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Nasal septum Internal carotid artery Anterior ethmoidal artery.

Posterior ethmoidal artery. External carotid artery Sphenopalatine artery.

Lateral wall Anterior ethmoidal artery.

Posterior ethmoidal artery. Sphenopalatine artery.

Septal branch of Greater palatine greater palatine artery. artery. Septal branch of superior labial artery. Branches of facial artery.

Blood supply of nasal septum.

Blood supply of lateral wall of nose.

Above the vestibule in the anterior inferior part of nasal septum. Anastomosis of : Ant ethmoidal artery Septal branch of superior labial a. Septal branch of sphenopalatine a. Septal branch of greater palatine a. Kiesselbachs plexus. Exposed to the drying effect of inspiratory current and finger nail trauma. Common site of epistaxis in children and young adult.

Venous plexus in posterior part of inferior meatus. Site of posterior epistaxis, especially in patients with high blood pressure: acts as as a safety valve to lower blood pressure. Area where sphenopalatine artery anastomosis with posterior pharyngeal artery.





Idiopathic Local causes Traumatic(Most Common): nose picking, foreign bodies, nasal surgery, fractures (nasal bone, base of skull), violent sneeze. Infection: infective rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis,nasal diphteria, acute sinusitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, adenoiditis Neoplastic: nose ( bleeding polyps of septum, hemangioma,papilloma, squamous cell carcinoma) nasopharynx (juvenile angiofibroma) Atmospheric changes: high altitude, sudden decompression

1. 2.

3. 4. 5. 6.

General: CVS: HPT, arteriosclerosis, mitral stenosis Disorders of blood and blood vessels: hemophilia, thrombocytopenia, vitamin K deficiency,scurvy,aplastic anaemia Liver disease: Liver cirrhosis Kidney disease : Chronic nephritis. Drugs: anticoagulants, NSAIDS (aspirin) Acute general infection: influenza, measles, chicken pox, whooping cough, typhoid fever, dengue fever

Littles area (90%) Above the middle turbinate ( ethmoidal arteries from internal carotid artery) Below the middle turbinate ( from external carotid artery) Posterior part of nasal cavity Diffuse ( systemic disorders and blood dyscrasias) nasopharynx

Anterior Epitaxis -Blood flows out from the front of the nose in sitting position.

Posterior Epitaxis -Blood flows back into the throat.

Site More common Littles area or ant part of lat wall Children and young adult Trauma mostly

Less Post-sup part of nasal cavity Difficult to localized >40 yr Spontaneous HPT or Arteriosclerosis.

Age Cause Bleeding

Mild and easily control with Severe, requires hospitalization pressure and anterior and postnasal packing packing

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