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EDUC 202

The Teacher and the Community

Chapter 4

Learning Outcomes:
1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of
Filipino character; and
2. Cite ways by which schools can counteract
the weaknesses of the Filipino character.
The Strengths and Weaknesses of Filipino
Schools are there for society. Their relevance
is proven by their ability to address socio-
cultural and global problems. What are these
social and global issues or problems that
schools should help address?
In 1988 Senator Leticia Shahani submitted to the
Senate this Report titled. “ A Moral Recovery
Program : Building a People, Building a Nation”
. This report cites the strengths and weaknesses
of the Filipino character.
The Weaknesses of the Filipino Character

1. Extreme family centeredness- Excessive

concern for family means using one’s office and
power to promote family interests and thus
factionalism patronage, political dynasties and
the protection of erring family members.
It results in lack of concern for the common
good, and acts as a block to national
2. Extreme personalism- Takes things personally,
cannot separate objectives task from emotional
involvement. Because of this the Filipino is
uncomfortable with bureaucracy, with rules and
regulations and with standard procedure.
He uses personal contacts, and gives
preference to family and friends in hiring,
service an even voting. Extreme personalism
leads to the graft and corruption evident in
Philippine society.
3. Lack of discipline- A casual attitude
toward time and space, manifested in lack of
precision and compulsiveness, in poor time
management and procrastination.
Impatience results in shorts cuts, palusot,
ningas cogon . Lack of discipline often
results to inefficient work system, the
violation of rules and a casual work ethic
lacking follow through.
4. Passivity and lack of initiative- Waiting to
be told on what to do, reliance on others
( leaders and government), complacence, lack of a
sense of urgency.
This is high tolerance of inefficiency, poor
service, and even violation of one’s basic
right. Too patient and matiisin, too easily
resigned to his fate, the Filipino is easily
oppressed and exploited
5. Colonial mentally- Lack of patriotism, or
of an active awareness, appreciation and love
of the Philippines and a actual preference for
things foreign.
6. Kanya-kanya syndrome, talangka
mentality- Done by tsismis, intriga,
unconstructive criticism ….it is evident in the
personal ambition that is completely
insensitive to the common good.
This result in the dampening of cooperative
and community spirit, and in the trampling
upon other’s right.
7. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection- The
tendency to be superficial and some what flight.
In the dace of serious personal and social problem,
there is lack of analysis or reflection, and instead
satisfaction with superficial explanations and
8. Emphasis on porma rather than
substance- This lack of analysis and
emphasis on form is reinforced by an
educational system that is more from than
These weaknesses are rooted in many factors:
home social and economic environment,
culture and language, history; religion ,
educational system, mass media, leadership
and role models.
Change is possible, however , and the
following goals are proposed to develop in
the Filipino:
(1) a sense of patriotism and national pride,
(2) a sense of the common good; (3) a sense
of integrity and accountability (4) the values
and habits of discipline and hard work
(5) the value and habits of self –reflection and
analysis, the internalization of spiritual
values and the emphasis of essence rather
than on form (Shalani, Leticia 1988) .
Values in Education

Senator Shahani’s Report was given in 1988.

But its findings as reported may still be true
today. The Department of Education has as
its vision to help develop….”
Filipinos who passionately love their country
and whose values and competence enable
them to realize their full potential and
contribute meaningfully to building the
It has as its core values—maka-Diyos, maka-
tao, makakalikasan and makabansa.
In response to this Reports, Values Education
now Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao in K to 12
Curriculum, was introduced as a separate subject
in the basic education curriculum under the Values
Education Framework program of Dr. Lourdes
then Department of Education, Culture and
Sports in 1988-1990. The Values Education
Framework was conceptualized in 1987 .
In 2002, the Basic Education Curriculum (Grade 1-
9, and First –Fourth Year High School) integrated
values in the major learning areas or subjects. but
core course such as Introduction to the Philosophy of
the Human Person and Personal Development, are in
essence, Values Education subjects themselves.
Beginning with the K to 12 Curriculum in
2013, Values Education was renamed
Edukasyon sa Pagpapakato (ESP) for Grades
In the Senior High Curriculum (Grade 11-12)
there is no course with the title , Values
Education or Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
but core course such as Introduction to the
Philosophy of the Human Person and
Personal Development, are in essence, Values
Education subjects themselves.

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