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Lesson 8 – PR2
What is Significance of the Study?

◦ Also known as the rationale of the study, is essential for communicating to your
reader why your research is necessary. It is critical to make the significance of your
research clear to the readers so they can understand it.

◦ The significance of your study can be highlighted in the Results and

Discussion sections. For this, you will need to thoroughly analyze the data you
have gathered and present relevant and significant findings in the Results section.
Things to Remember:
◦ Refer to the problem statement
Your problem statement can help you determine the specific contribution of your research.
This can be accomplished by observing a one-to-one correspondence between the problem statement
and the significance of the study. For example, your research question could be phrased as follows:

“Is there a link between the teacher’s teaching style and the students’ high Mathematics quiz

Given this research question, the contribution of your research is a new teaching style or
style (say, among the three teaching styles you evaluated) that can help students perform better in
As a result, just looking at your problem statement will tell you how
important your study will be to those who need it. You will stay within the expected
outcome of your research. Others may make use of your findings for their purposes.

◦ Write your contribution from general to specific

Write the significance of the study by first considering the overall

contribution of your research, such as its importance to society, and then working
your way down to the individual level, which may include yourself as a researcher.
You begin broadly, then gradually narrow your focus to a specific group or person.
Tips on How to make Significance of the
1. Make your research problem your starting point

“How will the solutions to my research problem be beneficial?” This will give you an idea
of how valuable it is to conduct your research.

Assume your research question is “How effective is lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) in lowering
blood glucose levels in swiss mice (Mus musculus)?”

Once you’ve determined the broad benefits of your research, it’s time to narrow it down to
specific beneficiaries.
Tips on How to make Significance of the
2. Describe how your research will add to the existing body of knowledge in the

Consider the areas that previous studies should have covered. Then, explain
how your research addresses those unexplored areas. By doing so, you can persuade
your readers that you are researching something new and adding value to the field.
Tips on How to make Significance of the
3. Describe how your research will help the society

Explain how your research will benefit society. Consider how the findings of
your research will affect your community.
For example, in the study on using lemongrass tea to lower blood glucose
levels, your research will help the community understand the importance of
lemongrass and other herbal plants. As a result, the community will be encouraged
to promote medicinal plant cultivation and use.
Tips on How to make Significance of the
4. Mention the specific people or organizations who will benefit from your

Using the same example as before, this study’s findings will help people
looking for an alternative supplement to prevent high blood glucose levels.
Tips on How to make Significance of the
5. Indicate how your research will aid future studies in the field

You must also specify how your research will be incorporated into the
literature of the field you are researching and how it will benefit future researchers.
In our previous example, you could say that future researchers will be able to
investigate other capabilities of herbal plants in preventing various diseases based on
the data and analysis provided by your research.
Tips on How to make Significance of the
6. Particular significance
Your problem statement can help you determine the specific contribution of
your research. This can be accomplished by observing a one-to-one correspondence
between the problem’s purpose and the study’s objectives.
For example, if your research question is “Is there a significant relationship
between WhatsApp usage and student spelling performance in English?” Perhaps
one of your study’s contributions could be, “The study will identify common errors
in spelling and grammar by WhatsApp users and recommend its appropriate use in a
manner that can improve better spelling performance.”
Tips on How to make Significance of the
7. Literature voids

Consider the following to justify the need for the study:

• The gaps in related literature that must be addressed
• Where literature is scarce on the identified gaps
• Where the available literature suggests additional work on the identified gaps.
Other Tips and Warnings

◦ Be proactive
Seeing your study’s final form will help you make connections and
determine who will benefit from it.

◦ Use concise language

Put in the effort to make it straightforward so that your readers can fully
grasp the significance of your findings. Make it shorter and wordy.
Other Tips and Warnings

◦ Use a general to specific progression

Discussing the benefits to society, the educational institution, the learning

facilitators, and finally, the students are an excellent place to start when writing
about a research project, such as the effect of remote learning setup on the mental
health of college students at a particular university.
Other Tips and Warnings

◦ If you need assistance, look for it

For example, you may ask for insights on how your research may contribute
to the existing literature. If you know what to ask, your research will be able to point
you in the right direction.
Other Tips and Warnings
◦ Revise, revise, revise

Be ready to apply necessary changes to your research on the fly. Whether it’s
the respondents or variables involved in your study, unexpected things will require
your adaptability. Never think you’ve finished a project until you’ve checked off
every last box and made sure it’s perfect.
Lesson 8 – PR2
What is Definition of Terms?

A word or phrase used to describe a thing or to express a concept,

especially in a particular kind of language or branch of study.

Definitions are important in exploring common understanding within

improvement teams. They play a key role in ensuring people understand the
same thing about key terms or issues. However, their role is not to
standardize or set a common language, rather to enable communication
through better understanding or translation.
For example, design is a word that often invokes passion and
misunderstanding amongst its users. Is it a verb or a noun? Does it refer to
the process?

This will require knowledge of the background and context of each

individual by the other and ideally the ability to translate the meaning of the
word simultaneously or, if necessary, to agree a common use.
Tips on how to make Definition of Terms:
◦ Avoid defining with "X is when" and "X is where" statements. These
introductory adverb phrases should be avoided. Define a noun with a noun,
a verb with a verb, and so forth.
◦ Do not define a word by mere repetition or merely restating the word.
"Rhyming poetry consists of lines that contain end rhymes."


"Rhyming poetry is an art form consisting of lines whose final words

consistently contain identical, final stressed vowel sounds."
Tips on how to make Definition of Terms

• Define a word in simple and familiar terms. Your definition of an unfamiliar word
should not lead your audience towards looking up more words in order to
understand your definition.

◦ Keep the class portion of your definition small but adequate. It should be large
enough to include all members of the term you are defining but no larger. Avoid
adding personal details to definitions.
◦ October 19 (Thursday) – Submission of Chapter 1 (Including all the Parts)
◦ Review Quiz for Midterm Exam
◦ Checking of Notebooks (Lesson 6-8) for:
◦ St. Paul
◦ St. Augustine
◦ St. Joseph

◦ October 20 (Friday) – Review Quiz for Midterm Exam

- Checking of Notebooks (Lesson 6-8) for:
◦ St. Patrick
◦ St. Francis

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