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Class :

-Dede Naisylah
-Fatimah Zahra
-Nur Kholilah
-Putri Handayani
-Rhaudatul Mawaddah
-Rofeldi Gonjales Simamora

Guru Pembimbing Nama : Mrs.Nur Rahmadhani Ibrahim, S.Pd



recount text is a type of English

text that retells events or
events in the past.
Purfose of
recount text :
1. Entertain readers
2. Reflecting on something
3. Documenting important experiences
4. Study history
5. Provide information to the reader
the contents of the orientation
Orientation is information about the
Generic structure of
character or character,
location, time of occurrence

In this section, the writer will write

down a series of events/events
recount text

Series of Events that they experienced (the essence

of the recount text).

In this section, the writer

Re-orientation will provide a summary
and conclusion of the
whole story as well as tell
the ending
e Intime.1905,Forthere was a tv talk show interviewing the great inventors of the
example like the wright brothers. That day they had very
special guests, Crville and Wilbur Wright. They asked about the Wright
Brothers' revolutionary inventions. Yes, they invented airplanes. It was a
tool that would help humans to fly. The Wright brothers got inspired
when their father gave them a toy helicopter that flew with the help of a
rubber band and they were attracted to the idea. Even Orville loves to
build kites and they have also been contemplating building their own
helicopter for a while. The Wright brothers made their first flight at Kitty
Hawk on September 14, 1903. The reason they chose Kitty Hawk as the
site of their first flight was because Kitty Hawk had hills, light winds, and
sand. This condition will help ease the burden in the event of an accident.
The first flight lasted 12 seconds and they flew 129 feet. The Wright
brothers had been working on and perfecting a new design called the
"Flyer ll" which lasted just over 5 minutes.
Contoh :

Pada tahun 1965, ada talkshow tv yang mewancarai para penemu hebat saat
itu. Misalnya seperti wright bersaudara. Hari itu mereka kedatangan tamu
yang sangat istimewa yaitu, Crville dan Wilbur Wright. Mereka bertanya
tentang penemuan revolusioner wright bersaudara. Ya, mereka menemukan
pesawat terbang. Itu adalah alat yang akan membantu manusia untuk
terbang. Wright bersaudara mendapatkan inspirasi saat ayah mereka
memberikan sebuah mainan helikopter yang terbang dengan bantuan karet
gelang dan mereka tertarik dengan ide tersebut. Bahkan orville suka sekali
membuat layang layang dan mereka juga telah bereksperimen membuat
helikopter sendiri sementara waktu. Wright bersaudara melakukan
penerbangan pertama mereka di Kitty Hawk pada 14 september 1903. Alasan
mereka memilih Kitty Hawk sebagai tempat penerbangan pertama
dikarenakan Kitty Hawk memiliki bukit, angin sepoi- sepoi, dan berpasir.
Kondisi tersebutla yang akan bantu melunakkan pendaratan jika terjadi
kecelakaan. Penerbanagan pertama berlangsung selama 12 detik dan mereka
terbang sejauh 129 kaki. Wright bersaudara telah bekerja dan
menyempurnakan desain baru yang disebut "Flyer ll" yang berlangsung lebih
dari 5 menit.
Q&A from the host with the
Wright Brothers
1. Host: Where do you get your inspiration from?

Wilbur Wright : Orville always loved making kites, so we've been experimenting with
building our own helicopters for a while.

2. Host: Do you have any other inspiring interests?

Orville Wright: Yes, we do. Our dad gave us a toy helicopter that flies with the help
of rubber bands. We've been intrigued by the idea for a long time.

3. Host: did you make a real plane?

Wilbur Wright: Yes, we did. Orville made the first flight in our first aircraft at
Kitty Hawk on December 14, 1903.
4. Host: Why did you choose Kitty Hawk for the first flight?

Orville Wright: We chose Kitty Hawk for the first flight because it had hills, light winds
and sand. Conditions that will help soften the handling in the event of an accident.

5. Host : How long does the first flight last?

Orville Wright: The first flight lasted 12 seconds and flew 120 feet.

6. Host: What have you been working on since then?

Wilbur Wright: We've been working and experimenting with

gliders to improve wing design and control ever since.

7. Host: do you have the latest version of the aircraft?

Wilbur Wright: Yes, we have. I took a newly designed airplane we called the Flyer II,
for the first flight which lasted five minutes.

8. Host: Did your father ever help you during the process?

Wilbur Wright: No, he's not helping us. My father only gave us
advice that not to fly together. He said it was for security
So,that's a discussion that can use as a
"The important things in life are not the big
reference for answers in answering the
things, they are things like the everyday joys I
English questions with the theme "The Wright
feel with you"

Thank you
see you

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