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Georgia High School

Graduation Test Tutorial

World History from
World War I to World War II
(SSWH16-18) (SSUSH19)
Causes of World War I
1. Balkan Nationalism
Causes of World War I
2. Entangled Alliances
Causes of World War I
3. Militarism
• Arms races between nations
• Built up to intimidate other nations
• Russian army had over 1,000,000
• Germany and France had 900,000
Conditions on the Front in WWI
1. New Weapons Utilized
• Machine Guns
• Poison gas (Mustard Gas)
• Tanks
• Airplanes (Dog Fighting)
2. Trench Warfare
• “No Man’s Land”
• Disease and influenza
Effects of World War I
 Treaty of Versailles
-Establishment of League of Nations
-German reparations
• Mandate System –British and French
WWI - End of Empires
 Hapsburg Dynasty (Germany & Austria)
 Romanov’s

(Russian Czars)
 Ottoman Empire

(Middle East)

Family of Czar Nicholas II –

last of the Romanov Rulers of
The Russian Revolution
 1917—Workers revolt
against the Czar --
Bolsheviks take over
Russia and begin a
socialist system under
Vladimir Lenin.
Allied countries (Great
Britain, France, Japan
and the United States)
send troops to support
forces, but communist
forces eventually
The Soviet Union
 1922 --Lenin establishes the Soviet
Union (USSR)
The Rise of Joseph Stalin
 1924—Lenin dies–
Several leaders
struggle for power
including Leon Trotsky
and Joseph Stalin.
 Eventually, Stalin
seizes power and
becomes a dictator
over USSR—imposing
a totalitarian state.
 He begins a Five Year
Plan to increase
industrialization and
collectivize agriculture
in the Soviet Union.
The Red Scare
 After the Russian Revolution, fear of a
similar revolution in the United States by
communists from Russia led to a period
known as the Red Scare.
 Attempted assassinations of Attorney
General Mitchell Palmer and John D.
Rockefeller led to the Palmer Raids—in
which suspected communists were
arrested and more than 500 immigrants
 This led to increase fear of immigrants and
restrictions on immigration were
passed by Congress.
New Leaders Emerge
 In Italy, a new fascist
government emerged
in 1922 under Benito
Mussolini. He rose
to power using
propaganda, brutality,
and intimidation—
promoting an ultra-
nationalist Italy and
himself as Il Duce
(“the Leader”).
Fascism in Germany
 In 1921, Adolf Hitler took
control of the National
Socialist German Worker’s
Party—better known as the
 He became chancellor of
Germany in 1933 and
eventually claimed the title
Fuhrer (guide of Germany)
and established himself as
dictator over the Third
Leadership in Japan
 Japanese Emperor
Hirohito began his
reign in Japan in
1926. He did not
exercise absolute
control over the
 Instead, an army
general, Hideki Tojo,
assumed the role of
Japan’s premier –
leading it through
World War II.
Authoritarian Government
and Totalitarianism
 Authoritarian Government is ruled by a
single person or party interested in
political power.
 Totalitarianism is a government which
seeks to control not only political power,
but the economy, culture, and social life.
 These governments often use terror and
fear--utilizing propaganda and controlling
access to information such as the press
and education. (Examples: Italy,
Germany, & USSR)
Aggression in Asia
 1931—Japan
Invades Manchuria
 Japan leaves the
League of Nations
 By 1938, Japan
has control of
major cities along
Chinese coast
German Expansion
 Hitler begins rebuilding German military
and marches troops into the Rhineland
(lost in WWI)
 Germany annexes Austria and claims parts
of the Sudetenland
 Great Britain and France pursue policy of
appeasement—rather than challenge
Hitler’s aggression
 In 1939, Hitler invades Poland
 Britain and France declare war on
Germany—thus beginning World War II
The Holocaust
 Hitler’s policy of Nazi racism
targeted Jewish people and
fed on European anti-
 Hitler viewed Jews as a
national enemy and began
implementing his Final
Solution—elimination of
Jewish people by sending
them to concentration camps
as slave laborers and then
executing them in gas
 The extermination of nearly 6
million Jews, as well as
Gypsies, Slavs, and other
people deemed undesirable
came to be known as the
World War II --1940
 April, 1940--Germany Invades Denmark
and Norway
 May, 1940 – Germany takes control of
Belgium, Netherlands, and France
 July-October, 1940 – Battle of Britain,
German planes bomb Britain in
“blitzkriegs” (night air raids).
 British Royal Air Force help fight off
German air assault and prevent invasion.
Axis Powers
 1940,Germany, Italy and Japan form an
alliance known as the Axis Powers
US Neutrality before World War II
 1935— Neutrality Act passed by
Congress to stay out of European
 1940 -- U.S. imposes embargo on

Japan after its invasion of China

 March, 1941– Congress passes

Lend-Lease Act to allow President

Roosevelt to send aid to Great Britain
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
 Dec. 7th 1941—Japan launches surprise
attack on U.S. Pacific Fleet at Pearl
Harbor, Hawaii
U.S. joins Allies in World War II
 After Pearl Harbor,
the U.S. declares
war on Japan and
joins Allies (Great
Britain, USSR, and
French resistance)
against the Axis
Domestic Wartime Policies of US
 Roosevelt establishes War Production
Board –redirecting production of civilian
consumer goods to war materials
 Revenue for funding the war was
generated through withholding income tax
from paychecks and selling war bonds
 The Government began rationing of
resources—such as tires and food items
Women join domestic war effort
 Many women filled
industrial jobs that
had been held by
men who were
sent overseas
 A popular symbol
of these women
was Rosie the
Suspicion of Germans, Italians and
Japanese in U.S.
 Since the U.S. was
at war with these
countries, suspicion
of citizens with
origins in Germany,
Italy and Japan led
to their removal to
Allied Powers meet at Tehran
 In 1943, leaders of
the three major
Allied Powers
Stalin-- USSR)
met in the Tehran
Conference to
discuss plans for
defeating Germany
 At Tehran, the
leaders planned an
amphibious invasion
of Normandy
(occupied by Nazis)
named Operation
Overlord –headed
by supreme allied
commander Dwight
D. Eisenhower
The Yalta Conference
 Roosevelt, Churchill
and Stalin met in
February, 1945 at the
Yalta Conference to
discuss plans of
dividing up Europe
anticipating the defeat
of Germany
 Germany was divided
and most of Eastern
Europe was controlled
by the Soviet Union
The Potsdam Conference
 The Allied leaders met
after the defeat of
Germany in July,1945 at
the Potsdam Conference
to discuss plans for
defeating Japan and its
unconditional surrender
 President Truman (who
succeeded Roosevelt after
his death) learned of the
successful tests of the
Atomic bomb while at the
The Atomic Bomb
 Led by Robert Oppenheimer,
the Manhattan Project
successfully produced two
Atomic bombs at Los
Alamos, New Mexico (called
Fat Man and Little Boy)
 On August 6th, 1945 a B-29
bomber called the Enola Gay
dropped the first Atomic
bomb on Hiroshima, Japan
 Three days later, a second
bomb exploded over
 Japan surrendered on August
14th, 1945—thus ending World
War II and beginning the
Atomic Age

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