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Satellite Communication

Explore the world of satellite communication systems and their importance in

our connected world. Discover the components, types, applications,

S by Shivkumar Mitkar
Class : SY ETC Guided by :-
Roll No:-2418 Narayankar M.K
• Definition of satellite communication systems
• Importance and benefits of satellite communication systems
Components of satellite communication
1 Satellites

Artificial objects placed in orbit around the Earth to facilitate communication.

2 Ground stations

Facilities on Earth that communicate with satellites.

3 Communication links

Channels that connect satellites and ground stations for data transfer.
Types of satellite communication systems

1 Geostationary 2 Low Earth Orbit 3 Medium Earth

satellite systems (LEO) satellite Orbit (MEO)
systems satellite systems
Satellites positioned in
geostationary orbit, Satellites in orbit closer Satellites in orbit
providing continuous to Earth, offering low between LEO and
coverage. latency and global geostationary orbit,
coverage. balancing coverage and
Applications of satellite communication
Telecommuni Broadcasting Navigation Remote
cations sensing
Delivering television Powering GPS and
Enabling long- and radio signals to other location- Collecting data
distance a wide audience based services for about Earth's
communication for across the globe. accurate surface and
voice, data, and positioning. atmosphere for
video transmission. scientific and
Challenges and limitations of satellite
communication systems

1 Distance and signal 2 Signal interference 3 Cost and

lag and congestion infrastructure
Signals traveling
through vast distances Interference from Building and
in space introduce natural or man-made maintaining satellite
latency in sources can impact networks can be
communication. signal quality and expensive and require
availability. extensive infrastructure.
• Recap of key points
• Importance of satellite communication systems in a connected world
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