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Phi li pp ine a r t


Module 8
Histori cal Ba ck ground of
Pai nti ng in the
Phi li ppi nes
 Of all the art forms, painting reflects most the
native quality of lyricism and exuberance
 Shows diversity of trends
 Introduced by the Spanish Friars in the 17th
 The earliest Filipino paintings were exclusively
religious on theme and imitative of Dutch and
Flemish models which were then current in
Feli x Re surrecci on
Hi dal go

Las Virgenes Christianas Expuestas al Populacho

Juan Luna
Fernando Amo rso lo
 Raised genre arts to a new
 Most eminent Filipino artist
 Developed distinctive style
 Celebration of Filipino rustic way
of life
 One of the country’s natural
 Best known exemplar of
representational art
 Imitation/forgery as proof of
Vi cente Ma nansa la
 Became a classic
before his death
 “romantic”, “volatile”,
“exuberant” are usual
spirit and tone of his
Ca rlos V. F rancisc o

 Known in his home town Angono,Rizal as

 Celebrated in his canvases Filipinos living in
provincial towns and barrios
The F EU Ch apel Murals
Vic tor Edades
Ga lo Oc amp o
Ma uro Mala ng Sa ntos
 Illustrator-cartoonist
for the Manila
 Creator of Kosme the
Cop (retired) & chain
Gang Charlie
Jose Joya
 Abstract
expressionist in mid
50’s through most of

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