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Coordinate implementation of
customer service strategies
What is Customer Service?

Customer Service is defined as the assistance and

advice provided by a company to those people who buy
or use its Products or Service.
Defining Customer Service

 The key to providing exceptional customer service is

to be able to determine the needs of the customer.

The individual needs of all customers will change

from customer to customer as an organization

it is important to clarify your customer’s needs to

ensure you are offering what your customers expect.
Plan to meet internal and external customer
Who is the customer?
Customer service – taking care of customers needs
Internal customer
External customer
Internal and External customer
Internal customer – anyone from the organisation

External customer – customers from outside if they

do not like your product or service they can go to
Customer Segmentation
Geographic segmentation is the division of the market
according to different geographical units like:

Customer Segmentation - Demographic
 Age
 Gender
Marital status
 Family size
 Income level
 Education level
 Religion
Customer Segmentation - Psychographic

 Personality type
 Personal values and attitudes
Customer Segmentation – Behavioral

Benefits sought in purchasing a particular

Where the customer prefers to purchase from
Level of brand loyalty
Customers want quality that is appropriate to the price
that they are prepared to pay and the level of competition
in the market.
Key aspects of quality for the customer include:
• Good design – looks and style
• Good functionality – it does the job well
• Reliable – acceptable level of breakdowns or failure
• Consistency
• Durable – lasts as long as it should
• Good after sales service
• Value for money.
Quality customer service

To ensure that your business provides quality

customer service, it is crucial to know exactly what it is
your customer’s wants and needs.
Is it quality, cost or delivery?
Or maybe product features?
Is it customer service?
Or perhaps brand recognition?
Comparing your service with competitors

Increase in products

Increase in service

24/7 service

Home delivery

Customers and the choice they make
As customer service needs change, organizations need
to ensure they have a good understanding of their
customers and client groups and are able to
communicate appropriately with their customers and
Customer communication

• Over the phone

• In person
• Paper based mail
• Email
Dealing with

To communicate effectively we will:

Listen carefully to each other
 Communicate clearly the needs and expectations
of work provided
 Provide open and honest two way communication
Dealing with customers

Providing professional, courteous service will mean:

Identifying ourselves when we communicate with

Listening to and clarifying a
 

customer’s need
Dealing with

To behave appropriately we will:

Behave with integrity and in an ethical manner
Take pride in what we do
Acknowledge problems and error, correct and learn
from them.
Investigate customer needs
Focus groups
Sales data analysis
Market research
Concept testing
Brand testing
Price testing
Social media monitoring
Mystery shoppers
Providing Customer Support
Train your staff

    
Thank the customer
Show respect
Respond quickly
Customer Dissatisfaction

Reasons of dissatisfaction
   

Acknowledging them
Giving reassurance
Working to resolve them
Goal of an organisation
The goal of an organisation should be to ensure the
quality of customer service exceeds the expectations of
the customer.
Steps for good strategy
Identify your customers.
Determine the customers’ needs and expectations.
Develop a plan to provide service that meets or
exceeds customers’ expectations.
Implement the plan.
Establish an evaluation program.
Evaluate progress and continue to improve the
Provide relevant and
constructive advice to
promote the improvement
of customer service

Identifying gaps or mismatches in service delivery,

whereby there is a gap between what the customers
wants and what they are being offered by your
Helps to improve its customer service strategies and
build relationships with the customers.
Making recommendations

How to enhance products

Customer service strategies
Implementation plan
Follow up
Making amends
Characteristics of effective advice and

Areas of customer service improvements
Prompted customer service
Order processing and delivery times
Customer accessibility
 Business hours
Separation of responsibility between departments
Pricing policy
Refunds, returns and exchange policy
Guarantees and warranties in effect
Strategies to improve
customer service
Strategies to improve customer service
Examples of ways to
improve customer
service deliveries

You have the time to think though and organize your thoughts, to present them

in a logical, organized manner

You can answer the reader’s questions, before they have a chance to ask them

By presenting the information in a written format, instead of verbally, most

people will go through the whole proposal, instead of interrupting you and
expecting you to answer their questions
Developing a customer service

A customer service charter is primarily aimed at meeting

the customer service needs of the organization’s customers.
It aims to improve the level of customer service by:
Listing the service standards
 

Attitudes and systems in place to guide customer

service efforts and the actions of staff
Customer service charter
Description of the business that you provide to
How it is delivered to customers
What are the expected outcomes from customer’s
Communication with customer
Use business

Organizations need to use business technology and

resources to ensure that information on customer’s
needs and wants is collected, processed, structured and
presented in an effective manner.
Business technology can also assist in analyzing data
being collected on customers who help to identify
trends in customer service and share information with
Use business

It is important that you do not get carried away with fancy

graphics and transitions in your presentation. Graphics are
useful, especially when they help make a point.
Use business Technology

Their are many different types of business technologies both

hardware and software which can be used for many different reason
If we look at presenting a formal presentation spreadsheet software

can be used to look at annual customer complaints statistics and the

reasons why complaints are received.
Tables, charts and graphs can be used to present information in a

much clearer and easily understandable way.

Making a

Make sure that your proposal matches the company’s “style.” Use

your company’s logo, lettering style and colors

Follow your proposal
   

Make sure that all your key points are on the presentation
Check your spelling and grammar
Keep your style elegant and professional
Making a
Keep your style elegant and professional
 

Use graphics, especially when they can add emphasis to the points
you are making
Use a little bit of humor, especially at the beginning, as an ice

Use a light lettering style with a dark background, that is usually

more visible than the reverse, especially if you have lights on in the
Use a remote control to change slides, instead of an assistant do it

and function

Computer: Collect information, prepare reports, construct charts or

graphs, compile information form database or spreadsheet.

Photocopier: Copy and distribute reports and other printed information,

such as consumer responses to questionnaires.

Printer: Print information from your computer, email messages or online.

Binder: Bind printed information to be presented.

Technology and

Shredder: Shred information that is confidential or sensitive; for

example customer credit card details.

Answering Machine: Leave clear and concise messages for those

requiring information when you are not available to take the call.

Fax Machine: Fax printed information to those who have requested

Online services

The evolutions of the internet and web based delivery of

products and services has radically changed the way

consumers and businesses interact.

Customer service is no longer only a face to face, over the

counter experience any more. Customers can now easily

assess goods and services over the internet.
Online services

The evolutions of the internet and web based delivery of

products and services has radically changed the way

consumers and businesses interact.

Customer service is no longer only a face to face, over the

counter experience any more. Customers can now easily

assess goods and services over the internet.
Online services

Computer technology and the advancement of the

internet has revolutionized the way businesses can

manage their dealing with customers.
Online services

Web based technology and facts, remote connections

now allow organizations to provide prompt, reliable

service from multiple sites all over the world.
Customer service and social
Engage with the customers
Be responsive
 Be professional
Collect feedback via social media
Customer service and website
A company website – customer feedback on product
and service
Interactive website with the customer
Company intranet – medium for presenting statistics,
documents, reports – general distribution.
Customer service Online
Answer Questions Before They’re Asked
Use a Mix of Online and Offline Customer Service
Make Returns, Refunds and Exchanges Easy
 Manage Complaints and Measure Customer
Customer service online
Discussion KLM video
How Customer service is connected with social media
Customer service Mobile Apps
Technology customer service – trends in

Implementation of customer
service strategies
The purpose of implementing customer service
strategies is to increase the quality of service provided
to customers in order to differentiate the organization
form competitors and meet the service needs of
Promoting improvement strategies to the
relevant people

• One of the critical elements in motivating people is part

of training.
• That is, being sure to thoroughly explain to people why
they are to make these changes and why they are supposed
to do something different than they’ve always done.
Promoting improvement strategies to the
relevant people

Regardless of the type of organization, for any customer service strategy

to be successful and effective it must have the support of the customer
service representatives and other teams who will ultimately be
responsible for delivering the improved service to the customers
Designated individuals and groups to whom you must
promote the customer service

Customer service representative –

For any customer service improvement strategy to be successful it
must have the support of the customer service representatives and
other teams within the organization who will be promoting the
Designated individuals and groups to whom you must promote
the customer service

Customer service line manager

The line manager is responsible for managing the customer service
representatives, must have customer service strategy promoted to
them as their belief in, and acceptance of, the strategy will directly
influence how their customer service representatives view and
accept any proposed changes.
Designated individuals and groups to whom you must promote
the customer service

Senior management/ your supervisor

The organizations senior management, including your supervisor,
may need to authorize any customer service strategy you propose
Designated individuals and groups to whom you must promote
the customer service

Other departments and colleagues-

The support of other departments may be required in
implementing a customer service strategy, particularly in large
Other people whom you
need to promote these

Colleagues in your department: since it will probably end up affecting

them in some way. At a minimum, they may be asked about it by other

Committees that the department which is implementing the change are

part of; it may affect the committee

  

External organizations that are affected by the changes

Line management and supervisors for the workers that are implementing
the change
proposals on

Some of the communication methods which are available

when you are presenting customer service improvement can
Formal presentation
     

Staff meeting
Training session
Development of policy and procedures manual
Press release
Customer information session.

Implementing strategies for improving customer service

relies on organizations having funding in the budget,
identifying and allocating budgetary resources, these include:
   

Additional Staff

Find equipment in your company that isn’t being utilized. Many

companies have equipment in warehouses that isn’t currently in use.

Don’t forget to check offsite storage for this equipment.
Find equipment that is underutilized, which can be used for these

systems on a part-time basis. This is especially effective if the

equipment is already in the department where it will be needed.
Allocating Available resources

New metro rail

Find used equipment that you can purchase, instead of

Make equipment and other resources in house
 

Rent equipment. In some cases, there may not be any

budget money available for a capital expenditure, but there
is for renting
Budget allocations for customer service
Budget allocations for customer service
Budget allocations for customer service
Budget allocations for customer service
Strategies where customers need to be
Where delivery times are being altered to exclude
weekend deliveries.
If your organization seeks to change payment terms
from28days to 14days
 When product/service prices are being altered (either
up or down)
Supporting the implementation of
customer service strategies

Promptly action procedures to resolve customer difficulties and complaints with

organizational requirement.

Ensure that decisions to implement strategies are taken in consultation with

designated individuals and groups
Solutions for customer service
Use of external agencies and Ombudsman
Item replacement
Referrals to a supervisor (if your company doesn’t empower your
workers to take care of the
problem themselves, this is a necessity. Better to empower the
average worker to provide a
replacement product and allow your supervisors to supervise.)
Refund of monies (if they aren’t satisfied with an item
Using conflict management technique
Complaints could be about:
 Waiting times
 Level of empathy
 Customer enquires not being followed up
 Damaged or faulty goods
Poor product packaging
Complaints should clearly set out:
The expected standard of service
The approach all staff members should take with
customers; for example accept full
What issues can staff members deal with themselves
What are the procedures for different solutions
Another ways to collect Customer
Ask for Feedback at the Right Place and Time
Find Out Why They're Abandoning Your Site
Ask Customers to Self-Select Their Interests
Monitor Analytics
Area of recommendations
Changing or renovating the appearance of the
organisation’s premises
 Improving point of sale equipment and procedures
 Establishing customer loyalty programs
Systems, records and reporting procedures to compare
changes in customer satisfaction

As part of the process of evaluating and reporting

on customer service, the organisation should
have a system and procedures in place for
continual collection of data and feedback on
customer service
and satisfaction.
To report the progress on new customer
service strategies

Maintain accurate records of all customer changes

Customer service data
Customer feedback
Resolve customer difficulties and complaints with
organizational requirements

 The number of difficulties or complaints an organization receive is one

indication of the quality of the customer service being provided
 While your focus is clearly to eliminate customer problems, you must
realize that a certain amount of problems are still going to exist.
Resolve customer difficulties and complaints with
organizational requirements

Procedures must be in place, which will allow for quick,

worry-free resolution for your customers.
This is where many top companies really shine in their
customer service.
Resolve customer difficulties and complaints with
organizational requirements

Your procedures to resolve customer errors may include:

 Use of external agencies and Ombudsman
 Item replacement
Resolve customer difficulties and complaints with
organizational requirements

 Better to empower the average worker to provide a replacement

product and allow your supervisors to supervise
 Refund of monies (if they aren’t satisfied with an item replacement)
 Using conflict management techniques
Handling Product related problems
• Administrative errors such as
incorrect invoices or prices

• Customer satisfaction with service


• Damaged goods or goods not


• Delivery errors/ Products not

delivered on time

• Service errors

• Warehouse or store room errors

such as incorrect product delivered
Handling e-related customer service complaints

Difficulty accessing services

       

Inactive links
Not appreciating differing hardware and software
Services not available
Supply errors such as incorrect product delivered
Time taken to access services
Unfriendly website design
Website faults
Handing and Resolving difficulties and complaints

Your organization needs to have a set list of procedures that they

follow when dealing with customers difficulties and complaints.

By having a complaints and difficulties procedure clearly written out

for all staff members to follow there are many benefits for the
organizations including:
Complaints are resolved quickly
  

Staff have a step by step guide to handling complaints

All customers are treaded fairly
Implementing a customer complaint procedure

Receive and log complaint – Lodging a complaint for customers

should be fast and easy to do, staff should be able to take down all
of the details of the complaint.
Investigate the complaint – The person responsible for

investigating the complaint could be a staff member who was

responsible for taking the complaint, serving the customer, or the
Declare to resolve the complaint – on occasion, the customers

complaint may need to be resolved immediately

Implementing a
customer complaint

Resolve the complaint – after investigating the complaint it will

become evident what has to happen. Now action is required by the

Notify the customer of the resolution – The customer has to be

notified as to the action that will is being taken by the organization

Follow up with the customer – it is imports to follow up with the

customer after the complaint has been resolved. If the customer is

still unhappy with the outcome of your analysis, then it may be
required to direct then to an outside party.
Strategies to resolve customer service problems

Courtesy and politeness

 

Delivery arrangements that ensure timely delivery of products or

service that the customer
has ordered
  

A guarantee of quality
Product or service availability, guarantee of quality
Different solutions could be:
Returns and refunds
Solve complaints about service
Product repairs
Returning goods to suppliers
Dealing with products under warranty
Strategies to ensure customers are happy For example,
discount on next purchase
Solve late deliveries
How to resolve customer complaints

Complaints are resolved quickly

Staff have a step by step guide to handling complaints
All customers are treaded fairly
Characteristics of customer service
complaint system
Procedures are straightforward and easy for both staff
and customers to understand
Customer are informed as to the progress of any
complaint they lodge
Customers should be made fully aware of how to lodge
a complaint
Areas of recommendation
Specific training course for staff
 Changes to budget allocation to divert more resources
to customer service
Changing organisational structure and responsibilities
for customer service between
different roles and departments
Analysis of the customer feedback
Your customer feedback needs to be correlated into some
sort of statistical data; so that you can
develop and report trends on the types of feedback you are
receiving. Creating a simple 1 – 5 scale in a few different
categories, and rating each customer feedback according to
that scale is the easiest way to create statistics from these
customer contacts; without creating an overly complex
system to work with.
Customer feedback
 Are customers satisfied and to what extent?
What are customer’s opinions about they service they
What do customers like about the service they receive
 What do they dislike
 Which complaints are most commonly made
What suggestions have customers offered
Methods to collect the feedback
 Customer satisfaction survey
 Customer feedback forms
 Customer interviews
 Focus groups
Another ways to collect Customer
Popup a Customer Survey. Displaying a simple survey
on your site is the easiest way to get feedback.
Put a Feedback Button on Your Website. ...
Offer an Incentive.
Use Live Chat.
Ask for Feedback at the Right Place and Time. ...
Find Out Why They're Abandoning Your Site. ...
Ask Customers to Self-Select Their Interests. ...
Monitor Analytics
Another ways to collect Customer
Ask for Feedback at the Right Place and Time
Find Out Why They're Abandoning Your Site
Ask Customers to Self-Select Their Interests
Monitor Analytics
Customer feedback
Satisfied customer – repetitive customer
Customer’s feedback is essential to the success of any
organisation continued success.
It is crucial to monitor customer service satisfaction
If customers are not satisfied – identify problems
After feedback
what information you would like to gather from the
what you are going to do with the information.
how they are going to manage the feedback process.
Data type
Everything together
 Broken down by age
 Broken down by gender
 Broken down by socio-economic group (this may be
hard to accomplish)
Remember, your goal is not to create a one-time
change, which will guarantee your success for all
time. Rather, it is to enter into a process of
continual improvement, constantly seeking ways of
increasing your customer satisfaction and thereby
increasing your customer loyalty
Elements of reporting system and data
 Use of technology
 Timelines and accessibility
 Clarity
 Storage
Consistency and comparability
 Continuity
Identify and report changes
Even the most perfectly planned and executed change
can have errors in its implementation.
first thing you want to be looking for, in your review of
customer data and feedback, is any
indication that the changes to customer service
strategy didn’t get implemented just as planned
Identify and report changes
The other major thing that you want to watch for as your
changes are implemented is any problems
with the system.
Even the best tested system can have
The need to make some minor adjustments is typical.
Your goal is to have a functioning system, which
provides exceptional customer service
How changes can be implemented
How changes can be implemented

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