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Mass Wasting

Mass Wasting
 What is Mass Wasting?
Down slope movement of loose material (rock,
regolith and soil) under the direct effect of
 Causes and Triggers of Mass Wasting
- Role of Water-Saturation; reduces cohesion
- Degree of Slope
- Vegetation Cover
- Earthquakes
Mass Wasting
 Classification of Mass Wasting
- Types of Materials
- Types of Motions
- Rate of Motion:
=> Rapid Forms of Mass Wasting:
- Slump
- Rockslide
- Rockfall
- Debris Flow/Mudflow/Lahar
- Earthflow
Mass Wasting
 => Slow Movements:
- Creep (soil Creep)
- Solifluction
- Permafrost

 Mass Wasting and Landforms

What is Mass Wasting?
 One end-product of weathering is called

 According to Ehlen (2005),

regolith is the weathered
loose material lying above
the unaltered bedrock

 These loose materials are easier to move by

geomorphic processes or denudation agents (i.e.,
mass wasting, running water, wave action,
glacier, wind and others) to produce landforms

Mass Wasting: A Major Hillslope Process
What is Mass Wasting?
 Mass wasting, also called Mass Movement,
is the downslope movement of loose
weathered materials (regolith) in bulk or
individually under the influence of gravity

 Though regolith wetness may increase the

rate of movement, it does not require a
physical transportation medium ( like
water, glacier, wind) to move materials

 The rate of movement may be very slow

and imperceptible to very fast moving,
like during a rock avalanche
What is Mass Wasting?
 Some mass wasting processes (mud flow,
lahar, landslides, rock avalanche, etc.) are
sources of geologic or natural hazards

 When human settlements

are located on or near steep
hillslopes, they become
exposed to this form of
natural hazards
 Over 20 lives are lost yearly
in the 50 states of the U.S.
due to mass wasting
Causes of Mass Wasting – Force of Gravity
 The most important driving force of mass
wasting is the force of gravity acting to pull
hill-slope regolith downslope

 Total force of gravity (Fg) resolves into 2 forces:

- normal force (Fn) (resisting force or
- parallel force (Fp) (shear force or stress)
Causes of Mass Wasting – Force of Gravity
 Fp is related to total force of gravity (Fg)
as follows:
Fp = Fg sinø
where Fg = weight in pounds or kilograms
ø = slope angle

 As slope angle changes, Fp will vary

from zero (stable slope) on a horizontal
surface to a maximum Fp (unstable
slope) on a vertical slope
Causes of Mass Wasting – Force of Gravity
 However, local conditions or factors of the
hillslope may work in synergy to increase the
shear stress due to gravity

 They include the:

- removal of lateral support by human
- removal of underlying support by rivers
undercutting hillslope base
- loading of slope with rain water or
- lateral pressure and transient stresses
Other Factors Contributing to Increasing Shear Stress Due To
Removal of Lateral Support Erosion by rivers & glaciers,
Through Undercutting or previous rock falls or slides,
Slope Steepening construction works
Removal of Underlying Undercutting by rivers or waves,
Support subsurface solution, loss of strength
by extrusion of underlying sediments

Loading of Slope Weight of rain water, vegetation,

accumulated debris, weight of army
tanks or construction equipment
Lateral Pressure Water in cracks, freezing in cracks,
hydration of swelling clay
Transient Stresses Earthquakes, movement of trees in
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting
 According to Coulomb (1773), slope failure (like
mass wasting) occurs when shear stress (s)
(due to gravity) is large enough to overcome
the resisting forces of cohesion and frictional
resistance of slope materials

 Hence:
s = c + Sn tanø
s = shearing stress
c = cohesion
Sn = normal stress
ø = angle of internal friction or shearing
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting
 Thus, the second group of causes of
mass wasting is the resisting forces
aimed at preventing slope materials
to be pulled downslope by gravity

 The resisting forces include:

=> Normal force or stress (Fn or Sn )
=> Shear strength of slope
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting
 Normal force (F ) is related to F as
n g
Fn = Fg cosø
where Fn is an indication of frictional

 Hence, Fn (frictional resistance of slope

materials) is at a maximum on a
horizontal surface (stable slope) and
zero on a vertical slope (unstable slope)
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting Forces
 On the other hand, the shear strength of slope
materials are enhanced by the:

=> cohesion of slope materials by the:

- chemical bonding of rock & soil particles

- presence of cementing materials of


- capillary cohesion in partially moist soils

(e.g. silt and clay soils) causes film of
water to be drawn over particles with the
resulting negative pore-water pressure
producing more adhesion
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting Forces
=> inherent frictional properties
slope materials such as:
- particle size distributions,
shape and
- number of contact points
- crushing resistance
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting
 However, local conditions and factors
on hillslopes work to reduce the
resisting forces (i.e., shear strength)
of slope materials

 They include:
- weathering effects
- changes in pore-water pressure
- changes of structure
- organic effects, among others
Factors Contributing to Reduce Resisting Forces of slope
Material (Slope Strength)
Weathering Effects Disintegration of granular rocks,
hydration of clay minerals,
dissolution of cementing
minerals in rock or soil
Changes in Pore-water Saturation, softening of material
Changes in Structure Creation of fissures in shale and
clays, remoulding of sand and
sensitive clays
Organic Effects Burrowing of animals, decay of
tree roots
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting
 In conclusion, slope failures resulting in mass wasting
occur when the resisting forces (shear strength) of
slope materials are less than its shear stress due to

 Based on slope stability, hillslopes often exist in one

of three states:
- stable slope: shear strength > shear stress (or
safety factor > 1.3)
( i.e. shear strength divided by shear stress)

- actively unstable slope: shear strength < shear

stress (or safety factor < 1)
Causes of Mass Wasting – Resisting Forces

- conditionally stable slope: failure

occurs when
shear strength changes temporarily
(or safety
factor 1-1.3)

 Mass wasting tends to occur under the

state of actively unstable or conditionally
stable slopes or when safety factor is
generally less than 1.3
Causes of Mass Wasting – Trigger Factors

 Based on field data, the four most

important triggers of mass wasting are:

- Role of water
- Degree of slope
- Type of clay
- Vegetation cover and
- Earthquakes (play different
in creating downslope
Causes of Mass Wasting – Trigger Factors
 Role of Water in Mass Wasting:
- Heavy rains/rapid snow melt
weathered regolith and help to
trigger mass wasting

- Saturation reduces internal

resistance of materials and making the
materials to move easily

- Water adds weight to the materials

causing it to slide or flow downslope
Causes of Mass Wasting – Trigger
 Role of Degree of Slope:
- Over steepened slopes tend to
or move easily by gravity

- Unconsolidated particles of sand or

coarser materials tend to assume a
stable slope called the angle of repose

- The angle of repose is the steepest

angle at which material remains
Mass Wasting: Angle of Repose of Slope
Causes of Mass Wasting – Trigger Factors
 Role of Degree of Slope:
- If the degree of slope is increased, the
slope materials come under increasing
force of gravity and causing slope
instability and verse versa

 Role of Vegetation Cover:

- Plant roots hold the soil in place

- They protect soil against erosion and

contribute to slope stability
Causes of Mass Wasting – Trigger Factors

- When anchoring vegetation is removed

by forest fire or farming or construction
work, surface materials frequently move
downslope, especially in semi-arid areas

Role of Earthquakes:
- earthquake and its after-shocks can
dislodge enormous volume of rock and debris
and important in sudden release
of rocks to cause rock avalanche
Causes of Mass Wasting – Trigger Factors
 - Massive slide can be triggered by

- Earthquake could cause liquefaction of

sand with some water
Main Types of Mass Wasting
 Several methods of mass wasting classification. The
simplest is based on rate of movement that groups
mass wasting into two, Slow - Moderate and Rapid
Mass Wasting and further subdivided based of type of
 Slow/Moderate Mass Wasting:
- Creep
- Solifluction
- Rotational Slides or Slump (Moderate)
 Rapid Mass Movement:
- Falls or Avalanche
- Slides
- Flows
Main Types of Mass Wasting
 A three dimensional grouping, by adding type of
material moved, yields a larger list of mass wasting

 Thus, a list including three factors, (i) rate of

movement, (ii) type of movement and (iii) type of
materials moved, looks like the following:
=> Slow/Moderate Mass Wasting:
- Creeps:
 Soil creep
 Earth Creep
 Talus Creep
- Solufluction
- Rotational Slide (Slump) (moderate rate)
Main Types of Mass Wasting
=> Rapid Mass Wasting:
- Falls:
 Rockfalls

 Debris fall

 Rock avalanche and

 Debris Avalanche:

- Slides:
 Debris Slides

 Rockslides

 Rotational Slides or Slump

- Flows:
 Earthflows
 Debris Flow or Mudflows or Lahar
Types of Mass Wasting Based on
Rate of Movement and Amount of Water
Slow Mass Movement: Creep
 rate of movement is slow (0.1 mm
to 10 m/yr) depending on:
- slope angle
- susceptibility of the materials
- intensity of the processes
- water content

 movement may extend up to about

20 cm below the surface but rate of
movement decreases with depth
Slow Mass Movement: Creep
 movement is aided by heaving of the ground
(expansion and contraction) caused by:
- freezing and thawing
- wetting and drying
- or, other volumetric

 mechanisms of soil creep include:

- differential expansion-contraction
- displacement of particles by organisms
- downhill release of particles by weathering
Mass Wasting in Cold Climate: Soil Creep
Slow Mass Movement: Creep
 Evidences of creep include:
- tilting of surface objects like
fence posts, tombstones, retaining
- curvature of trees and
- bending of rock strata
- formation of terracettes (i.e.,
step-like ridges along the hillside
Effects of Soil Creep
Soil Creep Effect: Curvature of Tree Trunk
Soil Creep Effect: Curvature of Tree Trunk
Soil Creep Effect: Tilting Fencepost
Nearly Vertical Sedimentary Strata Bent in
Downslope Direction
Slow Mass Movement:
 Solifluction is a type of earth flow
found in periglacial regions underlain
by permafrost

During the summer the surface layer

of permafrost melts creating a water-
saturated layer that becomes mobile

 The underlying frozen ground acts as

a sliding plane along which the mass
of soil can slowly move down slope
Slow Mass Movement:
 It moves as imbricate tongues,
lobes or sheets
 Movement is most rapid in the
center and slower near the lateral
 It moves at a rate of about 1-10
 In the Yukon Plateau, it is as a
major gradation process called
Slow Mass Movement:
 According to Eakin(1916),

Russell (1933), Peltier (1950),

solifluction could result in the
high-altitude planation of
mountain ranges into flattened
summit areas in a process called
Solifluction Lobes and Terraces, Lewis
Hill, Newfoundland
Solifluction Lobes and Terraces, Colorado
Rocky Mountain National Park
Solifluction Lobes and Terraces
Patterned Ground: Stone Rings
Solifluction: The Permafrost Problem
 In the polar regions of the world, the
ground remains frozen throughout the
winter season and the upper top layers
thaws in summer

 This poses a serious

challenge to
construction engineers
 For example: Heating
melts the permafrost
causing land subsidence/
building collapse
Above-Ground Alaska Petroleum Oil Pipeline

Why is the pipeline above

ground when transporting warm
petroleum oil product?
Moderate Mass Wasting - Rotational Slide or
 Slump or rotational slide involves a
downward sliding of a mass of regolith
moving as a single unit along a curved
surface of rupture
Moderate Mass Wasting: Rotational Slide or
Moderate Mass Wasting: Rotational Slide or
Moderate Mass Wasting: Rotational Slide or
Slump curves

Rotational slide surface

Moderate Mass Wasting: Rotational Slide or
 Slumping leaves behind a crescent-
shaped or cliff scarp created at the head
and the block’s upper surface becomes
tilted backward
 The slump block moves downslope
 Slump occurs when slope is over
 This may happen when anchoring
materials at the base is removed making
materials above to become unstable and
reacts to the pull of gravity
Moderate Mass Wasting: Rotational Slide or
 Earthflows frequently form at the base of
the slump
- Rock Falls
- Slides
- Flows
Types of Mass Movements
 Rapid Mass Wasting:
- Rockfalls and Debris Avalanche
- Slides:
 Debris Slides

 Rockslides

 Rotational Slides or Slump

- Flows:
 Earthflows
 Debris Flow or Mudflows

 Lahars (volcanic mudflows)

Mass Wasting: Landslide
Earthquake Triggered Landslide (2001),
Santa Tecla, El Salvador
Mass Wasting: Earthflow
Earthflow Caused by Infiltrating Septic Tank
and Lawn Irrigation Water, Palos Verdes Hills,

Sedimentary Earth Materials with buildings slipped downslope

slowly (70 feet in 3 years) as infiltrating waste water lubricated the
slippery clay layer underneath – A Major Human Factor
Mass Wasting: Rapid Rock Falls
Earthflow that Destroyed Some Houses
at La Conchita, CA in 1995
Mass Wasting: Mudflows
Rapid Mass Movement: Lahars
(Hot Volcanic Mudflows)
 Lahars are volcanic mudflows formed
- debris avalanches mixing with
snow and ice melt water
- pyroclastic materials mixing
with rainwater or with surges
produced by dam failures or with
natural river water
 Laharswith 20-60% sediment are
turbulent or smooth flowing if
sediment content rises to over 80%
Mudflow and Lahar on Mount St. Helen
Lahars (Volcanic Mudflows)
 Flow
velocity may range from
1meter per second to over
40meters per second

 Rateof down valley movement of

lahars depends on:
- valley width and slope
- flow volume
- grain size composition

 Laharscause people, cities &

structures to be buried
Mudflow Covering the Garage Door
Mass Wasting and Landforms
 Weathering weakens and breaks massive
country rocks into smaller fragments
(clay, silt, sand, pebbles to large rock
 Mass wasting moves these hillslope
fragments (regolith) downslope by
gravity alone
 But when mass wasting combines with
actions of running water (rivers), wind,
glacier, ocean wave and groundwater,
different landforms are produced
Mass Wasting and Landforms
 For example, when a stream cuts down
its channel floor alone without the help
of mass wasting, it produces narrow
channels with vertical walls in sandstone

formation in semi-arid to
arid environments

 (Example: Zion Narrows

of the Virgin River,
Southern Utah)
Mass Wasting and Landforms
 Expanded Grand Canyon Valley Walls:
weathering and mass wasting working
together has greatly expand the Colorado
River channel width even in an
Arid/Semi-Arid Region where
mass wasting is
highly limited
 Humid areas with
more mass wasting
activities tend to
have wider or more
open river valleys
Channel Walls of Grand Canyon Expanded
By Mass Wasting
Mass Wasting and Landforms
 Typical hillslope elements are defined
and dominated by different types of
mass wasting and slope wash processes

Source: Richard J. Huggett (2011)

Mass Wasting and Landforms
 According to Gilbert (1909), convex
slope segment of the hillslope is the
result of soil creep
 The cliff section underneath it called the
fall face segment is dominated by rapid
mass wasting called rock falls
 The straight mid-slope
below the cliff section
is called the talus slope
built with rock falls
or screes often with
high repose slope
Landform of Mass Wasting: Talus Slope
Landforms of Mass Wasting: Talus Slope of Screes
Talus Slope of Scree
Examples of Mass Wasting Hazards
Mass Wasting and Landforms
 Over a long period of time, steep
mountain slopes are gradually reduced
to a more gentler and subdued slopes.
Mass Wasting and Landforms
 Mass wasting is an important earth
surface geomorphic process responsible
for the long term evolution of hillslopes

Source: Richard J. Huggett (2011)

Review Questions for Mass Wasting
1. In the evolution of many landforms mass-wasting
is the step that precedes weathering.
A. True B. False
2. Saturating the pore spaces of weathered debris with
will usually decrease the likelihood of downslope
A. True B. False
3. Which statement regarding debris flows is NOT true?
A. debris flows may be caused by heavy rains
B. In hilly areas debris flows follow canyons and
stream valleya
C. debris flows create talus slopes
D. debris flow can move huge boulders and trucks
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
4. When and where is solifluction common?
A. rainy season in the tropics
B. dry season in subtropical deserts like the Sahara
C. summer monsoon season in India
D. summer in northern Alaska
5. Slump describes the very slow, downhill movement of
A. True B. False
6. This mass-wasting process is most frequently associated
with hillsides in humid regions during times of heavy
rains or snowmelt.
A. earthflow B. rockslide
C. unloading D. solifluction
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
7. This term is used to describe material that slides
downslope as a unit along a curved surface.
A. debris flow B. slump
C. lahar D. solifluction
8. One of the primary causes of this mass wasting
process is
the alternate expansion and contraction of surface
material caused by freezing and thawing or wetting
A. rockslide B. solifluction
C. creep D. debris flow
9. Which of these mass-wasting processes is slowest?
A. slump B. rockslide
C. debris flow D. solifluction
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
10. How do freezing, thawing, wetting, and drying
contribute to creep?
A. soil becomes much weaker when dry and
B. gravity exerts a much stronger force ehen soil is
wet and thawed
C. eventually these processes trigger sudden slides
D. the soil expands and contracts, lifting and
dropping particles a slight distance
11. The steepest angle that a pile of dry unconsolidated
particles can sustain before moving downslope is its
angle of __________.
A. repose B. talus C. stability
D. retention
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
12. The transfer of rock material downslope under the
influence of gravity is referred to as __________.
A. weathering B. mass wasting
C erosion D. deformation
13. A debris flow composed mostly of volcanic
materials is
called a (an) __________.
A. earthflow B. solifluction lobe
C. lahar D. slump
14. When __________ occurs, a crescent-shaped scarp
(cliff) is created at its head.
A. rockfall B. slump C.
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
15. This diagram illustrates which mass-

A. slump B. rockslide
C debris flow D. solifluction
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
16. Curvature of tree trunk close to the base, as
shown in this photo, is a strong evidence of
this type of mass wasting: _________.

A. solifluction B. lahar
C. soil creep D. debris flow
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
17. Cliff profiles contain the following
distinctive segments:
A. a fall face segment
B. a talus straight slope segment
C. a concave slope
D. A and B
18. The inherent frictional properties of slope
materials are related to:
A. Particle size of slope materials
B. Particle shape
C. Crushing resistance
D. Particle arrangement
E. All of the above answers
Review Questions for Mass Wasting

19. A slope in which the shear strength of slope

materials is greater than shear stress or with
a safety factor greater than 1.3 is said to be:
A. A stable slope
B. Actively unstable slope
C. Conditionally stable slope
D. A fall face slope
E. None
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
20. Which of the following statements is not
correct about mass wasting?
A. It is a downslope movement of slope
materials in response to gravitational
B. It does not require any physical medium
such as water, glacier or wind to
accomplish downslope movement of
C. Occurs when shear strength of slope
materials is less than the shear stress
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
D. Soil creep, solifluction and rock falls
are good examples of mass wasting
E. Actions of running water, wind,
glacier are required to
accomplish mass wasting processes
21. High-altitude planation of mountain ranges
into flattened summits by solifluction
processes is called:
A. Peneplanation B. Etcplanation
C. Pediplanation D. Altiplanation
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
22. The rate of movement of soil creep is a
function of:
A. Slope angle
B. Susceptibility of slope materials C.
Water content
D. All of the above answers
23. A landform resulting from the free fall of rock
materials is the:
A. rock glacier B. peneplain
C. talus slope D. alluvial fan
E. Mudflow
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
24. Soil creep results from:
A. the slow movement of soil organisms
B. chemical reactions between the
regolith and bedrock materials
C. changes in the soil volume
D. Disturbance of soil on a slope
E. the drying out of fine particles on a
25. Slumping is different from other forms of
earthflow or mass wasting in that:
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
A. only gentle slopes are required
B. it involves some backward
C. more water is needed than in other
forms of flow
D. lubricating water is unnecessary
E. it occurs only on very steep slopes
26. Which of the following is the most fluid
type of mass movement?
A. earthflow B. mudflow
C. Solifluction D. slump
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
27. The normal force (Fn) is an indication of
frictional resistance
A. True B. False
28. The following equation Fn = FgCosØ shows
that Fn is at a zero on a horizontal surface and
at a maximum on a vertical surface or slope
A. True B. False
29 In dry slopes, pore-water pressure is zero or
negative causing adhesion of slope materials
A. True B. False
30. The above-ground Alaskan pipeline
transporting warm petroleum oil product
Review Questions for Mass Wasting
cannot be transported through underground
pipeline in this region because:
A. It is a forbidden practice in the region by
the local people
B. the ground is permanently frozen
C. the warm oil will melt the permafrost
and induce land subsidence and the
collapse of the pipeline
D. the petroleum oil product must be kept
the same temperature throughout the
transporting period
E. A and D.

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