Week 13

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Welcome to your

English class!
English III
Week 13
Mg. María Angélica López Montalvo
Mg. Verónica Paola Rodríguez Delgado
English III

Learning Achievement

At the end of the course, the

student will demonstrate the
understanding and development of
the contents proposed through the English III
platform related to the four
communicative skills: listening, 2023-II
speaking, reading and writing.

I. Tourism: On Vacation in a National Park

1. Reading: Camping in the Mountains

2. Word Order: Prepositions in Sentences

Unit 4

To u r i s m

LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT At the end of this unit, the students will tell what
(Unit 4) people do in their free time.

PERFORMANCE  The student reads and talks about camping at

(Topic 13) Yelloestone National Park.
Camping in the
1. Forest (n.) a large place outside with many trees.

2. Campfire (n.) an outdoor fire for people at a camp.

3. Tent (n.) a place to sleep outside.

4. Campsite(n.) a place where you go camping.

5. Waterfall (n.) a place where a river falls down.

Camping in the Mountains
Erica's Diary - May 26, 2021
Today we are at Yellowstone National Park, so I am very happy. Our family comes
here every summer for vacation. We really love being outside. We go camping in
the forest, and we sleep outside. We are under the stars. We have a campfire at
night. It is in front of our tent. There is a lake. It is next to our campsite, so we can
go fishing and go swimming. There are many tall trees. They are above our tent,
and we can see a waterfall. It is between the mountains. Also, there’s a small
shop. It is behind our campsite, so we can go shopping. I buy snacks for the family,
and my mom buys gifts for my grandparents. It’s very beautiful here, but it’s very
hot. We go hiking in the morning. It is cool in the morning. At night, we sit around
the campfire with other families. I made a new friend named Olivia last night, and
we had a lot of fun. Yellowstone is my favorite place for vacation.
Read the text “Camping in the Mountains” again and
answer the questions:
1. Where is Erica?
2. What does her family love?
3. Where do they go camping?
4. What do they have at night?
5. Where is the campfire?
6. Where is the lake?
7. Where are the trees?
8. Where is the waterfall?
9. Where is the shop?
10. What do Erica and her mother buy at the shop?
11. What do they do at night?
12. What is Erica’s favorite place for vacation?
Word Order:
Prepositions in
A preposition
tells us where
Prepositions of Place
something or Read the dialogue and underline the
someone is.
prepositions of place.
Erica: Look, mom! I painted a picture from our vacation. This is the river in Yellowstone.
Erica’s mom: Wow, that’s really pretty! Can you tell me about it?
Erica: Sure. You are in front of the big rock, and Dad is next to you. That’s Ranger Rick. He is on the rocks.
Erica’s mom: I see. Where is your brother?
Erica: He’s here. He is under the water with the fish.
Erica’s mom: Is there a waterfall between the mountains?
Erica: Yes, there is. I like the waterfall. Now, I want to paint some birds above the waterfall.
Erica’s mom: That’s a good idea. What’s behind those trees?
Erica: Oh, that’s a bear.
Erica’s mom: A bear? I don’t remember a bear in Yellowstone!
Erica: There was no bear. I only painted it.
Erica’s mom: Oh, okay. Who is that by the river?
Erica: You don’t remember? My friend Olivia was with us too.
Erica’s mom: Oh, yes. I remember. Well, great work!
Erica: Thanks, mom. I have to study at the library now.
Prepositions in sentences
1. Use prepositions AFTER the verb “to be”: am / is / are.


My books ARE ON the desk.

The camp IS UNDER the trees.
The waterfall IS BETWEEN the mountains.
I AM NEXT TO my friend.
2. Use prepositions BEFORE important nouns.


My live ON the second floor.

grandparents Building floor /
His house is ON Armendariz
Susan studies AT the library.
Name of a
The library is AT 564 Republic building /
Street. address

We live IN Peru. Continent/

Machu Picchu is IN Cuzco.
Order the words and write the sentences correctly.
1. next to / the / river / buffalo / is / the


2. river / grass / the / in front of / is / the


3. clouds / are / the / above / trees / many


4. swans / tent / the / are / by / some


5. behind / hill / the / is / grass / the

Look at the picture and describe it. Use as many
prepositions as you can.


Look at the picture and describe it. Use as many
prepositions as you can.

 We can use prepositions after am/is/are and before the noun.
For example: a bear is behind the trees.

 We also use prepositions before important nouns.

 We use “in” before a city, province, state, country, or continent.

For example: Chile is in South America.

 We use “on” before the name of a street or the floor of a building.

For example: the bookstore is on University Street.

 We use “at” before an address or the name of a building.

For example: we live at 1123 Booker Street.

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