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Part 2
Lesson 14
Mr. Edward B. Noda
Persons with
Disabilities (PWDs)
and Underprivileged
Sectors of the Society
Person’s with Disabilities (PWD’s)
 According to the United Nations (UN) Convention on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the term
“persons with disabilities” is used to apply to those
persons who have long-term physical, psychological,
intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction
with several unreasonable or discriminatory barriers
may obstruct their full and active participation as equal
members of the society.
 Much like us, persons with certain conditions have also dreams and
ambitions in life. Some of them wants to become teachers, lawyers,
artists, athletes, and many more.
Fatima Soriano Roselle Ambubuyog
Arnold Balais
Hellen Keller (1880- 1968)
● American author, political activist
● 1st deaf-blind person to earn a
bachelor’s degree
● Anne Sullivan- Hellen’s mentor who
was visually-impaired as well.
● Published her autobiography, The
Story of My Life
Nicholas James “Nick” Vujicic (born 1982)
● Australian evangelist and
motivational speaker who was
born with phocomelia, a
condition in which a person is
born with no arms or legs.
● Founder of Life Without
Limbs, a
non-profit organization and
Roselle Ambubuyog (born 1980)
● 1st visually-impaired Filipino to graduate
summa cum laude from Ateneo de
Manila University in 2001.
● Despite her handicap, she was a
consistent academic honoree-
valedictorian (elementary & high school)
● Product and support manager at Code
Factory, the world’s leading provider of
software that allow the visually-
impaired to access mobile devices.
Underprivileged Sectors of the Society
 The underprivileged is being described as the
group of people that is suffering from different
forms of social deprivation such as denial of the
enjoyment of similar level of comfort and/or
fundamental rights as most of the members of a
civilized society due to several economic and social

 This group is less in terms of material possessions

and basic social benefits, like education and
health services, in comparison to most of the
people in a certain society.
Underprivileged Sectors of the Society
 Furthermore, this group of individuals is facing various
dimensions of poverty, such as income poverty, health
deprivation, human rights violations, gender inequity, and
many more.

 These dimensions have incapacitated many members of the

human society like women, children, and the LGBT
community, wherein all are classified as underprivileged.
Underprivileged Sectors of the Society

 The marginalized sectors, which include

jeepney drivers, farmers, fisherfolks, and many
more, are also considered as

 Marginalized sectors are the groups of individuals

that are experiencing the so-called
marginalization, which is the act of downgrading
a person, a class of people, or a concept to an
insignificant, secondary, or powerless situation
in a society.
 Globally, women and children are being
subjected to oppression and different forms
of exploitation, such as prostitution and
pornography that assault human dignity
and violate human rights.
 They have turned into slaves of these
criminal activities because of different social
and economic conditions like poverty and
lack of opportunity.
 Women and children have also become
victims of domestic and sexual violence.
According to the Philippine National Police's
- Women and Children Protection Center
(PNP-WCPC), 602 incidents of sexual
assault were recorded from March 17, 2020
to May 23, 2020 or an average of eight
cases a day. These were the times when
Luzon and other parts of the country
were on enhanced community quarantine
because of Coronavirus Disease 2019
LGBTQI++ Community
 The members of the LGBT community
are also victims of different types of
violence. Many of them are
experiencing numerous adverse
treatments like bullying, discrimination,
physical violence, and even sexual
assault because of their sexual
orientations and gender identities.
LGBTQI++ Community
They are also facing work-related issues. Based
on the first-ever Corporate SOGIE Diversity and
Inclusiveness (CSDI) Index, a study that was
administered by the Philippine LGBT Chamber of
Commerce and research firm Cogencia and was
participated by 100 Philippine-based companies,
not a single Filipino company has any
implementing policy that will protect their
employees who are members of the LGBT
community from various forms of discrimination
within the working environment.
 According to Emmanuel Levinas (1905-1995), a French philosopher, we must
go beyond ourselves and concentrate more on rendering assistance
passionately and acting with concern toward others, particularly to the
members of our society who have become victims of different dimensions of
 We should have the courage to defend them from any form of social
deprivation and discrimination. We can do this by voicing out our concerns
and obligating our government officials to enact bills and ordinances, or
strictly implement the laws that we already have, that aim to protect the
underprivileged from several oppressive treatments and make these
people enjoy the same social services, such as education, employment,
and health care, as most of the members of the society.
 Also, we can help the underprivileged by sincerely and consistently joining in
campaigns or movements that seek to empower them.
 It is our obligation to help the underprivileged, since they are considered as
vulnerable to different forms of human rights violation and social deprivation.
 It is also important to promote the practice or policy of providing
equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise
be excluded or marginalized, such as those having physical or
disabilities or belonging to other minority
 groups.
Most importantly, it is our moral duty to uphold human dignity and
importance of life, because even though we are totally different from each
other, our shared dignity and humanity is the thing that unifies us all.

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