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Visual Studio 2008:

Windows Presentation

Module 2: Building User Interfaces
• Defining Page Layout

• Building User Interfaces by Using Content Controls

• Building User Interfaces by Using Items Controls

• Hosting Windows Forms Controls

Lesson: Defining Page Layout
• WPF Page Layout Model

• WPF Layout Classes

• Demonstration: Defining Layout by Using Panels

• Demonstration: Defining Layout by Using Grids

WPF Page Layout Model

1 Measurement Pass • Abstract rectangular bounding box

• Retrieve by calling GetLayout on

Hello World! a FrameworkElement

Evaluate each member of the Children collection to

determine Its DesiredSize

2 Arrangement Pass Window or Page element

Child objects

Layout class

Determine the final size of each child object and place

within Its layout slot
WPF Layout Classes



Children StackPanel


Demonstration: Defining Layout by Using Panels
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
• Use the Canvas class

• Use the StackPanel class

• Use the WrapPanel class

• Use the DockPanel class

Notes Page Over-flow Slide. Do Not Print Slide.
See Notes pane.
Demonstration: Defining Layout by Using Grids
In this demonstration, you will see how to use the
Grid class
Lesson: Building User Interfaces by Using
Content Controls
• What Is a Content Control?

• Demonstration: Creating a User Interface by Using

Content Controls
• What Is a Headered Content Control?

• Demonstration: Creating a User Interface by Using

Headered Content Controls
What Is a Content Control?

• Contains a single item Common content controls:

• Has a Content property • Button
• CheckBox
Examples Text • GroupItem
This is text content of a Button • Label
DateTime • RadioButton
04/03/2007 13:06 • RepeatButton
UIElement • ToggleButton

• ToolTip

Demonstration: Creating a User Interface by
Using Content Controls
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
• Use the ContentControl class

• Use the Border Decorator class

Notes Page Over-flow Slide. Do Not Print Slide.
See Notes pane.
What Is a Headered Content Control?

• Specialized ContentControl GroupBox

• Has a Content property

• Has a Header property


Headered content controls:

• Expander

• GroupBox

• TabItem Expander
Demonstration: Creating a User Interface by
Using Headered Content Controls
In this demonstration, you will see how to:
• Use the TabItem class

• Use the GroupBox class

• Use the Expander class

Notes Page Over-flow Slide. Do Not Print Slide.
See Notes pane.
Lesson: Building User Interfaces by Using
Items Controls
• What Is an Items Control?

• Handling Item Selection

• Demonstration: Creating a User Interface by Using Items

What Is an Items Control?


Common items controls:

• ComboBox

• ListBox

Can be • Menu
different types
• StatusBar

• TabControl
• Contains multiple objects
• ToolBar
• Has an Items property
• TreeView
• Has an ItemsSource property
Handling Item Selection

Attach event handler


Define event handler

public void ListBox1_SelectionChanged(

object sender,
SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
Demonstration: Creating a User Interface by
Using Items Controls
In this demonstration, you will see how to use the ListBox
Lesson: Hosting Windows Forms Controls
• Why Host Windows Forms Controls in WPF?

• Referencing Windows Forms Controls in a WPF Application

• Using Windows Forms Controls in XAML

• Interacting with Windows Forms Controls

Why Host Windows Forms Controls in WPF?

• Some Windows Forms controls have no equivalent in WPF

• Reuse existing investment in Windows Forms code

• DataGridView

• DateTimePicker

• FolderBrowserDialog
• NotifyIcon
Referencing Windows Forms Controls in a WPF

Add references to the following assemblies:


WPF Application assembly
Using Windows Forms Controls in XAML


<Window ... >

<wfi:WindowsFormsHost x:Name="wfh">
<wf:DateTimePicker x:Name="dtp" />

child control

Add required XML namespace declarations to

root <Window> element
Interacting with Windows Forms Controls
• WindowsFormsHost element
• Manipulate default child
<wfi:WindowsFormsHost ... >

<wf:DateTimePicker ... />

</wfi:WindowsFormsHost> • Child property

• Cast to relevant type

• Attach event handlers

• Manipulate properties

(this.wfh.Child as DateTimePicker).ValueChanged +=
new EventHander(Window1_ValueChanged);
Lab: Building User Interfaces
• Exercise 1: Defining Page Layout and Adding Content

• Exercise 2: Enhancing the User Interface by Using Items

• Exercise 3: Integrating Windows Forms Controls

Logon information
Virtual machine 6460A-LON-DEV-02

User name Student

Password Pa$$w0rd

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Lab Review
• When would you use the DockPanel, Border, StackPanel,
and Grid layout classes?
• How do you define the content for a Button element?

• How do you define the child items for a ListView

• Which assemblies must you reference to integrate
Windows Forms controls in your WPF applications?
• Which WPF element do you use to host Windows Forms
controls in your WPF applications?
Module Review and Takeaways
• Review Questions

• Tools

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