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seal of prophethood

• Literal Meaning:
• to seal, close, or complete
• The meaning of Khatam Nabwat is
the completion or termination of
Meaning & • Islamic Terminology:
Defination • In the Islamic term, the end of
prophethood refers to the belief that the
chain of prophethood that began with
Hazrat Adam (peace be upon him) passed
through various prophets and ended with
Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him).
• The Holy Qur'an describes the belief in the end
of Prophethood in very clear and unambiguous
terms. More than one hundred verses of the
holy Quran describe each and every aspect of
the end of prophethood and declare in clear
The End of words that the Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is the last
prophet and messenger of Allah, and there will
Prophethood be no new messenger or prophet after him.
and the Holy • Khatam Al Mursaleen:
Qur'an • ‫َّم ا َك اَن ُم َح َّم ٌد َاَبآ َاَح ٍد ِّم ْن ِّر َج اِلُك ْم َو ٰل ِكْن َّرُس ْو َل الّلٰـ ِه َو َخ اَتـَم‬
‫ۗ الَّنِبِّيْيَن‬
• "Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is not the father of any man
among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah
and the Seal of the Prophets."
• Completion of religion
• ‫َاْلَيْو َم َاْك َم ْلُت َلُك ْم ِد ْيَنُك ْم َو َاْتَم ْم ُت َع َلْيُك ْم ِنْع َم ِتْى َو َرِض ْيُت َلُك ُم‬
‫ۚ اِاْل ْس اَل َم ِد ْيًنا‬
Conti… • This day have oi completed your religion for
you and completed My favors upon you and
have chosen Islam as your religion.”
• Universality/ Globalization
• ‫ُقْل َيآ َاُّيـَها الَّناُس ِاِّنـْى َرُس ْو ُل الّلٰـ ِه ِاَلْيُك ْم َج ـِم ْيَعا‬
• “Say! O, people! I am the Messenger of
Allah to you all.”
• End of the series of Prophethood:
• "The chain of
prophets and prophethood has
End of prophethood and been ended. So, there will be
neither a messenger nor a
hadiths prophet after me" (Tirmidhi).
• Last Ummah:
• ‫أیھا الناس! أنہ النبي بعدي و ال أمۃ بعدکم‬
• "O people! Indeed, there is no
prophet after me and no
community after you.” (Tabarani)
• Correlation of Building :
• "Indeed, my example and the example of the
Prophets before me is like that of a man,
who built a house very well and decorated it
in every way, except (left) a place of brick in
Conti… one corner. people go around it and wonder
and say: Why was this brick not placed here?
He (peace be upon him) said: So, I am the
last brick (of the chain of prophets) and I am
Khatam al-Nabiyeen. (Sahih Bukhari)
End of Prophethood and Hazrat Abu Bakr
Aswad Ansi:
The Veiled Tauliha

Musailima liar Sajjah

• Imam Abu Hanifah May Allah have mercy on him:
The sayings
• During the time of Imam Abu Hanifah, May
of the elders Allah have mercy on him, a man claimed
of religion prophethood and said: "Give me a chance to present
the signs of my prophethood." On this, Imam Azam
and the end said, "Whoever asks him for a sign of prophethood
will also become a disbeliever because the
of Messenger of Allah, May God bless him and grant
prophethood him peace, has said that there is no prophet after
• Allama Ibn Jarir, May Allah have mercy on him:
• The prophethood of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) ended and a seal was
placed on him. Now, this door is closed until the Day
of Judgment.
End of
and State of
Bahawalpur • On February 7, 1935, the land of
Bahawalpur received the honor by declaring
that the Qadianis are Non-Muslim in a
formal court decision.
The End of
and the • According to the Pakistan Amendment Bill of 1974, the
Constitution Qadianis were declared as non-Muslims
• Definition of Muslim
of Pakistan • Only that person be called Muslim who believes that the
prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the last messenger of Allah.
(1973 Constitution of Pakistan)
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