Respiratory System - Bio 2 B

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Stem 12- D 1
• Respiration is a process in which food are oxidized with
oxygen in order to release energy. The released energy is
utilized to perform various life activities. The metabolic
waste like CO2 is eliminated from the body. Due to
amphibious mode of life, frog shows different modes of

Respiratory System of
Frog 2
The organs and
functions 3
• Lung-The frog's lungs are a pair of thin-walled sacs
connected to the mouth through an opening, the glottis.
The surface area of the lungs is increased by inner
partitions that are richly supplied with blood vessels.
• Pulmonary artery- carries blood from heart to lungs
• Trachea - a part of respiratory system of vertebrates to
supply air to lungs. It connects the pharynx with lungs.
• Esophagus-opening for food to travel from the mouth to
the stomach.

• Gill respiration
• Cutaneous respiration
• Bucco-pharyngeal respiration
• Pulmonary respiration

The exchange of gaseous takes

place in following four ways:
Gill respiration:
• In tadpole condition, such type of respiration takes place
through 4-5 pairs of gills. The gills are distributed with
blood vessels and absorb oxygen through diffusion. The
oxygen combines with hemoglobin of blood and forms
oxyhaemoglobin which goes to tissue.

Cutaneous respiration 9
• The respiration which takes place through skin is called
cutaneous respiration.
It takes place in water and during aestivation and
hibernation when metabolism is low and demand for
oxygen is small. Skin absorbs oxygen dissolved in water
through blood capillaries where oxygen combines with
hemoglobin. It is carried into different parts of the body
by blood and release energy.
The CO2 produced as a waste product is mixed with
hemoglobin and forms carboxy-hemoglobin which goes
to veins of skin. Later it is passed outside.
When the skin is completely dries, the cutaneous
respiration is not possible. Consequently, the frog dies
due to asphyxia. 10
respiration 11
• Simply known as mouth respiration.
The respiration which takes place through
buccopharyngeal cavity, it is called buccopharyngeal
The buccal cavity consists of moist mucous membrane
and richly supplied with blood capillaries.It absorbs
oxygen through diffusion or simply by contraction or
expansion of sternohyals and petrohyals muscles. Oxygen
dissolves in moist mucous of the cavity and diffuses into
the blood capillaries. Similarly, CO2 diffuses out into the
cavity and passes out through nares during expiration.

Mechanism of bucco-
pharyngeal respiration 13
• Bucco-pharynx or buccal • Petrohyal muscles
cavity contracts
• Contraction of sternohyal • Raising of floor of buccal
muscles cavity
• Lowering of floor of the • Area of buccal cavity
cavity decreases
• Area of buccal cavity • Pressure of air contained
increases increases
• Air comes inside the buccal • Air goes out through
cavity through external external nares.
• Gas exchange occurs

Pulmonary respiration 15
• It is also known as lung respiration.
Frog respires through lungs when it lives on land.
When frog is more active during locomotion, swimming
in water, during leaping and jumping, the demand of
oxygen increased.
For pulmonary respiration, the routes of air passages are
as follows:
External nares, olfactory chamber, internal nares,
buccopharyngeal cavity, glottis, laryngo-tracheal
chamber, bronchi and lungs.

Mechanism of pulmonary
respiration/ Breathing Mechanism 17
• Inspiration-inhalation or intake of fresh air from
atmosphere into the lungs for gaseous
• Expiration-process of removing of air from the lungs to
outside is called pulmonary expiration.

Steps occur during inspiration are
1. Contraction of sternohyal muscles
2. Increase volume of buccopharyngeal cavity
3. Decrease pressure of air inside buccal cavity
4. Air rushes into the cavity through external nares
5. Contraction of submental muscles pushes the
mento-mechkelian bones of lower jaw forward
and then pushes the premaxillae upward. This
closes the external nares.

6. Contraction of petrohyal muscles
7. Decrease volume of bucco-pharyngeal cavity
8. Area decreases and pressure of air increases. This closes
the gullet since there is no other outlet for air to escape
9. Glottis open
10. Air rushes into the lungs and then into alveoli (gaseous
exchange occur between blood and alveoli by

Steps that occur during expiration are given below
1. Contraction of lungs and abdominal muscles
2. Decrease in volume of lungs
3. Pressure increases in lungs
4. Contraction of sternohyals muscles
5. Lower the floor to increase the volume of cavity
6. Decrease pressure of air inside buccal cavity
7. Air rushes from lungs into the cavity through glottis

8. Relaxation of submental muscles
9. Premaxillae come back to its original position
10. External nares open
11. Contraction of petrohyal muscles
12. Decrease volume of bucco-pharyngeal cavity
13. Area decreases and pressure of air increases inside the
14. Glottis close
15. Air rushes outside through external nares

The Lungs 23
• Lungs are a pair of thin walled, oval, hollow, soft and
spongy elastic sacs. They are situated in the anterior part
of body cavity on each side of the heart. They are pink in
color. The wall of lung is made up of three layers. The
lung is protected by outermost layer called peritoneum.
Below this, there is a connective tissue consisting of
blood vessels and muscles fibers. The innermost layer is
made up of very thin and flattened ciliated epithelial

• The inner surface is divided into series of small chambers
by irregular septa called alveoli or air sacs. The alveoli
greatly increases the surface area to air for gaseous
exchange. Lungs are highly vascular and lined with
mucus secreting goblet cells. The mucous keep the inner
surface of lungs moist for efficient absorption of oxygen.


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