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Visual Studio® 2008:

Windows® Presentation
Module 9: Configuring and Deploying Applications
in Windows Presentation Foundation
• Deployment Options

• Deploying a Stand-Alone WPF Application

• Deploying an XBAP Application

• Configuring Manifest Settings

Lesson: Deployment Options
• Deployment Technologies

• Full-Trust and Partial-Trust Applications

• WPF Features Available in Partial Trust

• WPF Features Unavailable in Partial Trust

• XBAP Applications on the Local Intranet

Deployment Technologies
• XCopy deployment

• Microsoft Windows Installer

• ClickOnce deployment

• Windows Remote Desktop Connection

Full-Trust and Partial-Trust Applications
DNS Database Registry SQL Server

DNSPermission SqlClientPermission


Windows Event OLEDB Data

Log Source
EventLogPermission OleDbClientPermission

Web Services
File System

EnvironmentPermission SecurityPermission

Unmanaged Code Remote Servers
WPF Features Available in Partial Trust
• General features
 Browser window, isolated storage, commands, and simulated
drag and drop

• Web integration
 Browser download dialog box, top-level navigation, HTTP
Web requests, E-mail links, and ASMX Web services

• Visual effects
 2-D and 3-D graphics, animation, media, audio, and video

• Reading
 Flow documents, XPS documents, embedded fonts, system
fonts, and TrueType fonts

• Editing
 Spelling checker and copy and paste
WPF Features Unavailable in Partial Trust
• General features
 Application-defined windows and dialog boxes, file system
access, registry access, and Windows Forms interoperability

• Web integration
 Scripting and access to the Document Object Model

• Visual effects
 Bitmap effects and image encoding

• Editing
 Access to the Rich Text Format (RTF) clipboard and full XAML
XBAP Applications on the Local Intranet
By default, XBAP applications run with partial trust:
• Default Internet zone permission set

If you launch an XBAP application from the local intranet:

• The XBAP application can take advantage of the

LocalIntranet permission set

LocalIntranet permissions grant access to additional

• DNS • Printing
• Environment variables • Reflection
• File dialogs • Security
• Isolated storage • User interface
Lesson:Deploying a Stand-Alone WPF Application
• Deploying a Stand-Alone Application by Using Windows
• Deploying a Stand-Alone Application by Using ClickOnce

• Installing the .NET Framework

Deploying a Stand-Alone Application by Using
Windows Installer

To create a Windows Installer Setup project:

1. Add a Setup project to your solution

2. Configure your application as an output project
3. Configure the properties of the setup project
4. Add any additional files
5. Build the project
6. Distribute the .msi file
Deploying a Stand-Alone Application by Using

To create a ClickOnce deployment:

• Select the project that you want to deploy

• On the Build menu, click Publish
• Follow the steps in the Publish Wizard
• Distribute the published location
Installing the .NET Framework
To run a WPF application, the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 must
be installed on the client computer

For WPF browser-hosted applications launched from

Windows Internet Explorer 7:

• If .NET Framework is installed, Internet Explorer detects it

• If .NET Framework is not installed, Internet Explorer downloads it
and installs it
Lesson: Deploying an XBAP Application
• XBAP Files That Must Be Deployed

• What Is a Manifest File?

• Publishing an XBAP Application to a Web Server

• Installing an XBAP Application to a Client Computer

XBAP Files That Must Be Deployed

An XBAP is a compiled application that requires at least

the following three files to be deployed:

• ApplicationName.exe
• ApplicationName.xbap
• ApplicationName.exe.manifest
What Is a Manifest File?

An application manifest file describes:

• Application assemblies
• Dependent assemblies
• Permissions that are required by the application

A deployment manifest file describes the deployment

• Location
• Current version
• Update behavior
• Publisher identity
• Digital signature
Publishing an XBAP Application to a Web Server
To deploy an XBAP by using XCopy deployment:
1. Build the application
2. Copy the output files to the target Web server

To deploy an XBAP by using ClickOnce deployment:

• Select the project you want to deploy

• On the Build menu, click Publish
• Follow the steps in the Publish Wizard
• Distribute the published location
Installing an XBAP Application to a Client
To deploy an XBAP by using XCopy deployment:
1. Build the application
2. Copy the output files to the target client computer

To deploy an XBAP by using Windows Installer:

1. Add a Setup project to your solution

2. Configure your application as an output project
3. Configure the properties of the Setup project
4. Add any additional files
5. Build the project and distribute the .msi file
Lesson: Configuring Manifest Settings
• Using the Manifest Generation and Editing Tools

• Mage.exe Commands

• Setting Options for New and Updated Files

• Setting Options for Signing Files

Using the Manifest Generation and Editing Tools
You can use the manifest generation and editing tools to
create and edit manifest files
• Mage.exe is a command-line tool
• MageUI.exe is an equivalent graphical tool

You can use Mage.exe and MageUI.exe to set:

• Common properties in deployment and application manifests
• Application manifest properties
• Deployment manifest properties
Mage.exe Commands
Mage.exe syntax:
Mage [commands] [commandOptions]

• -New
 Create a new deployment or application manifest file

• -Update
 Make changes to a manifest file

• -Sign
 Sign a manifest file by using a certificate

• -Help
 Describes all the available commands and their options
Setting Options for New and Updated Files

Common options for new and updated application and

deployment manifest files:
• CertFile and CertHash
• Name and Password
• ToFile, Processor, and Version

Options for new and updated application manifest files:

• FromDirectory
• TrustLevel

Options for new and updated deployment manifest files:

• AppCodeBase and AppManifest
• Install, MinVersion, and ProviderUrl
Setting Options for Signing Files

Specify the following options when you sign a manifest

• CertFile and CertHash
• Password
• ToFile
Lab: Configuring and Deploying WPF Applications
• Exercise 1: Deploying a Stand-Alone WPF Application

• Exercise 2: Updating a Deployment Manifest

• Exercise 3: Deploying an XBAP Application

Logon information
Virtual machine 6460A-LON-DEV-09

User name Student

Password Pa$$w0rd

Estimated time: 60 minutes

Lab Review
• What type of project must you create to deploy a stand-
alone application by using Windows Installer?
• What is the name of the tool that you use to create and
manipulate both deployment and application manifest
• What three files are the minimum that is required to
manually deploy an XBAP?
• What is the name of the technology that is used to publish
XBAP applications when using Visual Studio?
Module Review and Takeaways
• Review Questions

• Best Practices

• Tools
Course Evaluation

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