1.3. Secularization, Cults and False Prophets

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 the action or process of converting something from
WHAT IS religious to non-religious possession or use.

SECULARIZ  disassociation or separation from religious or

spiritual concerns.
ATION?  the separation of “church” and “state”.

Rise of Religious Fundamentalism

- sacred texts accepted as literally true; whatever is not contained in sacred texts are rejected.
- examples of fundamentalism stem from all mainstream religions.

Rise of Cults
- usually a group even more fundamentally at odds with the world.
- difficult to tell whether a radical or off-beat group is a cult.
 A social group defined by its religious, spiritual, or
philosophical beliefs, or its common interest in a particular
personality, object or goal.
 Sometimes described as a social group with socially
WHAT IS A deviant or novel beliefs and practices, although what that
means is often unclear.
CULT?  Not all cults are religious or spiritual in nature.
 Extremely controversial because one person’s cult is
another person’s religion.
Think About It

 What is meant by “drinking the

 Why might people be attracted
to joining a cult?
 What are some characteristics of

Most cults are focused on a living, often charismatic leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning
The leadership dictates sometimes in great detail how members should think, act, and feel
 example: members must get permission from leaders to date, change jobs, get married; leaders may prescribe what types of
clothes to wear, where to live, how to discipline children
Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, debilitating work routines)
are used to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s). Most are preoccupied with bringing in new members and making
The leadership induces guilt feelings in members in order to control them.
Most cults have Apocalyptic Beliefs -- preaching is heavily dependent on the end of the world
Most cults will require you to sever ties with those who don't follow the teachings. They are usually isolated into one area and they
try to foster a "family" atmosphere.
Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group. Members are encouraged or required to live and/or
socialize only with other group members.
Most cults advocate intense personal training into the dogma of the cult; questioning is not permitted and is sometimes punishable.
Leaving the "faith" is virtually impossible - if not from the brainwashing that's occurred, it can be made physically difficult.
Most cults have a polarized view. In other words, everything the cult teaches is good and the outside world is bad.
1997: Marshall Herff Applewhite founded Heaven’s Gate
1960s – Charles Manson forms the Manson Family. The which was centred in California. Combined elements of
“family” lived on a commune in California and awaited Helter Christianity and UFO. Voluntary suicide in of many women
Skelter, an apocalyptic race war. in hope they would be revived and taken up into the clouds
of heaven
2003: Members of the Raelians, a cult founded by Claude
Vorilhon now known as "Rael" claimed that with the
assistant of Clonaid, a human cloning company, they had
cloned two or more infants.

Charels Manson, founder of the “Family”

1978: Reverend Jim Jones and 900 followers, including children,

commit suicide in Jonestown Guyana by drinking cyanide-laced
1993: David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians in Waco
Texas. Thought he was an angel and an agent of God. Basic
beliefs follow those of the Seventh Day Adventist church, with
its emphasis on the imminent arrival of Jesus Christ, dietary
rules, the inerrancy of the Bible. Mass Murder suicide resulted.
“Rael” and Brigitte Boisselier, Raelian bishop and CEO of Clonaid
Psychological techniques of
persuasion Physical techniques of persuasion

Unconditional positive regard Physical isolation

 “love bombing,” group hugs, etc. Sleep deprivation
Meditation, chanting, and other mind-
numbing techniques Control of the person’s time (rigorous schedule, no
free time)
Peer group pressure Loss of privacy
 Pressure to conform, be part of the group Constant praying or witnessing of beliefs to the group
Verbal abuse Repetitive motion (chanting, dancing)

Fear, guilt appeals Hallucinations (via hyperventilation, hallucinogens,

chanting, etc.)
Sacrifice; personal, financial Body manipulation
Demonizing (doubts are the Devil at work) Extreme dress codes

Loyalty tests Loyalty tests

Religion or Cult?
Complete the worksheet entitled Religion or Cult by identifying whether each statement
describes a cult or a religion.

False Prophets
Read the worksheet entitled Who is a False Prophet Anyways?
VIDEO: SACRED Warren Jeffs, leader of the
Fundamentalist Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints, a
STANDOFF polygamous sect in Utah, was
convicted of sexual assault of
underage girls in 2011 and is
currently in prison.

His followers claim he is a prophet.

His critics claim he is a fraud.

Considering the chart and the video,

identify and explain in your own
words whether you think he is a True
or False Prophet?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkmB6v-x5AA Post your thoughts in the Discussion.

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