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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Introduction to the Design of

Machine Elements and
Course Outline Structure
 Course Description
 Course Objective
 Course Outcomes
 Reference Books
 The Evaluation
 Design Tools and Resources
 Parameters Used in Design
 What is Design?
 Parameters Needed in Any Reliable Design
 Types of Design
 Factors to be Considered in Machine Design
 Skills Needed in Mechanical Design
 General Procedure in Design
Course Description
• Design of Machine Elements is a required course for mechanical
engineering students.
• This course is an introduction to the basic principles of modern
• It provides the students with fundamental skills of engineering and
the ability to apply the theories of science to practice and
understand the factors; such as stresses, deformations, and failure
criteria, influencing the machine elements like shafts, springs, belts,
bearings, gears etc.
• The main objective of design of machine element is that the
machine should function properly to satisfy the needs of the
customer and it should be safe against the predicted modes of
Course Objective
• To understand the design methodology for machine elements.
• To analyze the forces acting on a machine element and apply the
suitable design methodology.
• To apply the concept of parametric design and validation by
strength analysis.

In other words;
To help engineering students evolve (go forward) into practicing
engineers, by showing them how to use theory (engineering mechanics,
strength of materials, numerical methods) to invent and design
solutions to real world needs and problems.
Reference Books:
• Design of Machine Elements by V. B. Bhandari
(The best one is Machine Design Data Book)

• Machine Element in Mechanical Design by Mott

(Fourth Edition, your book)

• Mechanical Engineering Design by Shigley’s

(Ninth Edition)
Any other relevant book.
Course Outcomes
On completion of this course, the students will be able to:

• Analyze and select machine elements/components.

• To know the applications of the various elements, materials

used to make them, and methods used

• Integrate various machine elements and components into the

design of a machine or mechanical system through a design project.
The evaluation will include:


Components Final

Quiz / Assignment/
Seminar etc.

Marks 15 15 10 60

Total Marks 40 60
Design tools and resources:

• Computer-Aided Design (CAD): AutoCAD, I-Deas, and


• Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE): ANSYS, ABAQUS,


• Technical Information: Internet, societies, government and

Parameters (vocabularies) used in design
Strength and stress:
• Strength is a property of a material or of a mechanical element.
Various metal working and heat treatment processes cause
variations in strength.
• Stress is a state of property at a specific point within a body
which is a function of load, geometry, temperature and
manufacturing process.

Safety and Design Factor:

Design Factor is recalculated after rounding to standardized

sizes, dimensions and materials and is then called factor of safety.

A rod with a cross sectional area of A and loaded in tension with an

axial force of P=9 kN undergoes a stress of σ = P/A. Using a
material strength of 168 N/mm2 and a design factor of 3, determine
the minimum diameter of a solid circular rod. Using the relevant
Table, select a preferred fractional diameter and determine the rod’s
factor of safety.
Guidlines for selection of the factor of safety.
Dimension and Tolerances

Clearance: A general term that refers to the mating of cylindrical

parts such as a bolt and a hole. The word clearance is used only
when the internal member is smaller than the external member. The
diametral clearance is the measured difference in the two diameters.
The radial clearance is the difference in the two radii.
Interference: The opposite of clearance, for mating cylindrical parts
in which the internal member is larger than the external member.

Allowance: The minimum stated clearance or the maximum stated

interference for mating parts.
Design might also be named as:

• Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design

• Mechanical Engineering Design
• Machine Design
• Machine-element Design
• Machine-component Design
• Systems Design
Parameters need to be considered in any reliable design:
• Design process: Many methods are used to determine what the customer wants. One popular method called quality
function analysis ( Q .F .A.) . This can be done by preparing a flow chart

Identify Details of Kinematic and

customer objective dynamic
Requirements requirement
needs analysis

Select the Application of the

optimum design criteria

Size &

Low noise Model and Safety and Ease of service or Ease of Ease of marketing producibility cost
and vibration appearance reliability replacement manufacture operation
Types of design
There may be several types of design such as
Adaptive design: This is based on existing design, for example,
standard products or systems adopted for a new application.
Conveyor belts, control system of machines and mechanisms or
haulage systems are some of the examples where existing design
systems are adapted for a particular use.
Developmental design: Here we start with an existing design but
finally a modified design is obtained. A new model of a car is a
typical example of a developmental design.
New design: This type of design is an entirely new one but based on
existing scientific principles. No scientific invention is involved but
requires creative thinking to solve a problem. Examples of this type of
design may include designing a small vehicle for transportation of
men and material on board a ship or in a desert. Some research
activity may be necessary.
Factors to be considered in machine design
There are many factors to be considered while attacking a design
problem. In many cases these are a common sense approach to
solving a problem.

Some of these factors are as follows:

(a) Material
This is a very important aspect of any design. A wrong choice of
material may lead to failure, over or undersized product or
expensive items. The choice of materials is thus dependent on
suitable properties of the material for each component, their
suitability of fabrication or manufacture and the cost.
(b) Forces on the elements
The external loads cause internal stresses in the elements and these
stresses must be determined accurately since these will be used in
determining the component size. Loading may be due to:
i) Energy transmission by a machine member.
ii) Inertial forces.
iii) Thermal effects.
iv) Frictional forces.
In other ways loads may be classified as:
i) Static load- Does not change in magnitude and direction and normally
increases gradually to a steady value.
ii) Dynamic load which includes;
1- Changes in magnitude- for e.g. traffic of varying weight passing a
2- Changes in direction- for e.g. load on piston rod of a double acting

The nature of static and dynamic loads is shown in the next figure.
(c)Size, shape and space requirements. The final weight of the
product is also a major concern.
Preliminary analysis would give an approximate size but if a standard
element is to be chosen, the next larger size must be taken. Shapes of
standard elements are known but for nonstandard element, shapes and
space requirements must depend on available space in a particular
machine assembly. A scale layout drawing is often useful to arrive at
an initial shape and size. Weight is important depending on
application. For example, an aircraft must always be made light. This
means that the material chosen must have the required strength yet it
must be light. Similar arguments apply to choice of material for ships
and there too light materials are to be chosen. Portable equipment
must be made light.
(d) The method of manufacturing the components and their
Care must always be taken to ensure that the designed elements
may be manufactured with ease, within the available facilities and
at low cost.

(e) How will it operate? In the final stage of the design a designer
must ensure that the machine may be operated with ease. In many
power operated machines it is simply a matter of pressing a knob or
switch to start the machine. However in many other cases, a
sequence of operations is to be specified. This sequence must not be
complicated and the operations should not require excessive force.
Consider the starting, accelerating and stopping a scooter or a car.
With time tested design considerations, the sequences have been
made user-friendly and as in any other product, these products to go
through continuous innovation and development.
(f) Reliability and safety aspects
Reliability is an important factor in any design. A designed
machine should work effectively and reliably. The probability that
an element or a machine will not fail in use is called reliability.
Every detail should be examined. Possible overloading, wear of
elements, excessive heat generation and other such detrimental
(tending to cause harm)factors must be avoided. There is no single
answer for this but an overall safe design approach and care at
every stage of design would result in a reliable machine. Safety has
become a matter of paramount importance these days in design.
Machines must be designed to serve mankind, not to harm it.
Industrial regulations ensure that the manufacturer is liable for any
damage or harm arising out of a defective product. Use of a factor
of safety only in design does not ensure its overall reliability.
(g) Maintenance, cost and aesthetics of the designed product.
Maintenance and safety are often interlinked. Good maintenance
ensures good running condition of machinery. Often a regular
maintenance schedule is maintained and a thorough check up of
moving and loaded parts is carried out to avoid catastrophic (Sudden)
failures. Low friction and wear is maintained by proper lubrication.
This is a major aspect of design since wherever there are moving
parts, friction and wear are inevitable. High friction leads to
increased loss of energy. Wear of machine parts leads to loss of
material and premature failure. Cost and aesthetics are essential
considerations for product design. Cost is essentially related to the
choice of materials which in turn depends on the stresses developed
in a given condition. Although in many cases aesthetic considerations
are not essential aspects of machine design, ergonomic (comfort)
aspects must be taken into considerations.
Skills needed in mechanical design:
-Sketching, technical drawing, and computer-aided design.
-Properties of materials, materials processing, and manufacturing
-Applications of chemistry such as corrosion protection, plating,
and painting.
-Statics, dynamics, strength of materials, kinematics, and
-Oral communication, listening, technical writing, and teamwork
-Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer.
-Fluid power, the fundamentals of electrical phenomena and
industrial controls.
-Experimental design and performance testing of materials and
mechanical systems.
-Creativity, problem solving, and project management.
-Stress analysis.
-Specialized knowledge of the behavior of machine elements such as
gears, belt drives, chain drives, shafts, bearings, keys, splines,
couplings, seals, springs, connections (bolted, riveted, welded,
adhesive), electric motors, linear motion devices, clutches, and
General procedure in design
In designing a machine component, there is no rigid rule. The problem
may be attempted in several ways.
However, the general procedure to solve a design problem is as
follows :
 First of all make a complete statement of the problem, indicating
the purpose for which the machine is to be designed.
 Select the possible groups of mechanisms which will give the
desired motion.
 Find the forces acting on each member of the machine and the
energy transmitted by each member
 Select the material best suited for each member of the machine.
 Find the size of each member of the machine by considering the
forces acting and the permissible stresses for the material used. It
should be kept in mind that each member does not deflect or
deform than the permissible limit.
 Modify the size of the member to agree with the past experience
and judgment to facilitate manufacture.
 Draw the detailed drawing of each component and the assembly of
the machine with complete specification for the material and
manufacturing processes suggested.
Introduction of Materials
• The knowledge of materials and their properties is very importat issue for any
• The machine elements should be made of such a material which has properties
suitable for the conditions of operation. In addition to this, a design engineer must
be familiar with the effects which the manufacturing processes and heat treatment
have on the properties of the materials. Next, some of the commonly used
materials and their properties, in machine design will be discussed.
• Classification of Engineering Materials
• The engineering materials are mainly classified as:
1. Metals and their alloys, such as iron, steel, copper, alu­minium etc.
2. Non-metals, such as glass, rubber, plastic etc.
• Metals are further classified as:
a) Ferrous metals, and
b) Non-ferrous metals.
• Ferrous metals are those which have the iron as their main constituent, such as cast
iron, wrought iron and steels.
• Non-ferrous metals are those which have a metal other than iron as their main
constituent, such as copper, aluminium, brass, tin, zinc etc.
Selection of Materials

• The choice of materials for the engineering purposes depends upon the
following factors:
• Availability of the materials,
• Suitability of the materials for the working conditions in service, and
• The cost of the materials.

It is essential that a designer should have a thorough knowledge of the

properties of the materials and their behavior under working conditions.

• The important properties which determine the utility of the material are
physical, chemical and mechanical properties.
• The physical properties of the metals include luster, color, size and shape,
density, electric and thermal conductivity, and melting point.
Mechanical properties of metals

The mechanical properties of the metals are those which are associated w ith the
ability of the material to resist mechanical forces and load. These mechanical
properties of the metal include: strength, stiffness, elasticity, plasticity, ductility,
malleability, tough­ness, brittleness and hardness. For instance:
It is the ability of a material to resist the externally applied forces with breakdown.
yielding. The internal resistance offered by a part to an externally applied force is
called stress.
It is the ability of a material to resist deformation under stress.
It is the property of a material to regain its original shape after deformation when the
external forces are removed.
It is the property of a material which retains under load permanently. It's deformation
is necessary for for gainng this mental work such as make stamping images on
coins. ­Creep
When a part is subjected to a constant-stress at high tempera ture for a long period
of time, it will undergo a slow and permenant an deformation called creep.
Mechanical Properties of Materials
Stress Strain Curve for Steel
Non-metallic Materials

• The non-metallic materials are used in engineering practice due to their low
density, low cost, flexibility, resistant to heat and electri­city. Though there are
many non-metallic materials, but the following are important from the subject
point of view.
• Plastics
• The plastics are synthetic materials which are moulded into shape under pressure
with or without the application of heat. These can also be rolled, extruded,
laminated (bonding layers of material together) and machined. Following are the
two types of plastics:
• Thermosetting plastics, and
• Thermoplastic
• The thermosetting plastics are those which are formed into shape under heat and pressure
and results in a permanently hard product-. The heat first softens the material, but as
additional heat and pres­sure is applied, it becomes hard by a chemical change known as
polymerization. Some of the common thermosetting plastics are phenol-formaldehyde
(Bakelite), phenol-furfural (Durite), urea-formaldehyde (Plaskon) etc.

• The thermoplastic materials do not become hard with the application of heat and pressure
and no chemical change occurs. They remain soft at elevated temperatures until they are
hardened by cooling. These can be remelted repeatedly by successive application of heat.
Some of the common thermoplastics are cellulose nitrate (Celluloid), polythene, polyvinyl
chloride (P.V.C.) etc.

• The plastics are extremely resistant to corrosion and have a high dimensional stability. They
are mostly used in the manufacture of aeroplane and automobile parts. They are also used
for making safety glasses, laminated gears, pulleys, self-lubricating bearing etc. due to their
resilience (recover quickly) and strength.
• Rubber
• It is one of the most important natural plastics. It resists abrasion, heat and fairly strong
acids. Soft rubber is used for electrical insulations. It is also used for power transmis­sion
belting, being applied to woven cotton or cotton cords as a base. The hard rubber is used
for piping and as lining for pickling tanks.

• Leather
• It is very flexible and can withstand considerable wear under suitable conditions. It is
extensively used for power transmission belting and as a packing or as washers.
• Ferrodo
• It is a trade name given to asbestos lined with lead oxide. It is generally used as a friction
lining for clutches and brakes.

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