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Hi fellow classmates and to our Emp.

Tech Teacher 😊
We are Group
 Joie T. Bernacer
 Rachelle G. Avelino
And here’s our presentation about ICT
(Information and
What is ICT?
•Information and communications technology (ICT) is the use of computer and
telecommunications systems, tools, and techniques to simplify the creation, collection,
processing, transmission, and storage of information. In addition to the wired and wireless
communication technologies that support telephones, the Internet, the Internet of Things (IoT),
and the metaverse, it also comprises computing technologies like servers, laptop computers, and
software applications. ICT aims to increase access to information and facilitate more effective
human-to-human, human-to-machine, and machine-to-machine (M2M) communication.
•The infrastructure and telecom parts that permit synchronous and asynchronous
communication over short and long distances are included under this general heading. It includes
cloud computing and telecommunications services, as well as the governance guidelines that
support their use.
•ICT is essential to modern civilization because it fosters global connectedness, drives innovation,
and increases productivity. Its significance cannot be emphasized.
ICT Evolution Across Time
•The telegraph and telephone were invented in the 19th century, which is
when the idea of ICT first emerged. These two innovations made it
possible for individuals to speak with each other in real time or almost
real time, redefining the way people worked and interacted socially.

•The idea of mass communication was first presented by radio and

television in the middle of the 20th century, and by the end of the
century, the internet had established itself as a commonplace instrument
for communication, commerce, and entertainment. The next years saw
an enormous rise in its use, altering how people worked and
communicating with one another.
Here’s a quick peek on how technology
is upgraded as years pass by.
People can now generate, access, share, and
consume information more easily than ever
thanks to broadband internet and smartphones,
and ICT promises even more interesting
advances in the future. Faster and more
dependable connectivity will be provided by 6G
networks, while ChatGPT and other generative
AI systems will alter how people generate and
consume information. Emerging technologies
like Web3 and quantum computing will also
spur the development of a wide range of new
ICT tools and applications.
Here's another image related about our
Basics of Information and Communications Technology

•Information technology (IT) and ICT are frequently used interchangeably,

however when used in various situations, the two phrases can have slightly
distinct meanings. Because IT can also refer to instructional technology in this
context, the abbreviation ICT is used more frequently in education in the United
States, for instance. ITC, a more inclusive term that includes both information and
communication technologies, is used in some areas where IT only refers to
enterprise computing.

•In circumstances where the difference between the two is crucial, using IT and
ICT interchangeably can cause misunderstanding. For instance, a job
advertisement requesting IT expertise can differ from one requesting ICT
competence because the latter may seek for extra abilities that particularly
support tools for collaboration and communication.
ICT is a general word that includes
both IT and communication
technologies, but IT is often thought
of as a subset of ICT that deals with
the technical aspects of handling

ICT refers to communication

technologies like the telegraph,
telephone, radio, and television in
addition to computer hardware,
software, and networking
technologies, which are the main
topics of IT.
Systems and Infrastructure for ICT

•A wide range of information, telecommunication, and support tools and services are
included in information and communication technology, which collectively enable

This consists of:

 Supporting hardware and software for information creation, dissemination, acquisition,
and storage.
 Infrastructure and electronics that allow hardware devices to communicate with one
 Interfaces and protocols that make it possible for various hardware and software parts
to communicate and exchange data without interruption.
 Tools for securing the integrity of an ICT system and safeguarding sensitive data.
 Standards for securing data while it's in storage, during processing, and during
 Governance guidelines for accessing, protecting, processing, transmitting, and storing
 Workers with the expertise needed to design, develop, support, and maintain ICT
 Information technology and telecommunications technology are both included in ICT
infrastructure as well as the services they provide.
Centralized and Decentralized ICT
•The hardware, software, and network infrastructure components that
facilitate communication are located in a single location and are only
accessible from that site when ICT designs are centralized. In the early
years of computing, when mainframes had low processing power and
connected connection infrastructure was expensive, this strategy was Centralized ICT ǀ Decentralized ICT
•ICT designs could be decentralized thanks to broadband internet.
Data storage, remote access, and virtualized execution of the same
programs on numerous remote servers became feasible after data
transmission speeds and ranges increased. Unified communication
systems (UCSs), cloud-based services, and new varieties of
collaboration tools saw an increase in popularity as a result.
•New uses for peer-to-peer have also been stimulated by the additional
bandwidth that broadband offers architectures for (P2P) networks.
Without the requirement for a centralized server, any node (or user) in
a P2P network can function as both a server and a client and share
information with other nodes.
•It's important to keep in mind that P2P architecture also plays a
significant role in the Internet of Things by enabling IoT devices to
communicate with one another, share data, and carry out complex
tasks that individual devices cannot handle. Today, this type of
architecture is frequently associated with blockchain and
Impact of ICT on Society

The economic environment and workforce dynamics have changed as a result of ICT.
By allowing for smooth cross-border transactions and interactions, e-commerce has opened up new options for
both consumers and enterprises. By utilizing IT and communication technologies to enhance public services,
municipal infrastructure, and transportation, smart cities are enhancing urban living.
The fusion of communication and information technologies has had an immense impact on society. Organizations
are finding it important to consistently reevaluate their best practices for sharing digital information, and
governments are continuously searching for solutions to minimize the digital gap as technology and collaboration
tools evolve.
Digital literacy is now a skill that everyone needs to have. The digital economy has created new job kinds,
increased productivity, and given workers new opportunities to remotely collaborate from almost anywhere they
can access the internet.
ICT has also had significant negative consequences on the environment. Data centers and electronic gadgets
consume a lot of energy to run, and as technology continues to advance, more and more out-of-date equipment
is being thrown away, which has resulted in an increase in e-waste. This garbage frequently contains
potentially harmful substances that contaminate the environment and could endanger people's health.
People, companies, and governments need to be aware of both the advantages and difficulties of ICT's impact
on society as ICT continues to grow and becomes more like an essential utility than something good to have.
The following are examples of best practices for fostering worldwide connectivity, diversity, and environmental

•ESG (environmental, social, and initiatives in governance.

•Putting an emphasis on the creation of inexpensive, repairable digital technology.
•Investing in connectivity and infrastructure upgrades that open up ICT services to off-the-grid and
underserved communities.
•Promoting the creation and use of open standards and strong data protection laws like GDPR.
•Promoting international collaboration and collaboration between businesses and governments.
•Creating fresh approaches to ICT education.
•Encouraging the production and sharing of regional content that embodies the ideals of people everywhere.
ICT and Digital Transformation
• Digital transformation became a must rather than an option for enterprises as they were
compelled to adapt quickly to protect business continuity and retain productivity during COVID-
19 lockdowns.
• All sizes of businesses were abruptly forced to rely on digital collaboration tools and services to
maintain their operations. For workers who were compelled to work from home due to the
epidemic, teleconference calls, screensharing applications, and virtual meeting platforms like
Zoom and Google Hangouts quickly became indispensable tools.
• During the worldwide epidemic, technologies for collaboration and communication were required in
every area of the economy, including e-commerce, healthcare, and education.
• Demand for online e-learning platforms increased as schools and colleges had to make a swift
switch to remote learning.
• During this time period, contact tracing, remote patient monitoring, and telemedicine all became
crucial elements of healthcare delivery the situation, enabling medical staff to deliver crucial
services while lowering the risk of infection and guaranteeing the security of both patients and
• During the worldwide outbreak , e-commerce platforms flourished as customers looked for
convenient and safe shopping options. Digital services became more necessary as e-commerce
expanded quickly, enabling companies to keep up with the growing demands of their customers.
• With the popularity of virtual conferences and gatherings, businesses were able to network and
share expertise while under lockdown.
That’s all for our presentation about ICT.


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