be able to: and equipment in accordance with
LO1 plan and prepare for work manufacturers’ recommendations and
LO2 identify and indicate site boundaries standard work practices
LO3 set-out first line for building alignment
LO4 set-out right angled corners Nominal
Activities Duration
Contents Methods
LO5 install other building lines
LO6 check building lines for squareness Introduction 5 mins Recapitulation Discussion
LO7 clean up
Sessions Lecture-
MODULE CONTENTS: 50 mins Housekeeping and 5S discussion and
Introduction to the Module
LO1 Prepare for work
1.1 Clarification of Work Requirements Lecture-
Tools and Equipment
1.2 Material Quality and Quantity Requirements 30 mins discussion and
1.3 Selection of Tools and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance Demonstration
1.4 Sequence of Activities and Time Allocation
1.5 Environmental Protection Plan and Regulations and Its Application Concept and Procedures of Lecture-
1.6 Occupational Health and Safety
1.6.1 Understanding Safety Plan
30 mins Material Disposal, Recycling discussion and
1.6.2 Signage and Barricade Requirements and Reuse Demonstration
1.6.3 Checking and Maintaining Tools and Equipment
1.6.4 Technical Report Writing 20 mins Waste Management discussion
LO2 …
LO7 Clean up Accomplishment of LAP Individual
Evaluation 40 mins Activity
7.1 Housekeeping and 5S Test
7.2 Cleaning and Maintaining Tools and Equipment Question &
Summary 5 mins Wrap-up and Feedback Answer
7.3 Concept and Procedures of Material Disposal, Recycling and
Reuse Resources  Learning Guide #7
7.4 Waste Management  Sample Materials
 Masonry common tools and equipment
Session Plan-7 (M01-LO7)
Logo of TVET Unit of Competence Set-out Masonry Structures
LEARNING MODULE Module Title Setting-out Masonry Structures
TVET-PROGRAMME TITLE: Masonry Level II LO7 Clean up
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the trainees
MODULE TITLE: Setting-out Masonry Structures
shall be able to –
MODULE CODE: CON MAS2 M01 0312  clear work area and dispose reused or
NOMINAL DURATION: 8 Hours recycled materials in accordance with
MODULE DESCRIPTION: legislation/regulations/codes of practice
This module aims to provide the trainees with the knowledge, skills and right attitudes
and job specification
required to make pre condition activities which kelps Identifying and indicating site
boundaries, to sets out right angled corners, as well as checking for accuracy.  clean, check, maintain and store tools
and equipment in accordance with

manufacturers’ recommendations and
standard work practices
 Demonstration
Activities Duration
Contents Methods
 Written Test / Interview
 Demonstration with Oral questioning Introduction 5 mins Recapitulation Discussion
LO1 Prepare for work Sessions 50 mins Housekeeping and 5S discussion and
Tools and Equipment
LO2 …. 30 mins discussion and
Cleaning and Maintenance Demonstration
LO7 Clean up Concept and Procedures of Lecture-
clear work area and dispose reused or recycled 30 mins Material Disposal, Recycling discussion and
and Reuse Demonstration
materials in accordance with Lecture-
20 mins Waste Management
legislation/regulations/codes of practice and job discussion
Accomplishment of LAP Individual
specification Evaluation 40 mins
Test Activity
Question &
clean, check, maintain and store tools and equipment in Summary 5 mins Wrap-up and Feedback Answer
accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and Resources  Learning Guide #7
standard work practices  Sample materials
 Masonry common tools and equipment
Session Plan-7 (M01-LO7)
Unit of Competence Set-out Masonry Structures Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #7
Module Title Setting-out Masonry Structures This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary
LO7 Clean up information regarding the following content coverage and
Session Objectives: At the end of this session the trainees topics –
shall be able to – Housekeeping and 5S
 clear work area and dispose reused or Tools and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance
recycled materials in accordance with Concept and Procedures of Material Disposal, Recycling and
legislation/regulations/codes of Reuse
practice and job specification Waste Management
 clean, check, maintain and store tools This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome
and equipment in accordance with stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this
manufacturers’ recommendations and Learning Guide, you will be able to –
standard work practices clear work area and dispose reused or recycled materials in
Nominal accordance with legislation / regulations / code of practice
Activities Contents Methods
Duration and job specifications
5 mins Recapitulation Discussion clean, check, maintain and store tools and equipment in
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation and
Sessions 50 mins Housekeeping and 5S discussion and standard work practices
Demonstration Learning Instructions:
Lecture- 1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
Tools and Equipment
30 mins discussion and 2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 20.
Cleaning and Maintenance Demonstration
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try
Concept and Procedures Lecture- to understand what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for
30 mins of Material Disposal, discussion and assistance if you have hard time understanding them.
Demonstration 4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page __.
Recycling and Reuse
5. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or
Lecture- you can request your teacher to correct your work. (You are to
20 mins Waste Management discussion get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self-
Accomplishment of LAP Individual check 1).
Evaluation 40 mins Activity
Test 6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information
Question & Sheet 2”. However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your
Summary 5 mins Wrap-up and Feedback Answer teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning
Resources  Learning Guide #7 Activity #2.
 Sample materials 7. ….
 Masonry common tools and equipment
Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #7 Information Sheet--1 Housekeeping and 5S
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary Housekeeping
information regarding the following content coverage and Good housekeeping involves every phase of industrial
topics – operations and should apply throughout the entire premises,
Housekeeping and 5S indoors and out. It is more than mere cleanliness. It requires
Tools and Equipment Cleaning and Maintenance orderly conditions, the avoidance of congestion, and attention
Concept and Procedures of Material Disposal, Recycling and to such details as an orderly layout of the whole workplace,
Reuse the marking of aisles, adequate storage arrangements, and
Waste Management suitable provision for cleaning and maintenance
The following are the basic elements of a good
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome
stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion of this
Aisles - Wide enough for traffic movements, marked off by
Learning Guide, you will be able to –
floor lines from work positions and storage areas.
clear work area and dispose reused or recycled materials in
Space -insuring sufficient room for the individual to work.
accordance with legislation / regulations / code of practice
Storage - adequate and convenient space for materials and
and job specifications
clean, check, maintain and store tools and equipment in Materials Handling - Layout planned for materials flow, with
accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation and efficient methods and equipment.
standard work practices Ventilation - Good general ventilation plus local exhaust
Learning Instructions: ventilation to remove air contaminants at the source.
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
Floors and Walls - of construction and materials that are
2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 20.
easy to keep clean and in good repair.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try
to understand what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for Lighting - Well-distributed artificial light and effective use of
assistance if you have hard time understanding them. available daylight.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page __. Amenities - Clean, up-to-date washrooms and lockers for
5. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or clothing, and clean and inviting lunch room for employees to
you can request your teacher to correct your work. (You are to eat their meals.
get the key answer only after you finished answering the Self- Waste Removal - Adequate facilities to prevent congestion
check 1). and disorder. Let us look at some of these elements in detail.
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information
Sheet 2”. However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your What is 5S?
teacher for further instructions or go back to Learning A systematized approach to organize work areas, keeps rules
Activity #2. and standards, and maintains the discipline needed to do a
7. …. good job.
Parts of Learning Guide
Instruction Sheet

Information Sheet

Self Check

Learning Operation Sheet

LAP Test
Summary relationship
Session Plan
Unit of
Competence Module Learning

Learning Guide #1
Learning Session Plan
Learning Guide #2
LO1 Session Plan 1
LO2 Session Plan 2
LO3 Session Plan 3 Learning Guide #3
LO4 Session Plan 4

Learning Guide #4
Work shop on:

Learning guide within your

Curriculum/learning guide

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