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Life Cycle Models

(Lecture 10)

Agile Model
∙ The agile model is that anything that
wastes time are avoided, and also any
activities that are not required are
∙ But what things waste time? In the
waterfall model we had seen that about 50
percent of the effort is spent on developing
the documentation.

∙ Agile model produces very little
∙ One of the major focus here, is to facilitate
the change requests from the customer and
incorporate them efficiently.
∙ And, here it has features of the incremental
and evolutionary model, just like the
incremental model here these are the
software is developed over increments and
deployed at the client site.
∙ The time duration for each increment is
about 1 to 4 weeks.
∙ Agile model says that there are certain things
that are important for the agile development:
∙ One is individual interactions are very
important, these are much more important
than the process itself or any tools that are
∙ Another one, that is recognized here is that
producing working code is much
more important, than writing extensive

∙ The agile is actually an umbrella term. Many
development methodologies actually
qualify as agile.
∙ The features of the Agile Manifesto are extreme
programming or XP, scrum, crystal, DSDM, lean

Agile model: Principle Techniques

A)User Stories
∙ Simpler than use cases.
Based on user stories, developers propose
common vision of what is required.
Simple program to explore potential solution .
Restructure code without affecting behavious,
improve efficiency structure etc.
∙ Agile is similar to incremental model where
at a time only one increment is planned and
focus on one increment at a time and that is
deployed at the customer site.

No long-term plans are made. Each iteration

may add even a small amount of code but
still after a time box an increment is made
and that is deployed at the customer site.

Sometimes the incremental

∙ feature may be very small, but still these
are deployed.
∙ One of the very important aspect of the agile
methodology is face to face communication.
∙ The team members should communicate to
each other rather than passing documents to
each other.
∙ And, to facilitate this, the development team
shares the same office space.

Agile mode principles
∙ The primary measure of progress is
incremental release of working software.

∙ Frequent release of working versions.

∙ Requirement change request easily

∙ Close interaction between developer and


∙ Face to face communication between team

Agile Documentation
∙ Documentation produced which is very minimal.
∙ All documents are to the point very small and the
things that are not likely to change are very less
likely to change are documented.
∙ The document should be accurate consistent and
∙ Before we document we must identify the
important things which are going to be

Agile Methodologies
∙ There are several methodologies which come
under the agile umbrella. And two prominent
here are the :
extreme programming(xp) and the scrum.

Extreme Programming
∙ XP was proposed by Kent Beck in 1999.

∙ The name extreme implies that the best

practices are taken to the extreme level.

So, the main focus of this model is that

whatever good works in projects why not
put it to the maximum use.

∙ It has been accepted by all developers, that code
review is a good practice. The extreme
programming proposes to take this code review to
extreme level by pair programming.

∙ The other good practice is testing. Testing is

good, it makes software more reliable. To
∙ take testing to the extreme level the extreme
programming suggests to write the test cases
∙ So, that is called as test-driven development .

∙ Incremental development is good and it eliminates
lot of problems of the waterfall
model. And therefore, extreme programming come
up with a new increment every few
∙ Simplicity is good because it produces less bugs,
easy to maintain and therefore, the
extreme programming says take the simplicity to the
extreme level. And for that it says
that only focus on what is needed now and do the
simplest design for that.

Scrum consists of small teams which are self-
organizing; by self-organizing we mean
that the team members by themselves choose their
own roles activities.

The development work is done over several

sprints and each sprint is typically about a month
long. As the software gets developed
the requirement get build and starting with some
initial requirements.
The product backlog is the place where all the
requirements are maintained in a excel file and each
requirement is called as a user story.

There is a sprint planning meeting to decides which

product backlog and which stories to take up next and
the selected user stories in planning meeting are
taken up in the next sprint.
The selected user stories are kept in the sprint
backlog for about three to four weeks.
Every day the team members meet and works
together to complete the sprint backlog.
This type of meet is called as the daily scrum meeting.
In the daily scrum meeting they discuss what they
achieved previously, and what their next plan and they
also discussed about difficulties they faced.

And, at the end of the scrum, the spring backlog would

have got exhausted and an increment of the software
would have got built.
Scrum Framework

Roles: Product owner, Scrum master, Team


Ceremonies: Sprint Planning, Sprint Review,

Daily scrum meeting

Articraft: Product backlog, Sprint backlog

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