Consumer Behavior: MAN - 432 Chapter 7 and 6, Solomon

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MAN – 432

Chapter 7 and 6, Solomon

 Mid Term
 Project
 New dates for two sessions?
 A person’s unique psychological makeup

 It tends to stabilize by the age of 30

 Freud and Motivation Research

 Id (pleasure), ego (reality) and superego


 Unconscious motive to eat the forbidden fruit

 Role of products in fulfilling the unacceptable

 Neo-Freudian Theories

 Human behavior is driven by relationship than sex

 Karen Horney

 Compliant

 Detached

 Aggressive

 Carl Jung

 Collective unconscious

 Archetypes (also refer table 7.2 in the book)

 Example of brand archetypes

 Trait theory

 Trait

 A distinguishable characteristic that describes one’s tendency to act in a relatively consistent


 Identifiable characteristics that define a person

 Big 5 / OCEAN
Brand Personality
 The set of traits people attribute to a product as if it were a person

 Reader-response theory

 Anthropomorphism

 Doughboy

 Brand Resonance

 Blackberry Boys

 Brand’s user imagery

 The set of human characteristics associated with the typical user of a brand
 A pattern of consumption that reflects a person’s choices of

how to spend his or her time and money

 A statement about who one is in society and who one is not

 Bourdieu

 Lifestyle marketing

 Allow (constrain?) consumers to pursue their chosen ways to enjoy

their lives and express their social identities

 Focus on patterns of behavior

 Products are not standalone things but are enmeshed in the lifestyle associations

 Product Complementarity

 Consumption Constellation

 For example: Armani suit + Starbucks coffee + Lee Cooper shoes + Dark colored iPhone + …

 Co-branding

 BMW + LV – Here

 “Companies may sell products, but consumers buy identities that are composed of

items in many different categories!”

 “Use of psychological, sociological, and anthropological factors . . . to determine

how the market is segmented by the propensity of groups within the market — and
their reasons — to make a particular decision about a product, person, ideology, or
otherwise hold an attitude or use a medium.”

 Generalized personality traits

 Not to confuse with lifestyle

 Demographics allow us to describe who buys,

but psychographics tells us why they do

 AIO – Do, Love, Think

 Lifestyle segmentation

The Self
 Individual self

 Collective self

 Self Concept: The beliefs a person holds about his or her own attributes and how he

or she evaluates the self on these qualities


 Identity: Any category label with which a consumer self-associates that is amenable to a

clear picture of what a person in that category looks like, thinks, feels and does
The Self
 Self-Esteem: Positivity of a person’s self-concept

 Invariably accompanied by social comparison

 Fair & Lovely

 Glow & Lovely

 Body Image

 Ideal Self, Actual Self, Avoidance Self

 Fantasy

 Impression Management

 Dove
The Self
 Dramaturgical perspective

 Symbolic Interactionalism

 Looking-Glass Self

 Self-consciousness

 We are what we buy or other way round?

 Self-Image Congruence

 Symbolic self-completion theory

The Self
 The Extended Self

 Digital Self

 Would you delete your profiles? Which ones?

 Ship of Theseus

 Compare these ads

 H&M

 Nike

 Veganism
The Self
 Embodied Cognition

 Enclothed Cognition

 Method acting (not in book)

 Cyborg

 Ghost in the Shell

The Body
 Body  Caste

 Nature vs Nurture
 Class
 Bodi Tribe
 Race
 Rules of Beauty

 Leading Lady
 Gender

 Fatshionista (Scaraboto, 2013)  Subalterns can speak!

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