Hydrology Lecture-2 H

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Hydrology and Water Management

Lecture No. # 02

Afed Ullah Khan, PhD

CED, UET Bannu
Learning objectives

o Meteorology

o Atmospheric structure

o Vapor pressure

o Atmospheric variables

 Meteorology is the science related to the atmosphere which is the gaseous envelope
surrounding the earth.

 Meteorology is the study of weather and climate.

 To study the earth’s atmosphere, especially for weather forecasting.

 A description of the properties of the atmosphere (air temperature, humidity or

vapor pressure and solar radiation) will provide the bases for understanding the
physics of evaporation and the formation of precipitation.

 Its knowledge is required for estimation of probable maximum precipitation and

optimum snowmelt conditions. This is required for design of various hydraulic
Weather and climate

 Weather and climate

 Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a particular location and moment.

 Weather reports consists of current temperature, relative humidity, dew point,

pressure, wind speed and direction, cloud cover and precipitation.

 Meteorology is the study of weather variables, the processes that causes weather and
the interaction of the atmosphere with Earth’s surface, ocean and life.

 The climate of a region, in contrast to weather, is the condition of the atmosphere

over many years
Weather and climate

 Climatology

 Climatology is the study of climate. Climatologists examine the long term averages
and extremes of climate.

 The atmosphere forms a distinctive, protective layer about 100 km thick around the
 The term is derived from the Greek word atmos (vapor or breath) + sphaira (sphere or
 The atmosphere consists of dry air, water vapor and various kinds of salts and dusts.
 Total amount of dry air is greater than 5600 billion tons.
 Total amount of water vapor is about 146 billion tons.

 Aerosols
Atmospheric structure

 The Earth's atmosphere is divided into four layers based on air temperature

 Troposphere (from MSL to 11 km)

 Stratosphere (from 11 to 50 km)

 Mesosphere (from 50 to 80 km)

 Thermosphere (from 80 to 100 km)

Atmospheric structure

 Troposphere

 The lowest atmosphere layer extending upto 11

km (7 miles) above mean sea level is called

 Maximum air temperature also occurs near the

Earth's surface in this layer.

 Almost all meteorological phenomena like

cloud formation and occurrence of cyclones
and thunderstorms are in the troposphere.

 Since this layer contains almost 100 % of

atmospheric water vapor, the interest of
hydrologist lies in this layer.
Atmospheric structure

 Stratosphere

 This layer extends from an average altitude of

20 to 48 km above the Earth's surface.

 In the stratosphere, temperature increases with

altitude because a localized concentration of
ozone gas molecules absorbs ultraviolet
sunlight creating heat energy.

 Ozone is primarily found in the atmosphere at

varying concentrations between the altitudes
of 10 to 50 km.
Atmospheric structure

 Stratosphere

 The ozone layer is important to organisms at

the Earth's surface as it protects them from the
harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet

 Without the ozone layer life could not exist on

the Earth's surface.
Atmospheric structure

 Mesosphere

 In the mesosphere, the atmosphere reaches its

coldest temperatures (about - 90o C) at a height
of approximately 80 km.
Atmospheric structure

 Thermosphere

 The last atmospheric layer, as defined by

vertical temperature change, has an altitude
greater than 90 km and is called the

 The thermosphere is the hottest layer in the


 Heat is generated from the absorption of solar

radiation by oxygen molecules.
Atmospheric structure

 Exosphere

 The exosphere, the highest layer, is extremely

thin and is where the atmosphere merges into
outer space. It is composed of very widely
dispersed particles of hydrogen and helium.

 The temperature in the exosphere varies

greatly and can range from 0 to over 1700
degrees Celsius. It is colder at night and much
hotter during the day.
Water vapor

 Water vapor

 Water vapor is the most important constituent of the atmosphere. The amount of
water in the atmosphere is of great importance in hydrology. Condensation of moist
air causes precipitation.

 Water vapor also significantly effects the rate of evapotranspiration. The amount of
water vapor in the atmosphere is directly related to the temperature.

 Although water vapor is lighter than air, it is restricted to the lower layers of the
troposphere because temperature decreases with altitude.

 The distribution of water vapor also varies over the earth’s surface according to
temperature, and is lowest at the poles and highest in Equatorial regions.
Vapor Pressure

 Vapor Pressure

 It is the pressure that vapor would exert in the absence of other gases. It is also
known as partial pressure.

 Saturation – point at which no more water can be added

 Saturation Vapor Pressure

 When a sample of air holds the maximum quantity of water vapors at a particular
temperature it is said to be saturated.

 The pressure exerted by water vapors, when the air is fully saturated with water
vapors is known as the saturation vapor pressure.
Vapor Pressure

 Effect of temperature on vapor pressure

Relative Humidity

 Relative Humidity

 It is the relative measure of the amount of moisture in the air to the amount needed
to saturate the air at the same temperature, i.e.,

 Relative Humidity = f = e/es x 100

 e = actual vapor pressure;

 es = saturated vapor pressure

 Thus the relative humidity is 100% when the air is saturated.

Absolute Humidity

 Absolute Humidity

 Actual amount of water in the air

 It is the mass of water vapor per unit volume of air at a given temperature and
equivalent to the water vapor density.

 Absolute Humidity = mass of water vapour (gms)/volume of air (m3)

 = mw/V

 Dew Point

 When the air is cooled at a constant atmospheric pressure, the temperature at which
air becomes saturated is called Dew Point.
Saturation vapor pressure and

 Saturation Vapor Pressure and Temperature

 The relationship between temperature and

saturation vapor pressure is shown in Figure.

 Suppose that a parcel of air has a temperature “Ta”

and vapor pressure “e” indicted by point “D” (Ta,
e), its saturation vapor pressure will be reached in
two ways:

 If more vapor are added at constant temperature

“Ta”, point “D” would move vertically upward
towards “B” and the air would be saturated when
“B” is reached and the corresponding saturation
vapor pressure would be “es”.
Saturation vapor pressure and

 Saturation Vapor Pressure and Temperature

 The difference (es – e) is known as saturation

deficit and the relation (e/esx100) is called the
relative humidity.

 If the parcel of air is cooled at constant pressure

“e” and without addition of vapor, the point “D”
would move horizontally towards “C”. The air
would be saturated when “C” is reached and
the corresponding temperature “Td” is the dew
point. The water vapor pressure “e” will be then
saturation vapor pressure at dew point.
Wind direction and speed

 Wind direction and speed

 Wind speed is the rate of the movement of wind in distance per unit of time. It is the
rate of the movement of air flow.

 kilometers per hour, or meters per second etc.

 The direction and speed of the wind are most important features of the weather.

 The wind direction is the direction from which it is blowing.

Solar radiation

 Solar radiation

 As solar radiation passes through the earth’ atmosphere, some of it is absorbed or

scattered by air molecules, water vapors, aerosols and clouds.

 The solar radiation that passes directly to the earth’s surface is called Direct Solar

 The radiation that has been scattered out of the direct beam is called Diffuse Solar

 The direct component of sunlight and the diffuse component of skylight falling
together on a horizontal surface make up Global Solar Radiation.

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