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Methods of Encryption

KS4 – Data Transmission

Entry Practice
Starter Time – Retrieval Practice – What can you
remember from last lesson?​

Recall and define the following terms from the

previous lesson.
1.Check digits
2.Methods of check digits
3.ISBN Number

 Write information on the given sticky note – 3 mins

 Pair up with your shoulder partner.
 Exchange and discuss your notes - 2 mins
 Don’t forget to Paste your sticky note on
Topic: Methods of Encryption

Lesson Objective:
To understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

Self assessment
Success Criteria:
AT I can identify the purpose of encryption.

ABOVE I can describe the concept of symmetric and

asymmetric encryption.

ABOVE + I can compare symmetric and asymmetric

Entry Practice
Symmetric encryption Private Key

‫التشفير المتماثل‬ ‫المفتاح الخاص‬


Asymmetric encryption
‫التشفير غير المتماثل‬
‫فك تشفير‬

Sight words
1 minute challenge!!!
Public Key
‫المفتاح العام‬
Why is it not a good idea to write The piece of paper can get
stolen, intercepted, or
confidential information on a piece recovered if it has not
been disposed of properly.
of paper?
Laws might also be broken
regarding data privacy and
HI N T secrecy.
ou t
Think ab e
r th
rm ati o n is
u re o r no t .

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Purpose of encryption
Encryption alters data into a form that is unreadable by anybody for whom the data is not intended. It cannot
prevent the data being intercepted, but it stops it from making any sense to the eavesdropper. This is
particularly important if the data is sensitive or confidential
The original data being sent is known as plaintext. Once it has gone through an encryption algorithm, it
produces ciphertext

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Open the given link:

hn fnlm ux max vatgzx rhn pbla mh lxx bg max phkew Decrypt the text using
Caeser substitution

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
_________ is a way of securing Information on a network. An __________ is used
to help decrypt messages. Taking a secret message and reproducing the original
plain text is known as__________. Information that is readable without performing
any cryptographic operations is called ________. Once the plain text gone through
encryption algorithm, it produces a __________.

Cypher Text Decryption Plain Text Encryption Key Encryption


Encryption is a way of securing Information on a network. An encryption key is

used to help decrypt messages. Taking a secret message and reproducing the
original plain text is known as Decryption. Information that is readable without
performing any cryptographic operations is called plain text. Once the plain text
gone through encryption algorithm, it produces a cypher text.
Progress Check1:

Lesson Objective:
To understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

Self assessment
Success Criteria:
AT I can identify the purpose of encryption. Highlight the 1st
ABOVE I can describe the key concepts in the process of success criteria

ABOVE + I can compare symmetric and asymmetric


SC1:I can understand the purpose of encryption.


See – Think – Wonder

Discus with your
shoulder Partner.

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
bjective: To demonstrate how symmetric encryption works by exchanging secret messages
between pairs of students.
Instructions: a. Divide the class into pairs or small groups. b. Provide each group with a
unique symmetric encryption key (a simple substitution key, for example). c. One student in
each pair/group creates a secret message and encrypts it using the provided key. d. The
encrypted message is passed to the other student, who decrypts it using the same key. e.
Students can then discuss the effectiveness and limitations of symmetric encryption based on
their experience.
2. Asymmetric Encryption Activity: Public and Private Key Exchange
Objective: To illustrate the concept of asymmetric encryption using public and private keys.
Instructions: a. Explain the concept of public and private keys to the class. b. Assign roles: one
student as the sender and another as the receiver. c. The sender writes a message and encrypts it
using the receiver's public key (which is shared openly). d. The receiver decrypts the message
using their private key (which is kept secret). e. Discuss how the encryption and decryption
processes work, emphasizing the security provided by the private key.
3. Encryption Algorithm Comparison: Symmetric vs. Asymmetric
Objective: To compare the efficiency and security aspects of symmetric and asymmetric See – Think – Wonder
encryption algorithms.
Instructions: a. Introduce different encryption algorithms, both symmetric and asymmetric
Discus with your
(e.g., AES for symmetric and RSA for asymmetric). b. Provide students with encryption tasks shoulder Partner.
to perform using both types of algorithms. c. Compare the speed and complexity of encrypting
and decrypting messages with symmetric and asymmetric algorithms. d. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of each type of encryption based on the comparison.
4. Cryptographic Escape Room Challenge
Objective: To engage students in solving encryption-related puzzles and challenges within a
limited time frame.
Instructions: a. Create an escape room scenario with encryption-themed puzzles and
challenges. b. Divide the class into teams and provide each team with a series of encrypted
clues. c. Teams must decrypt the clues using both symmetric and asymmetric encryption
techniques to progress through the escape room. d. The team that successfully solves all the
encryption puzzles within the time limit wins the challenge.
These interactive activities provide students with hands-on experience and a practical
understanding of symmetric and asymmetric encryption conce

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Symmetric Encryption
Symmetric encryption uses an encryption key; the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the encoded
message. First of all, consider a simple system that uses a 10-digit denary encryption key (this gives 1 ×
1010 possible codes); and a decryption key.

Plain text cypher text using

10 digit encryption key

Modern computers could ‘crack’ this encryption key in a matter of seconds. To try to combat this, we now use
256-bit binary encryption keys that give 2256 (approximately, 1.2 × 1077) possible combinations.
It is difficult to keep the encryption key a secret as it needs to be sent in an email or a text message which can be
Now can you identify the 10 digit
encryption key used in this encryption. Now think about the main drawback of Symmetric Encryption.
Explain how it works.

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Asymmetric Encryption
Asymmetric encryption was developed to overcome the security problems associated with symmetric
encryption. It makes use of two keys :
» public key- made available to everybody
» private key- only known to the computer user

Critical thinking
Now think about the cases were 2 way
communication is required.
As a pair discuss and design a scenario
where Alice is planning to have a 2 way
communication of private information
with 5 of her other friends.

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Asymmetric Encryption- Example

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Asymmetric Encryption- Example

Progress check

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
AFL- Peer Assessment
1. What is meant by the term ciphertext when used in 3. In encryption, which of the following is the term used to
encryption? describe the message before it is encrypted?
a) an encryption or decryption algorithm a) simpletext
b) an encrypted message b) plaintext
c) a type of session key c) notext
d) another name for plaintext d) ciphertext
e) text following an encryption algorithm e) firsttext
4. Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage of
2. When carrying out asymmetric encryption, which of the using symmetric encryption?
following users would keep the private key? a) it is very complex and time consuming
a) the sender b) it is rarely used anymore
b) the receiver c) the value of the key reads the same in both directions
c) both sender and receiver d) it only works on computers with older operating
d) all recipients of the message systems
e) None of the above e) there is a security problem when transmitting the
encryption key

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
AFL- Peer Assessment
1. What is meant by the term ciphertext when used in 3. In encryption, which of the following is the term used to
encryption? describe the message before it is encrypted?
a) an encryption or decryption algorithm a) simpletext
b) an encrypted message b) plaintext
c) a type of session key c) notext
d) another name for plaintext d) ciphertext
e) text following an encryption algorithm e) firsttext
4. Which of the following is the biggest disadvantage of
2. When carrying out asymmetric encryption, which of the using symmetric encryption?
following users would keep the private key? a) it is very complex and time consuming
a) the sender b) it is rarely used anymore
b) the receiver c) the value of the key reads the same in both directions
c) both sender and receiver d) it only works on computers with older operating
d) all recipients of the message systems
e) None of the above e) there is a security problem when transmitting the
encryption key
Main Activity
Task 1: Challenge Activity:
Explain why encryption is used when transmitting Using the given figure as your template, draw a new
data over a network diagram showing the public keys and private keys that
need to be swapped if Jane wishes to have a two-way
Task 2: exchange of encrypted documents between Tom, Susan,
Describe what is meant by symmetric encryption. Mike and Megan.
Describe what is meant by asymmetric encryption

Task 3:
Jane can only receive encrypted documents from
a) Describe what would need to happen for Jane to
be able to send encrypted documents back to
b) Explain why this method is much more secure
than symmetric encryption.

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Plenary- Self Assessment

Write down your

strengths, Improvements
and development from
the lesson

LO: We are learning to understand the concept of symmetric and asymmetric encryption.

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