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Computer Architecture

The Von Neumann Model

Stored program concept
Program instructions and data are stored in the same memory space and
retrieved as necessary.

Clock speed
Is a measure of how many operations a CPU can conduct in a second. The speed
of a clock is measured in either megahertz (MHz – millions of cycles per
second) or gigahertz (GHz – 1000 million cycles per second).

Immediate access store

A memory device in which access time for any location is constant and work
close to CPU speeds.

Dynamic Random Access Memory

DRAM, often just called RAM, is where the instructions we are working on and
the related data are stored.
central processing unit
The role of the CPU is to execute program
instructions one by one and in order. It then stores
and/or acts on the result.

This also involves sending signals to other

components of the systems and interpreting and
acting on responses as per a set of instructions
central processing unit
The CPU is made of a number of components.

In old computers these components could be on

separate printed circuit boards; however, in
devices these components are on one PCB and so
CPUs are also microprocessors.
central processing unit
central processing unit
control unit
The control unit is a circuit inside of the CPU that
coordinates the activity of all other units in the
computer systems

Its main functions are to

• Fetch an instruction from memory
• Decode an instruction
• Instruct the arithmetic logic unit and other units to
perform an instruction.
• Directs the flow of data between the CPU and the
other devices.
control unit
• Manages the transmission of data and instructions to the
correct components

• Contained within the CPU

• The control unit manages operations within the CPU

• The control unit is responsible for fetching an instruction

• The control unit is responsible for decoding an

control unit
• Sends control signals to control the flow of data
through the CPU

• manages the fetching and decoding of

instructions in the CPU
arithmetic & logic unit
The arithmetic and logic unit is responsible for
executing calculations and performing
comparisons that results in true or false.

• 01011011 + 11011111
• 1001 AND 1100
• 1100 > 0111
arithmetic & logic unit
• Contains a register called the accumulator

• Contained within the CPU

• Uses the data bus to send data into or out of the


• Carries out calculations on data

The third important component of a CPU is an
immediate access store. In modern computers this
is called Random Access Memory.

This is a memory store that allows us to fetch and

store data and program instructions.
A register is a small unit of memory that can be
found directly on the CPU.

Some registers have a specific role and others are

considered general purpose.

They are fast and use static RAM principles. This

makes them expensive to produce.
Memory Address Register (MAR)
(A register that) holds the address of the
data/instruction that needs to be
fetched/processed // holds the address of where the
data needs to be stored.

it is a register in the CPU

it holds the address of the next instruction to be

Memory Address Register (MAR)
it holds the address of the data that is about to be
fetched from memory

it receives signals from the control unit

it uses the address bus to send an address to

another component
Program Counter (PC)
(A register that) holds the address of the next /
current instruction to be processed.

it is a register in the CPU

it holds the address of the next instruction to be


it holds the address of the data that is about to be

fetched from memory
Program Counter (PC)
it receives signals from the control unit

it uses the address bus to send an address to

another component

Increments to point to the address of the next

instruction to be fetched
Memory data register // MDR
This is a register that holds data or an instruction
that has been fetched from memory.

it is a register in the CPU

it holds the data that has been fetched from


it receives signals from the control unit

Memory data register // MDR
Temporary storage between the Central Processing
(CPU) and primary memory
Accumulator // ACC
This is a register that is built into the arithmetic
logic unit.

It temporary holds the result of a calculation

Holds the result of a calculation. It is located

within the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Von Neumann architecture
Data bus – Two way
Sends data between the processor, the memory unit and
the input/output devices

Address bus – One way

Transports the address to be accessed in main

Control bus – One way CPU -> Components

This bus is used to send special signals to the various
components in the computer.

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