Digital + Ooh

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Digital + OOH

Digital Display
• Utilizing digital displays in traditional OOH locations, such as billboards or bus shelters, to display dynamic and
interactive ads that can be updated in real-time
• Digital OOH advertising can offer interactive experiences for consumers, such as touchscreens which can create
a more engaging and memorable advertising experience
• Digital OOH advertising can be cost-effective, especially when compared to traditional forms of OOH advertising
such as billboards, as the cost of installation and maintenance is lower, and the potential audience reach is much
• Digital OOH advertising has a lower environmental impact compared to traditional forms of OOH advertising as it
does not require the production and disposal of physical materials
Location-based targeting
• Using data from digital devices to target specific audiences with OOH ads based on their physical location
• Location-based targeting in digital OOH advertising can be integrated with other channels, such as mobile and
social media, to create a comprehensive and coordinated advertising campaign
• By targeting specific locations and audience demographics, location-based targeting in digital OOH advertising
can increase the return on investment for advertisers by ensuring that their ads are seen by the right people at
the right time
QR codes
• Integrating QR codes into OOH ads that link to relevant digital content, such as a landing page or product
• QR codes linked with digital OOH advertising can provide an interactive experience for consumers, encouraging
them to engage with the ad and learn more about the product or service being advertised
• QR codes can be tracked and analysed, allowing advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their digital OOH
advertising campaigns and determine areas for improvement
• QR codes linked with digital OOH advertising can provide valuable consumer data, such as demographics and
interests, which can be used to inform future ad placement and campaign strategy
• By providing an interactive and personalized experience for consumers, QR codes linked with digital OOH
advertising can increase conversion rates and drive sales
Social media integration
• Encouraging social media engagement through OOH ads by incorporating unique hashtags, social handles, or
augmented reality experiences
• Integrating social media with digital OOH advertising can increase the reach and impact of the advertising
campaign by leveraging the large and active user base of social media platforms
• Integrating social media with digital OOH advertising can create a more engaging experience for consumers,
encouraging them to interact with the ad and share it with their social media networks
• Integrating social media with digital OOH advertising allows advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their
campaigns and track engagement, impressions, and conversions
• Integrating social media with digital OOH advertising has the potential to drive viral marketing, as consumers
may share the ad with their social media networks, increasing its reach and impact
Augmented reality (AR)
• AR technology is being used more and more in advertising, and it's a great way to bring a digital component to
OOH advertising.
• For example, a billboard might use AR to overlay a digital image over the real world, creating a unique and
immersive experience for viewers.
Analytics and measurement
• Combining data from both OOH and digital marketing to track and measure the impact and effectiveness of a
campaign across multiple channels
• Digital OOH advertising provides a measurable return on investment, allowing advertisers to track and analyse
the impact of their campaigns and make informed decisions about future investments
• Digital OOH advertising enables advertisers to gather real-time data and insights, such as audience
demographics, foot traffic patterns, and engagement rates, allowing them to continually improve their
• Digital OOH advertising can be used to measure brand awareness and recall, helping advertisers understand the
impact of their campaigns on consumer perception and sentiment
• Digital OOH advertising enables advertisers to continuously improve their campaigns based on the data and
insights gathered through analytics and measurement, ensuring that their investments are delivering the desired
By integrating OOH and digital marketing, brands can reach audiences in both physical and digital spaces, create a
more seamless and consistent brand experience, and effectively measure and optimize their campaigns.
From what distance is QR Code Affective in India?
• The effectiveness of a QR code in India, or any location, can depend on various factors such as the
purpose of the QR code, its placement, and the audience it is intended for. Generally speaking, QR codes
can be scanned from a distance of a few centimetres to several feet away, depending on the size and
resolution of the code, as well as the quality of the camera on the scanning device.
• However, it is important to note that in India, access to smartphones with built-in QR code readers and
internet connectivity may vary depending on the location and demographics of the audience. As such, the
effectiveness of a QR code campaign in India should be evaluated based on the specific context and
target audience.
When a vehicle moving can a QR Code be scanned
• Firstly, the size and resolution of the QR code can affect the scanning distance and angle
required for a successful scan. A larger and higher resolution QR code may be easier to scan
from a greater distance and wider angle, which can be helpful if the vehicle is moving.
• Secondly, the speed of the vehicle can also affect the scanning process. A slower moving
vehicle may make it easier to scan the QR code as there is more time to line up the camera
and capture a clear image.
• However, it is generally not recommended to scan QR codes while driving or operating a
vehicle. Scanning a QR code requires the user's full attention and can distract from the task of
driving, which can be dangerous. It is always best to pull over to a safe location or have a
passenger scan the QR code.
Does the size of the QR code matter ?
• Yes, the size of a QR code can impact its scan ability in India, as well as in any other location.
The size of a QR code is an important factor in determining how far away the scanning device
can be while still being able to successfully scan the code.
• Generally, larger QR codes are easier to scan from a distance than smaller QR codes. This is
because a larger code has more pixels, which makes it easier for the scanning device to
recognize and decode the information in the code. In addition, a larger QR code also allows for
more error correction, which can help compensate for distortions or obstructions that may
occur during scanning.
• However, it's important to note that making a QR code too large may also result in a loss of
scannability, as the code may become distorted or difficult to fit within the limited space
available on printed materials. The optimal size of a QR code will depend on the specific
application and context in which it is being used.
QR code generate for personal use as well as for a
group of people
1.Online QR code generators: There are many websites that allow you to generate a QR
code for free. Some popular examples include QR Code Generator, QR Code Monkey, and
Kaywa QR Code. These sites allow you to enter the information you want to encode, such
as a website URL, email address, or contact information, and generate a QR code that can
be downloaded and printed.
2.QR code generator apps: There are also many apps available on the App Store or Google
Play that allow you to generate a QR code directly from your smartphone. Some popular
examples include QR Code Reader & Generator, QR Code & Barcode Scanner, and QR Code
3.Group QR code generators: To generate a QR code for a group of people, you can use a
service like QR Code Monkey's QR code batch generator, which allows you to generate
multiple QR codes at once with different information encoded in each code. This can be
useful for generating unique QR codes for each member of a group or team.
4.QR code printers: Some printers are also capable of generating QR codes, allowing you to
easily print a QR code onto a physical object, such as a flyer, brochure, or business card.
Location based targeting done for OOH

1. Geo-fencing: This method involves using GPS technology to create a virtual boundary
around a specific location, such as a mall or a stadium. When a user enters this
boundary, they can receive targeted ads on their mobile devices, based on their location.
2. Beacon technology: Beacons are small devices that use Bluetooth technology to transmit
signals to nearby mobile devices. By placing beacons near OOH advertising displays,
advertisers can send targeted ads to users who are within the range of the beacon.
3. Audience data: By using data analytics and audience data, advertisers can target OOH
ads to specific demographics or geographic locations. This can include data on consumer
behavior, interests, and purchasing habits, as well as demographic data such as age,
gender, and income.

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