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Speaking Vocab Bank - Happiness
happy-go-lucky encourage strolling empathic tendency
internalize suffering adequate atmosphere guffaws
truly extraverted
introverted omniverted charming amusing
worldview fresh absence content
optimists realists
pessimists impractical laid back easy-going
inconveniences mindset adulation regardless mental

get on like a house on fire ignorance is bliss by extension

turning a blind eye go a long way

Speaking Part 1
Are you a happy person?
What usually makes you feel happy?
Does the weather affect how you feel?
What makes you unhappy?
Do you think people in your country are genuinely happy?
Speaking Part 2

Describe a happy person who you know

You should say:

● Who he/she is
● How you know this person
● What things you do together

And explain why you think this person is happy
Speaking Part 3
1. What do you think 'happiness' is?
2. What kind of people do you think are most likely to be happy?
3. Do you think people who have more talent are happier than others?
4. Do you think money makes people happy?
5. Are the things that make people happy today the same as several decades ago?
6. Why do people feel happy when they are with members of their family?
Speaking Part 1
Are you a happy person?
Yes, I am a happy-go-lucky person. I don’t like to stress myself with uncomfortable
thoughts, and I also like to maintain a positive attitude towards everything in my life. I also
encourage others to do the same
What usually makes you feel happy?
Little details bring me joy. For example, sleeping a few minutes longer, enjoying time with
family and friends, going on adventurous journeys, listening to music and so on. Helping
people also makes me happy.
Does the weather affect how you feel?
Well, not really. Rain, on the other hand, manages to lift my mood. The slow drumming of
rain helps me relax. Moreover, strolling in the rain brings happiness to me.
Speaking Part 1
What makes you unhappy?
I think I am an empathic person. Seeing people in pain makes me unhappy. I
have a tendency to internalize other people's suffering, particularly people I
care about. Moreover, not getting adequate sleep makes me feel unhappy.
Do you think people in your country are genuinely happy?
Indians are generally happy as the people often smile. People in India are very
kind and thoughtful, and they try to create a happy and friendly atmosphere
around them. Moreover, people easily burst into guffaws at the slightest things.
People in my country are truly happy people.
Speaking Part 2
Describe a happy person who you know
The person I want to talk about is my friend Tim. We met through work around five years
ago and we get on like a house on fire. We spent a couple of years living together and
we’ve been on many holidays with each other, seeing different parts of China, Thailand and
Vietnam. We also did less expensive things like going to the cinema, eating out and
spending time with our other friends. It’s never quiet with Tim, he’s a very extraverted
person, and quite charming too, so he’s always making new friends and telling amusing
stories. I think he’s happy because of his worldview. Even though he’s very hard-working,
he always takes time to relax and appreciate any positives in a situation. He’s also always
open to new experiences and likes to keep things fresh and interesting so he’s rarely
bored. He taught me to not take things so seriously, and always encouraged me when I
was going through a period of difficulty.
Speaking Part 3
1. What do you think 'happiness' is?
In my opinion, happiness is the absence of negative feeling. If you feel content and at
peace, you are experiencing happiness. This question reminds me of the phrase
‘ignorance is bliss’, which implies the less you know, the happier you are. Now, I don’t
necessarily belief this to be 100% true, however, I certainly feel happier if I don’t watch
the news for a couple of days!
2. What kind of people do you think are most likely to be happy?
I think in general, optimists are probably happier than realists or pessimists. Focusing
on the positives of a situation and turning a blind eye to negatives, though in some
cases impractical, will certainly lead to a feeling of happiness. Another example that
comes to mind would probably be people who are laid back. Easy-going individuals
don’t tend to become stressed at inconveniences in their lives and just treat them as a
new opportunity, again this positive mindset would definitely make for a happier person.
Speaking Part 3
3. Do you think people who have more talent are happier than others?

I can imagine that having a level of natural talent in a given skill would make a person feel more
confident, and therefore potentially happier by extension. However, I don’t think that simply
having more talent would make a person happier, as they would need be able to express their
talent and/or receive some form of adulation or at least positive feedback for the talent to affect
their level of happiness.

4. Do you think money makes people happy?

I think having enough money so that you aren’t worried about covering bills, rent and food for the
month definitely would go a long way to making the vast majority of people happier. It isn’t
necessary to have money to be happy, we can still be grateful for the little things in life regardless
of wealth, but having basic needs comfortably covered each month would absolutely improve
many people’s mental state.
Speaking Part 3
5. Are the things that make people happy today the same as several decades ago?

Ultimately, yes, I think the same things make people happy nowadays as did twenty or so years
ago. People still enjoy seeing friends and family, eating good food, watching movies and playing
games. I think now we have a greater variety of what we can do to enjoy ourselves but overall
people haven’t changed that much.

6. Why do people feel happy when they are with members of their family?

I think people feel happy when surrounded by family as they feel comfortable and secure. You can
be yourself with family so it feels very natural. Equally, you spend your whole life with these
people, they know you and care for you no matter what you do. That level of support definitely
makes people feel better.
Comparing and Contrasting Graphs and Tables
OCGTI: 100-105
Discursive Passages
A passage which discusses a topic, think ‘discourse’ (communication)

To add more information or to clarify a point: moreover, furthermore, indeed, in addition, similarly, in

To present the opposite view: although, though, despite, in spite of, nonetheless, whilst

To give an example: such as, for instance, to illustrate this

To draw a conclusion: therefore, consequently, thus, as a result, hence
OCGTI: 64-69
Matching Headings
A few things to know about Matching headings to paragraphs

1. The task is to match between 5 and 7 headings to paragraphs in the text.

2. If it is used for a reading passage, it will usually be the first set of questions.
3. There are always more headings than paragraphs
4. You may need to read the whole text or only a part of it
5. Matching headings with paragraphs tests your ability to understand general information.
Section 1 and 2 overview; labelling maps and diagrams
Ready For IELTS, pg 11-12, 19-20

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