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The Filipinization of

Personality Theory
-rooted from “persona” , mask
that can be observed from the

-Pagkataong Pilipino asserts
shared humanity and the kapwa
psychology of Filipinos.
Indigenous Identity and
the Colonial Image of
the Filipino
• Scientific and balanced look at personality
and culture studies in Philippines was an
important concern for sikolohiyang Pilipino
to correct the imbalance of situation where
the Filipino is primarily characterized from
the judgmental and impressionistic point
of view of colonizers.
• Majority of studies rely uncritically on
borrowed language, inapplicable
category of analysis and a token use of
the local language and culture.

• Filipino terms function as mere labels,

more often than not very little research
and understanding of deeper
significance and content.
• Studies fail to see the values in terms of the
Filipino view, experience, and milieu. The
organization and logic of values as it is viewed
from the indigenous perspective is ignored.

• Distorted view of Filipino values became worst

when English oriented researchers in affixing
label to supposed value. They simply scan the
list of indigenous terms and presumably refer to
the same and plucks out the one which seems
to describe the value best.
Listing of Filipino values now conveniently available for scholrs and tourist
who somehow feel that they have better understanding of the Filipino

• Hiya (shame) attention to details)

• Pakikisama (yielding to the • Patugsiling (compassion)
leader of the majority) • Kalulu (empathy)
• Utang na loob (gratitude) • Hatag gusto (generosity)
• Amor propio (sensitivity to • Paghiliupod (faithfulness in
personal effort) need or plenty)
• Bayanihan (togetherness in • Pagsinabtanay (fidelity with
common effort) one’s promise)
• Maratabat (a complex
combination of pride, honor or
• Balatu (sharing of one’s
• Ilus (sharing surplus food)
• Kakugi (meticulousness and
Mala-pustisong gamit
ng wika
In Search of Core
Meanings: The
Role of Language
✗ Kapwa (core)
-Core must be cultivated and understood first before the full
meaning of the surface values can become apparent and appreciated

✗ Hiya (propriety/dignity), utang na loob (gratitude/solidarity),

-surface values
-not freestanding values which anyone can assume at will
-accommodative value functioning primarily to maintain status quo
Moral Dimension of Hiya
Hiya (propriety/dignity)
-hiya is not social in character
2 aspects of hiya
1. Loob aspect
-qualities and the foundation or terminal value of karangalan as in (mahiyain,
kahiya-hiya and hiyang hiya)
-emotional dimension, pertaining to intensity of one’s feeling if hiya
2. Labas aspect
- Natural domain of behavioral psychology (hiyain, ikahiya, manghiya)
-pertaining to social interactions
-denotes hiya can be voluntary, conscious act
Filipino Self-image and the “Blessings” of Utang
na Loob

-a value which moves to recognize, respect,

promote and at times defend the basic dignity of
each person.
-kaliwaan in western (direct exchange)
-analysis of utang na loob a a commitment to
“human solidarity”
Elevating status of Pakikisama (companionship/esteem)

-received the most extensive treatment in the

western-oriented social science
-primary basis or the construction of
smooth interpersonal relationship (SIR)
✗ The use of indigenous language led to the identification of
an underlying precondition for the existence of the surface
values that is the concept of pakiramdam.

✗ Pakiramdam
The function of this value is to act as the processor, or
pivot, which spins off the surface values from the core of kapwa
✗ Masamang tao (bad or evil person)
-one that does not exhibit the
accommodative values of hiya, utang na
loob, and pakikisama.
The absence of the these accommodative values is labeled
1. walang pakisama (one inept at the level of adjustment)
2. walang hiya (one who lacks a sense of karangalan or honor/ propriety)
3. walang utang na loob (one who lacks adeptness in respecting a shared
dignity, karangalan and kagandahang-loob)

✗ Walang pakiramdam
-Worst of all the three “evil” characteristics mentioned above.
Pakikiramdam: The Pivotal Aspect of Kapwa

✗ -refers to heightened awareness and sensitivity

✗ -“feeling for another” a kind of emotional a priori
✗ -legitimate move for pakikiisa (being one with others),
later to be able to identify with another’s being, and
ultimately being able to share complete trust.
Pakikiramdam: The Pivotal Aspect of Kapwa

✗ Circumspection (being wary and unwilling to take risk)

in pakiramdam
✗ Without pakiramdam there is no sense of time and
✗ Improvisatory character of pakiramdam is operative in
bahala na.
The Centrality of Pakikiramdam in Behavioral
and Interpersonal Domains
Parallelism between the triad of accommodative surface values and behavioral-
phenomenological domain,

✗ Biro (joke/tease)
-most relavant to the domain of the surface value of hiya
✗ Lambing (sweetness/ underlying fondness)
-observed in situation where pakikisama is operative
✗ Tampo(affective disappointment)
-Behavioral pattern and phenomenological feeling most frequently associated
with perceived disregard of utang na loob.
Internality-Externality Dimension in Pakiramdam

✗ Paki (affixation indicating a request or a plea)

✗ Ramdam (a variation of damdam which means to feel)

Dama (Pakidama)
External in quality
Having social dimension, concerning none’s interaction with other people

Internal in nature
Involve ones “loob” the recognition of a person’s individuality
Portrait of a Compliant Filipino

Confrontative values
-either ignored or misinterpreted, for society widely
presented a “servile” “fun-loving” and “hospitable”

✗ Bahala na (determination)
✗ Lakas ng loob (resentment/guts)
✗ Pakikibaka (resistance)
Bahala na: Determination in the face of uncertainty

-more balanced view of bahala na is a combination of fatalism and determinism

“It is expressive of courage and fortitude, a willingness to face difficulty and
a willingness to accept the consequence

1. stimulates action
2. Does not avoid or forget problems
3. gives lakas ng loob or courage to see himself through hard times
4. perseverance and hardwork
5. stimulates creativity
Lakas ng Loob: Inner Resource for Change

-One among the 7 most highly valued characteristic of Filipinos

found on Panukat ng Ugali at Pagkatao (Enriquez and Guanzon)
- Key ingredient in the realization of pagbabagong-dangal ,
enabling one to face difficulty, even death to vindicate the dangal
(dignity/honor/good) in ones being
-is a damdamin (internal feel/attribute/trait) necessary for
actualizing the good not only in one’s self but also in one’s fellow
man (kapwa), in ones loob, and facilitating social good in kapwa.
Pakikibaka (level of fusion in a common struggle):
Cooperative Resistance

-faced in justice and exploitation

-cooperation and concerted action to promote the rights of a
minority culture.
-if kapwa-tao is challenged, the Filipino coping response is
pakikibaka even when we seem utterly powerless.
-Filipinos do not always concede, they know how to resist
-a valid aspect of pakikipagkapwa in the midst of inequality
Associated Societal Values

These constitute the socio-political elements and

foundation of the Philippine value system.
✗ Kalayaan (freedom)
✗ Karangalan (dignity)
✗ Katarungan (justice)

Kagandahang-loob (shared inner nobility is seen as

basic/ pivotal to all three)
Philippines values has been
classified into four major
categories consisting:
1. Surface values
2. A pivot
3. A core
4. A foundation of human values

This 4 caterories are placed in a

system represented through a
three-tiered structure with the
surface on the top tier, the pivot
on the middle tier and the
foundation values on the bottom
tier, with the pivotal interpersonal
value pakiramdam underlying the
surface, and the core anchored
by way of the linking socio
cultural value of kagandahan-
loob on the foundations below.
Filipino Concept of social Justice

A current rally point in the Philippine value system discussed and

terms of/ and relation to:
1. The distinction between the law and the administration of law
2. Human rights (karapatan)
3. Equity and fairness (beyond pakikisama)
4. Truth and reason ( katotohanan and katwiran)
5. Justice as unity or concensus (pakikiisa)
6. Peace (kapayapaan)

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