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Abnormalities of Systems of

the Body

• Bones become brittle and very fragile

• Women, especially those who are 60 years of age are
frequently diagnosed with the disease.
• Menopause is accompanied by lower estrogen levels
and increases a women’s risk for osteoporosis.
• Back pain
• Loss of height
• A stooped posture
• a lack of certain
hormones, particularly
CAUSES estrogen in women and
androgen in men.
In early age,
• Ensure a nutritious diet
with adequate nutrition.
• Maintain enough supply of
N Vitamin D
• Avoid smoking and heavy
• Asses your risk fracture.
• Determine your need for
TREATMEN treatment
T • Exercise
• Good nutrition

• Fungal infection usually begins between toes

• Commonly occurs in people whose feet have become
very sweaty while confined within tightfitting shoes.
• Itching, stinging, and burning
between your toes or on soles of
your feet.
• Blisters on your feet that itch.
• Cracking and peeling skin on
your feet, most commonly between
your toes and on your soles.
• Dry skin on your soles or sides of
your feet.
• Damp socks
• Contaminated surfaces
CAUSES such as shoes, socks,
floors, etc.
• Keep your feet dry.
• Change sock regularly.
PREVENTIO • Wear light, well-ventilated
N shoes.
• Don’t share shoes with
the others.
• Prescription treatments are
usually not needed. Some of
the most popular brand names
TREATMEN include Lamisil and Lotrimin.
T • Usually, these over-the-
counter products, when used
properly, are enough
in athlete's foot treatment.
• Cancer that occurs in the cells of cervix– lower part of
• a sexually transmitted infection, play a role in causing
most cervical cancer.
• Abnormal vaginal bleeding.
• Vaginal bleeding after menopause and sex.
• Longer or heavier menstrual periods than usual.
• Longstanding infection
with 1 of the Human
Papilloma Virus.
CAUSES • a sexually transmitted
infection, play a role in
causing most cervical
• Quit smoking.
PREVENTIO • Get vaccinated.
N • Balanced diet.
• Practice safe sex.
• Radiation therapy with
chemotherapy given at the
same time.
• Radical hysterectomy and
T removal of pelvic lymph nodes
with or without
radiation therapy to the pelvis
• Occurs in the prostate – a small walnut-shaped gland in
men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and
transports sperm.
• It is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths for men.
• Trouble in urinating.
• Blood in semen.
• Discomfort in the pelvic area.
• Bone pain.
• It's not clear what causes
prostate cancer. Doctors
know that prostate
cancer begins when some
cells in
CAUSES your prostate become
• The abnormal cells
continue living, when
other cells would die.
• Choose a healthy diet full
of fruits and veggies.
PREVENTIO • Exercise most days of the
N week.
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• Hormone therapy.
TREATMEN • External radiation therapy.
T • Active surveillance.
• Age. The risk of prostate cancer increases with age,
especially after age.
• Family history. Prostate cancer that runs in a family,
called familial prostate cancer, occurs about 20% of the
• Lymph nodes are filled with white blood cells that help
your body fight infections.
• When lymph nodes become infected, it's usually
because an infection started somewhere else in your
• enlargement in one or more lymph nodes, usually due
to infection.
• Nodes increase in size and are painful to touch.
• Redness of the skin over nodes.
• Fluid that drains from the nodes to the skin.
• occurs when the glands
CAUSES become enlarged by
swelling (inflammation),
often in response to
bacteria, viruses, or fungi.
• See your healthcare
provider at the first sign of
any infection or if you
notice a tender swelling
PREVENTIO that feels like a little lump
N beneath your skin.
• Make sure to cleanse and
use anti-septic on anti-
septic on any scratches or
breaks in your skin.
• Antibiotics.
• Medicine to control, pain and
TREATMEN reduce swelling.
T • Surgery to drain a lymph node
filled with pus.
• a progressive disorder that causes brain cells to waste
away (degenerate) and die.
• the most common cause of dementia — a continuous
decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills that
disrupts a person's ability to function independently.
• Memory loss.
• Difficulty planning and solving problems.
• Difficulty completing familiar tasks.
• Difficulty determining time or place.
• Vision loss.
• Difficulty finding the right words.
• Misplacing items often.
• Difficulty making decisions.
• caused by a combination
of genetic, lifestyle and
environmental factors that
affect the brain over time.
• Less than 1 percent of the
CAUSES time, Alzheimer's is cause
d by specific genetic
changes that virtually
guarantee a person will
develop the disease.
• Avoid smoking.
• Control vascular risk factors, including
high blood pressure, high cholesterol and
• Eat a balanced diet — such as the
Mediterranean diet — that's rich in
vegetables, fruits and lean protein
PREVENTIO • Be physically and socially active.
N • Take care of your mental health.
• Use thinking (cognitive) skills, such as
memory skills.

However, more research is needed

before any of these factors can be
considered a proven strategy to
prevent Alzheimer's disease.
• While there is no cure
for Alzheimer's disease or a
way to stop or slow its
progression, there are drug
and non-drug options that may
help treat symptoms.
TREATMEN • Medications called
T cholinesterase inhibitors are
prescribed for mild to
moderate Alzheimer's disease.
These drugs may help reduce
some symptoms and help
control some
behavioral symptoms.
• inflammation of a tendon, most commonly from
overuse but also from infection or rheumatic disease
• The condition causes pain and tenderness just outside
a joint. While tendinitis can occur in any of your
tendons, it's most common around your shoulders,
elbows, wrists, knees and heels.
• Pain often described as a dull ache, especially when moving
the affected limb or joint.
• Tenderness.
• Mild swelling.
• overuse of the tendons by
repetitive actions.
• calcium deposit along the
tendon at the site of insertion
(where it attaches to the bone)
CAUSES • bone spurs on the heels.
• any sporting activity that
requires lots of jumping and
• running on hard surfaces.
• While there is no cure
for Alzheimer's disease or a
way to stop or slow its
progression, there are drug
and non-drug options that may
help treat symptoms.
TREATMEN • Medications called
T cholinesterase inhibitors are
prescribed for mild to
moderate Alzheimer's disease.
These drugs may help reduce
some symptoms and help
control some
behavioral symptoms.
• As an immediate treatment for
overuse tendinopathy, doctors
and physical therapists often
recommend the RICE program:
PREVENTIO rest, ice, compression, and
N elevation of the injured tendon.
They may also suggest a short
course of aspirin, ibuprofen, or
other anti-inflammatory drugs
to help inflammation and pain.
• is an autoimmune disease. In this disease, the immune
system of the body mistakenly attacks healthy tissue. It
can affect the skin, joints, kidneys, brain, and other
• severe fatigue.
• joint pain.
• joint swelling.
• headaches.
• a rash on the cheeks and nose, which is called a “butterfly
• hair loss.
• anemia.
• blood-clotting problems.
• Genetics. The disease isn't
linked to a certain gene, but
people with lupus often have
family members with other
CAUSES autoimmune conditions.
• Environment. Environmental
triggers can include:
• Sex and hormones.
• anti-inflammatory medications for joint
pain and stiffness, such as these options
available online.
• steroid creams for rashes.
• corticosteroids to minimize the immune
TREATMEN response.
T • antimalarial drugs for skin and joint
• disease modifying drugs or targeted
immune system agents for more severe
• As an immediate treatment for
overuse tendinopathy, doctors
and physical therapists often
recommend the RICE program:
PREVENTIO rest, ice, compression, and
N elevation of the injured tendon.
They may also suggest a short
course of aspirin, ibuprofen, or
other anti-inflammatory drugs
to help inflammation and pain.
• is an inflammatory disease that can develop when strep
throat or scarlet fever isn't properly treated.
• Strep throat and scarlet fever are caused by an infection
with streptococcus (strep-toe-KOK-us) bacteria.
• Fever.
• Swollen, tender, red and extremely painful joints —
particularly the knees and ankles.
• Nodules (lumps under the skin)
• Red, raised, lattice-like rash, usually on the chest, back, and
• Shortness of breath and chest discomfort.
• Group A streptococcus
infections of the skin or other
parts of the body rarely trigger
rheumatic fever.
• The strep bacteria contain a
protein like one found in certain
CAUSES tissues of the body. The body's
immune system, which
normally targets infection-
causing bacteria, attacks its own
tissue, particularly tissues of the
heart, joints, skin and central
nervous system.
• The only way to prevent
rheumatic fever is to treat strep
throat infections or
scarlet fever promptly with a
full course of appropriate
PREVENTIO • Ideally, ARF and RHD can be
N prevented. Antibiotic therapy
(such as penicillin) to treat
Group A Streptococcus throat
infection can dramatically
reduce the risk of ARF and its
complication, rheumatic heart
• Treatment of acute rheumatic fever
includes antibiotics to treat the strep
infection and
additional medications to ease the
TREATMEN inflammation of the heart and
T other symptoms.
• Usually aspirin is given in large doses
until the joint inflammation goes
away; rarely, steroids are needed.
• also called colorectal cancer.
• Colon cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the large
intestine (colon). The colon is the final part of the digestive
• Colon cancer typically affects older adults, though it can
happen at any age. It usually begins as small, noncancerous
(benign) clumps of cells called polyps that form on the inside
of the colon. Over time some of these polyps can become
colon cancers.
• A persistent change in your bowel habits, including diarrhea
or constipation or a change in the consistency of your stool.
• Rectal bleeding or blood in your stool.
• Persistent abdominal discomfort, such as cramps, gas or
• A feeling that your bowel doesn't empty completely.
• Older age.
• African-American race.
• A personal history of colorectal
cancer or polyps.
• Inflammatory intestinal
CAUSES conditions.
• Inherited syndromes that
increase colon cancer risk.
• Family history of colon cancer.
• Low-fiber, high-fat diet.
• A sedentary lifestyle.
• Eat a variety of fruits, vegetables and
whole grains. Fruits, vegetables and
whole grains contain vitamins,
minerals, fiber and antioxidants,
which may play a role in cancer
PREVENTIO prevention. ...
N • Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
• Stop smoking. ...
• Exercise most days of the week. ...
• Maintain a healthy weight.
• The most common options
for colon cancer are surgery,
chemotherapy, and
PREVENTIO radiation therapy. The aim
N of treatment will be to remove
the cancer, prevent its spread,
and reduce any uncomfortable

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