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• Transport: is the movement of humans,
animals, and goods from one location to
another. The action of transport is defined
as a particular movement of an organism or
thing from a point A to a point B.
Terms and • Transportation Engineering: is the
Definitions application of scientific principles to the
planning, design; operation and
management of transportation systems for
moving goods and people by highway, rail,
air, water, and pipelines, as well as urban
and intermodal transportation.
• A transportation system can be defined as
the combination of elements and their
Transportation interactions, which produce the demand for
Systems travel within a given area and the supply of
transportation services to satisfy this
• The intra-city or urban distribution of freight
is predominantly accomplished by highway
Urban subsystem using vans; trucks
Transportation • The major movement within urban areas are
system related to passenger transport
• Mode of transport in urban, are heavy rail;
light rail; bus
• Urban transit, mass transit or public
transportation includes systems that are
Urban available for use by all persons who pay the
established fare.
Transit • A system of buses, trains, running on fixed
routes, on which the public may travel.
Types of Transportation Systems
• Land Transportation - Covers all land-based transportation systems that
provide for the movement of people, goods and services.
• Air Transportation - Encompasses the planning, design, and construction of
terminals, runways, and navigation aids to provide for passenger and freight
service. High-capacity, long-range, fuel-efficient aircraft are desirable.
• Water Transportation - Entails the design and construction of a vast array of
facilities such as canals, locks and dams, and port facilities. The
transportation system ranges from shipping by barge and tugboat on inland
waterways to shipping by oceangoing vessels.
• Pipelines - Embraces the design and construction of pipelines, pumping
stations, and storage facilities. Pipelines are used to transport liquids such as
water, gas, and petroleum products over great distances.
• Highway Transportation - involves planning, construction, and
operation of highway systems, urban streets, roads, and bridges, as
well as parking facilities. Highway transportation engineers face the
challenge of moving increasing volumes of traffic over existing routes
while improving safety records.
• Railway Transportation - involves planning, construction, and
operation of terminals, switchyards, loading/unloading facilities,
trackage, bridges, tunnels, and traffic-control systems for freight and
passenger service. For freight operations, there is an emphasis on
developing more efficient systems for loading, unloading, shifting
cars, and operating trains.
• High line haul speed
• Capacities of individual aircraft are
Air moderate, but productivity is high due to
high speed
• Environmental impact are significant
Characteristics especially the noise impact of commercial
aviation, but much less concern than those
of highway system
• Low speed; low accessibility
• High capacities
• Environmental impact are relatively low, but
Characteristics if oil spills occur, serious problem rise
• Low to highspeed continuous flow
• Costs are low
Characteristics • Environmental Impact is normally quite low
once they are built. However, construction
impact is sometime of concern.
•Duties and responsibilities
What's it like to •A transportation engineer is a civil engineer
who is responsible for planning, designing,
be a operating transportation systems. They may
Transportation be responsible for the systems we use
Engineer? everyday, such as streets and highways. Or,
they may plan and design larger projects such
as airports, ship ports, mass transit systems
and harbours. Their key tasks include:
• Simulating transport problems using
Simulating computer models and working out solutions

Analysing and • Analysing and interpreting data gathered

interpreting from transport studies

Forecasting • Forecasting the impact of new developments

Looking • Looking at schemes to manage traffic

• Studying accident ‘black spots’ to design road

Studying safety improvements

• Writing reports for funding bids and planning

Writing authorities

• Acting as an expert witness during public

Acting enquiries
• Problem-solving skills - as transportation engineers will need to
analyze traffic problems and find solutions
• Organizational skills - as transportation engineers will need to ensure
they keep on top of things so that projects can be delivered on time
Skills and • Leadership skills - as transportation engineers will need to manage
projects and direct other people (e.g., architects, construction
relevant workers)
• Negotiation skills - as transportation engineers will need to negotiate
work plans and contracts with the relevant authorities
• Communication skills - (both written and verbal) as transportation
experience engineers must share their ideas with clients, architects, construction
workers and all other professionals involved in the process. They must
also keep reports up to date
• Analytical skills - as transportation engineers must be able to analyze
facts and figures before making judgements
• Computer skills - as transportation engineers will have to use various
softwares to design structurally sound and durable projects
What problems does transportation
engineering solve?

• Transportation engineering addresses • Managing proper maintenance of the roadways

the common issues related to • Handling traffic flow to minimize congestion
transportation systems and seeks ways
• Preventing transportation accidents
to resolve these for safer, faster and
more efficient transportation options. • Selecting the appropriate pavement and other
Some of the concerns that a materials for roads, highways and other types of
transportation engineer might address
include: • Facilitating efficient trade routes
• Determining the fastest way to transport goods
• Ensuring compliance with state and federal
construction policies
• Providing safe options for pedestrian traffic

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