6 Steps of MPR Campaign

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Sesi 5 - 6:

Stage 1 - Situation Analysis

Community Development in
Marketing Communication

Nama Dosen : Rizka Septiana, M.Si, IAPR

Situation Analysis
• Means the stage for appreciation of the
situation you dealing with.
Methods to do SWOT Analysis
 Two methods which can help you to do the analysis they are:

A useful tool to analysis the internal and external situation of the

This analysis tools that helps to provide frame work of the external
factors in the world outside the organization. >> To that we can think
thoroughly on every issue.
• This stage is the continue from the last stage.
• We have to start to conduct RESEARCH. Finding the
facts and synchronize it to our tangible expectation.
• This is first fundamental way to do plan an event.
• The result that we find from this stage could
support us in making backgrounder of the
event proposal.
• You have to support this result with update
data, even statistic related to your company
or product or services.
• It will give you the best grip (explanation) on
the presentation to the BoD or client.
Stage 2 – Objective

Community Development in
Marketing Communication
Nama Dosen : Rizka Septiana, M.Si, IAPR
•What we can do is to remind ourselves that MPR Objective are
to do with “Changing Behaviour”
(education, Inform, Reminds, and Reinforce)

• When starting objective, it help to start with a statement of
aims: “What intend to achieve”
• Carefully! This is not quantified and also it has no time scale.
• Objective divided into TWO:
Strategic Objective: Should cover SMART.
(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound)
Tactical Objective: Draft after the strategy has been agreed.
• The strategic objective means it’s bigger outcome
you want to achieved. (the relevant is around 10%
than before, not more than that)
• And the tactical objective are several ways that you
decide to achieve the strategic objective.
• In this stage, you have to write the proposal already,
gather your best team member
• Reconsidering where’s the venue, and detail event
• In this stage, you also MUST make the timeline for each action
you made in the tactical objective. >> each division must have
their PIC, and know their job description and submit their plan to
the event/project director.
• Remember: Event that made to communicate for each of your
public categories. And everything must be done as planned.
PR Relations Tools & Activities

Strategies vs Tactics

 Sheri Singer, president of Singer

Communications in Arlington, Va., frames the
issue simply: “Strategies are themes or
categories that help you achieve your
objective,” she said, while “tactics are the
specific activities you conduct to reach the

Strategies vs Tactics
 Anne-Marie McLeod, an independent
practitioner from Charlotte, N.C., said,
“Strategies are the core directional choices to
help you get to your vision or goals. By design
they are broad enough to encompass tactics as
they develop. Tactics are specific actions.
Strategies are the framework that will help you
decide which tactics should have resources
behind them.”

Strategic Planning
 Strategic planning is the process an organization
uses to define priorities, allocate resources,
strengthen operations, and assess the
organization's direction. An effective strategic plan
articulates where the organization is going, how it
will get there, and provides an opportunity to
measure success. This plan should also be used
to communicate the vision of the management
team and community members.

Stage 3 - Public

Community Development in
Marketing Communication
Nama Dosen : Mary Lemona, M.Si.

The Importance of Identifying Public

 We must do our homework first, to identify the

public so that:
- To have a clear target
- To sent the right information
- To Identify those who do not belong
- To know specific individual target
- To avoid duplication of the message distribution.

8 Public
 Community: The neighbor surrounding the organization
 Potential Employee: Future members of an organization
 Employee: Current or present members of an
 Supplier: External participant within the organization
 Money Market: Those who control the financial markets
 Distributor: Channel where product is positioned
 Consumer: User of the product/service
 Opinion Leader: Reference group whose aim is to
influence the process of trade

 Knowing the target public means we can know what exactly

they want, their need and their expectation to us
 Plus this stage will help the team finding possibility
collaboration for the program itself
 And these public also important for the stage evaluation of our
 For sure, within the process the engagement is maintain.

Stage 4 - Media

Community Development in
Marketing Communication
Nama Dosen : Ms. Mary Lemona, M.Si.
 It’s the channel that we used to transfer our
code or message to our receiver.
 It’s our vehicle to communicate with our


Available Media

Stage 5 - Budget

Community Development in
Marketing Communication
Nama Dosen : Mary Lemona, M.Si.

- Every part of the marketing public relations plan is

- The budget stage is where the aims and objectives
often have to be revised
- Budget are of key importance in all management

Basic Event Budgeting Rules

This stage will takes time to develop.

Therefore, here some basic rules that should be followed

from the outset:
a.Budget to avoid making a loss

b.Be realistic about event (possibility) income

c.Have a contingency plan


 Element of Budget:
- Effective use of financial and other resources
- MPR Programs must be affordable
- A resource allocation is provided a given project
- Evaluation is possible


 The reason why we have to set the budget:

- To find out how much expenses will be needed to cover
the MPR program/events
- To find out what kind of event that suitable with the
- After all the budget is set then it should be the guideline
to execute the PR event
- Evaluation


 I shared several example of previous events. For a start, I

guess it’s fair enough if you can see several proposal as a
 Again I will remind you that you don’t have to make big
event just like the example one. However, the template
must be similar, which is using the six stages.

Stage 6 - Evaluation

Community Development in
Marketing Communication
Nama Dosen : Mary Lemona, M.Si.
MPR evaluation is any and all research designed to
determine the relative effectiveness of a MPR program,
strategy, or activity by measuring the outputs and/or
outcomes of that MPR program against a predetermined
set of objectives.

Qualitative of Information
Are measured the quality of information given by careful
analysis and assessment of difficult subject matters.
Rating scales: These ask a respondent to give a response

on a scale that runs from extreme to another

Statement: Analysis and opinion sharing

Projective techniques: This allow unconscious responses

to be express

Are measured quantities (in number) of information.
Sales figure: Unit sold, revenue, average price/unit,

Financial: Profit, cash flow, balance sheet.

Production: Number of units made, number of

machines working, etc.

Personnel: Number of employee recruited.

PR: Number of single column of media coverage.

Several Obstacles in Evaluation

 Marketing director tend to judge PR by equivalent

advertising value, even though this measures editorial
coverage in terms of what it would have cost in advertising
 Some clients put a ROI (Return of Investment) target, even
to PR.
 There is a tendency in some MPR consultancies to focus
on the output of a message instead of its impact.

Media Exposure Summary (1)

Media Exposure Summary (2)

Several Obstacles in Evaluation

MPR Evaluation is never going to be perfect science.

Because it is not a precise discipline.

In MPR activities everything cannot just done and seen

the evaluation instantly.
Changing people behavior need process.
But when the public realized, believe & trust to us,
they will support us.

Media Content Analysis

This identifies who is saying what, about your

organization, product, personnel and so on.

It should also record the same information about


Media content analysis & ROI

Media content analysis & ROI

Media content analysis & ROI

Output Measurement

 Is an important measure that must be tied into

quality of coverage, if it is to be truly helpful.

 It will usually be presented using computer

graphics that includes volumes, coverage, quality,
location and the tone of the activity done.

Media Feedback
 Means tracking the stories carried in the media,
revealing that the MPR program has achieved
positive changes in media attitude.
 When you do this, you can call it as well as the

action of media monitoring.

Example of Media Coverages

Cosmo Girl Magz Bali



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