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Research Methods

Lecture two: writing proposal

Assistant lecturer Narmin Mohammed
Fourth Grad
Computer Education Department


› Understand and define the following

› Proposal
› Purpose of the proposal
› Section of the proposal

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What is a Research Proposal?
A research proposal is an Academically prepared to complete the research

A research proposal is a written document that includes the following information:

 Summary of prior literature.

 Identification of research topic and research questions.

 Specification of procedure to be followed to answer research questions.

Audience: peers, supervisors, examiners

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purpose of writing proposal
› The purpose of your proposal is to sell the idea by showing that the researcher has thought it
through very carefully and have planned a good research study.

Research proposals make You to:

› Outline steps in your proposed research.

› Provide yourself with intellectual context.

› Justify your research

› Be Creative

› Anticipate potential problems.

› Anticipate realistic timetable.

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What are the essential ingredients?

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Getting start writing proposal: Major Sections of a
Research Proposal
›There are major sections of a research proposal:
 Project Title
 Project Supervisor
 Abstract:
 Objectives:
› Objective 1
› Objective 2
› Objective 3

 Expected Student Background:

 Project Requirements:
 Important
 What will you learn
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 The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study.

 A good title contains the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents

and/or purpose of your research paper.

 The title is without doubt the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read


 Example: The Effects of Gamification on Learning Programming: A Comparative


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› It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words.

› It should include the research question, the rationale for the study, the
hypothesis (if any), the method and the main findings.

› Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample
and any instruments that will be used.

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An autonomous flying Quadcopter project involves the design and construction of a
quadcopter capable of flying from a home location to a target destination and back to the
home position. It is capable of flying at low altitudes and can navigate through its terrain with
the capability of detection and avoidance of an obstacle in its flying path. The project will
comprise both mathematical design and physical construction of the quadcopter to achieve
the set objective. The quadcopter will be integrated with advanced proximity sensors and
GPS mode to make it self-aware of its location and approaching objects or obstacles in its
path. A graphical user interface will also be developed to visualize the flight path and provide
some key buttons for sending commands to the copter remotely when needed.

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Objectives the action(s) you will take in order to achieve the aim

› Objectives should be specific statements that define measurable outcomes.

−e.g. what steps will be taken to achieve the desired outcome?

› When writing your objectives try to use strong positive statements.

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Objectives should also be:
› Specific: be precise about what you are going to do.
› Measurable: you will know when you have reached your goal.
› Achievable: Don’t attempt too much. A less ambitious but completed
objective is better than an over-ambitious one that you cannot possibly
› Realistic: do you have the necessary resources to achieve the objective:
time, money, skills, etc.

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Objectives: Example
› Research about “develop website to choose a final project among
proposed ones, and contact supervisors”
› Objectives
› To identify and analysis department’s requirements that can be used to build
the website.
› To develop a website which can be employment to announce the final
projects and facilitate the contact among students, supervisors and
› To evaluate and test the website at Computer Education department at
Tishik university.

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Expected Student Background
›This section include the background of the researcher
EX: Expected Student Background
• Basic Arduino-like programing skills.
• Basic of embedded system design.
• Basic understanding of sensors operations.
• Basic skills in electronics.
• Data acquisition.
• Local Area Network Basics.

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Project Requirements
› This section focused of the needs
› The required tools, programing language, instruments.
› Ex: Project Requirements:
• Built a flying Quadcopter.
• Design and construction of the quadcopter mechanical frame
• Installation and integration of sensors and GPS module, propellers and motors.
• Installation and configuration of the Flight Controller (FC).
• Interfacing and integration of Arduino microprocessor with FC and other sensors and modules

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This section will consist of the following:
› The background of the research topic
› Define the terms that pertain to your research.
› Explains why the research is worth doing and what contribution
it will make to existing knowledge.

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Importance: Example
Title: The Effects of Gamification on Learning Programming: A Comparative Study

With the increasing demand for computer science professionals, programming has become a
fundamental skill in the computer field. However, learning programming can be challenging,
and students may struggle with motivation and engagement. Gamification has emerged as a
promising approach to improve students’ engagement and motivation in learning, but its
effects on programming education are not yet fully understood. This study is significant
because it can provide valuable insights into the potential benefits of gamification in
programming education and inform the development of effective teaching strategies to
enhance students’ learning outcomes and interest in programming.

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Importance: Example
› Research on “New Learning Strategies in Special Education”:

› This study has the potential to greatly impact the field of special education.
By understanding the effectiveness of new learning strategies, educators can
improve their curriculum to provide better support for students with
learning disabilities, fostering their academic growth and social

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What will you learn?
› This section is the last section in your proposal
› What will you learn? = What will you do?
› Importance to the organization, the individual, etc. to better understand.

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What will you learn?

The project provides a sound platform to build a system from ground up .
• It equips participant knowledge of physical system design and installation.
• Data acquisition and from the real system using Arduino IDE platform.
• How to configure Local Area Network for data relaying to remote servers
• Development of GUI
• Programming of Arduino microcontroller
• Image acquisition and visualization
• Working with GPS modes and position tracking
• Mechanical design

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› Walliman, N. (2021). Research methods: The basics. Routledge.
› Dawson, C. (2007). A practical guide to research methods. Oxford.

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