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Strand 3: Chapter 14

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire
The spread of the Empire
• The Roman Empire began to develop from around 800 BC.

• The Empire lasted for over 1,000 years and stretched from Italy to
most of Europe, North Africa and parts of the Middle East.

• About 2,000 years ago, Rome was the largest and most important city
in the world.

• We know so much about the Romans because of the rich variety of

primary sources that they left behind:

Written records – Titus Livy

Ancient ruins – Pompeii/Herculaneum/the Colosseum

The Roman Empire
Roman houses

Poor Romans
lived in apartment
blocks called insulae:
•Some apartments were large
and luxurious
•Most were in poor condition
•Families lived in one room
Rich Romans lived in a house called a domus: •No running water
•One story in height •Upper floors were reached by a ladder rather than
•An entrance hall called an atrium stairs
•A walled back garden called a peristyle •Rubbish and the contents of toilet pots were
•Walls were decorated with murals and mosaics thrown onto the street below.
•Houses of rich Romans had toilets

The Roman Empire
Roman Pastimes

• Circus Maximus/Hippodrome – chariot races – 250,000-capacity stadium

• Colosseum – 50,000-seater amphitheatre – gladiator contests
• The theatre – spectacular stage scenes
• Roman baths – baths/gym/library

The Roman Empire
The Roman Army
• The Roman Army was made up of
legions of up to 4,000 soldiers.
• Each legion was broken up into
smaller groups of 100 soldiers called
• Soldiers served for 20–25 years.
• They lived in barracks under strict
• Roman soldiers did not wear armour
on their back.
• They had to complete a 30-km road
march three times a month.
• They were given a plot of land upon

The Roman Empire
The Roman legacy
• Latin – influenced many modern languages
• Christianity – Rome is still the centre of the Catholic Church
• Roads – built wonderful roads
• Building and architecture – used large columns and arches. Many
important buildings have since been built using this style
• The Romans set up sewerage systems in their towns
• Central heating – designed the first system of underfloor heating
• Shopping centres – Trajan’s Forum is regarded as being the first
shopping centre in the world
• The calendar – designed the modern calendar and named the months
after Roman emperors and gods
• Law and order – established a system of state and civil law

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