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Important Note
These slides are not sufficient, please refer to
the books for details.
1. Introduction to Computer Science, ITL
Educations Solution Limited, Pearson
2. Computer Fundamentals, Sinha and Sinha
Data storage hierarchy
• Bit
• Character
• Field
• Record
• File
• Database
Traditional file system

Data stored and processed on

multiple files with the help of
File type
• Transaction file
– Stores input data of one processing cycle
• Master file
– Stores current data relevant to an application
• Output file
– Output of one program fed as input to other
• Report file
– Holds copy of reports generated
• Backup file
– Created as a safety precaution
File organization
• Sequential files
– Stores and process records one after another in a
predefined sequence
• Direct files
– Can directly locate any record by its key field value
• Indexed sequential files
– Two files for every data file: data file & index file
Drawbacks in file based system
• Data redundancy
– Same information stored at different locations
• Program/Data dependency
– Addition of new data field requires changes in programs
• Lack of flexibility
– Most information retrieval limited to predetermined request
• Data availability
– Data scattered in many files
• Data integrity
– Accuracy and completeness of data suspected
• Data management control
– Difficult to impose central control and security standards
Database management system
• Organized collection of related data
• Logically coherent data
• Data organized into tables
• Data is independent of programs
Basic database terms
• Field/column
• Record/row
• Table
• Data type
• Key
– Primary key - Alternate key
– Foreign key - Composite key
– Candidate key
• Data dictionary
Components of Database System
• Data
– Numeric, non-numeric, pictures, images
• Hardware
– PC, network, I/O devices, storage devices
• Software
– DBMS, OS, Network software & application programs
• Users
– Application programmers
– End users
Database system Architecture
• Internal(Physical) view
– Lowest level of abstraction
– Describes how the data is actually stored and
organized on storage medium
• Conceptual(logical) view
– What type of data is stored
– Relationship among the data
• External view
– Way in which data is viewed by individual user
Logical data concepts
• Entity
– Object that has its existence in the real world
– Represented in rectangles
• Attribute
– Units that describe the characteristics of entities
– Drawn in elliptical shapes
• Relationship
– Association between two or more entities
– Represented by a diamond shape
• One to one
• One to many
• Many to many
Physical data concept
• Sequential files
– Stores and process records one after another in a
predefined sequence
• Direct files
– Can directly locate any record by its key field value
• Indexed sequential files
– Two files for every data file: data file & index file
Characteristics of DBMS approach
• Self-contained nature DBMS system contains
data plus a full description of the data (called
• Program-data independence
• Data abstraction: details are hidden
• Support for multiple views
• Centralized control of the data resource
Functions of DBMS
• Data definition
• Data manipulation
• Data security and integrity
• Data recovery and concurrency
• Data Dictionary
Advantages of DBMS
• Controlling Redundancy
• Restricting Unauthorized Access
• Inconsistency can be reduced
• Data can be shared
• Security can be maintained
• Integrity can be maintained
• Providing Multiple User Interfaces
• Providing Backup and Recovery
Components of DBMS
• Data definition language
• Data manipulation language
• Database administrator
• Report generator
Data definition language(DDL)
• Used to define conceptual and internal
• Used to create and delete databases
• Specifies fields in a record, their name, type,
size etc.
• Defines the logical relationship among data
• Defines access controls for security
Data manipulation language(DML)
• Enables user to enter and manipulate data
• Retrieval, insertion, deletion and modification
• Provides user friendly interface
• SQL is DML
Database administrator(DBA)
• Install and manage a database
• Establishing and coordinating data definitions
and standards
• Determine relationships among data elements
• Ensuring regular and accurate updates
• Designing database security
• Training and assisting application programmers
• Ensures regular backups

A database model defines the logical design of data. The

model also describes the relationships between different
parts of the data. Defines the rules and standards how
data is organised in a database.
Hierarchical database model
Network database model
Relational database model
Distributed database model
Object oriented database model
Hierarchical database model
In the hierarchical model, data is organized as an inverted
tree. Each entity has only one parent but can have several
children. At the top of the hierarchy, there is one entity,
which is called the root.

An example of the hierarchical model representing a university

Network database model
In the network model, the entities are organized in a graph,
in which some entities can be accessed through several paths

An example of the network model representing a university

Relational database model
In the relational model, data is organized in two-dimensional
tables called relations. The tables or relations are, however,
related to each other.

An example of the relational model representing a university

Distributed databases
The distributed database model is not a new model, but is
based on the relational model. However, the data is stored on
several computers that communicate through the Internet or
a private wide area network. Each computer (or site)
maintains either part of the database or the whole database.

Fragmented distributed databases

In a fragmented distributed database, data is localized—
locally used data is stored at the corresponding site.
However, this does not mean that a site cannot access data
stored at another site. Access is mostly local, but
occasionally global.
Replicated distributed databases
In a replicated distributed database, each site holds an exact
replica of another site. Any modification to data stored in
one site is repeated exactly at every site. The reason for
having such a database is security. If the system at one site
fails, users at the site can access data at another site.
Object-oriented databases
An object-oriented database tries to keep the advantages of
the relational model and at the same time allows applications
to access structured data. In an object-oriented database,
objects and their relations are defined. In addition, each
object can have attributes that can be expressed as fields.

The query language normally used for objected-oriented
databases is XML (Extensible Markup Language). XML can
represent data with nested structures.
Types of Database
• Client-Server Database Systems
• Distributed Database Systems
• Operational Database
• Management database
• Multimedia Database Systems
Data Warehousing
• Repository of integrated data
– Subject oriented
– Integrated
– Time-variant
– Non-volatile
• Building a data warehouse
– Data selection
– Data preprocessing/cleaning
– Data transformation
• Data Mart
• Metadata
• Drilldown and Rollup Analysis
Data mining
• Nontrivial process of extracting
– Implicit
– previously unknown
– potentially useful information from data
• Mining techniques
– Statistics
– Machine learning
– Database oriented
– Neural networks
– Fuzzy sets
– Visual exploration
Relational database model
• Based on relational model developed by E F
• Represents data as 2-D tables called relations
• Relational algebra
– Selection
– Projection
– Join
• SQL includes keywords and rules to implement
relational algebra
Codd’s twelve rules
1. Information rule
– All info represented in one way
2. Guaranteed access rule
– Each item is logically accessible
3. Systematic treatment of NULL value rule
– Field should be allowed to remain empty
4. Dynamic online catalogue based on relational model rule
– Must provide access to its structure, data dictionary
5. Comprehensive data sub-language rule
6. View updating rule
– Support full range of data manipulations
Codd’s rules
7. High level insert, update and delete rule
– Supported for any retrievable set
8. Physical data independence rule
– User isolated from physical method of storing
9. Logical data independence rule
– Changes in relationship does not effect the applications that use it
10. Integrity independence rule
– Consistency and accuracy is maintained
11. Distribution independence rule
– User unaware of database distribution
12. Non-subversion rule
– No way to modify database structure other than database language

The design of any database is a lengthy and involved

task that can only be done through a step-by-step
process. The first step normally involves interviewing
potential users of the database. The second step is to
build an entity-relationship model (ERM) that defines
the entities, the attributes of those entities and the
relationship between those entities.
• The E-R model was introduced by Peter Chen
in 1976.
• There is no single standard diagramming
approach, but there are a set of common
constructs that can be learned that will enable
you to use any E-R modeling CASE tool or
understand any E-R modeling diagram.
• An Entity is something about which we store data
for use by managers and workers. An entity can be
either an item found in reality or an abstract
• Distinguish between an entity and instance
• Attributes are also termed Properties.
Attributes or Properties are characteristics of
an entity. Examples:
• A Relationship is an association between
instances of one or more entity types.
• A relationship is denoted by the diamond
symbol. Use some type of short, descriptive
verb to name the relationship.
• An example is the PlacesOrder relationship
that exists between occurrences of a
Entity-relationship models (ERM)

In this step, the database designer creates an entity-

relationship (E-R) diagram to show the entities for which
information needs to be stored and the relationship between
those entities. E-R diagrams uses several geometric shapes,
but we use only a few of them here:

❑ Rectangles represent entity sets

❑ Ellipses represent attributes
❑ Diamonds represent relationship sets
 Lines link attributes to entity sets and link entity sets to
relationships sets
Figure shows a very simple E-R diagram with three entity sets,
their attributes and the relationship between the entity sets.

Entities, attributes and relationships in an E-R diagram

From E-R diagrams to relations

After the E-R diagram has been finalized, relations (tables)

in the relational database can be created.

Relations for entity sets

For each entity set in the E-R diagram, we create a relation
(table) in which there are n columns related to the n
attributes defined for that set.
We can have three relations (tables), one for each entity set
defined in last slide
Relations for relationship sets
For each relationship set in the E-R diagram, we create a
relation (table). This relation has one column for the key of
each entity set involved in this relationship and also one
column for each attribute of the relationship itself if the
relationship has attributes (not in our case).
Example 14.3

There are two relationship sets in Figure 14.16, teaches and takes,
each connected to two entity sets. The relations for these
relationship sets are added to the previous relations for the entity
set and shown in Figure 14.18.

Figure 14.18 Relations for E-R diagram in Figure 14.16


Normalization is the process by which a given set of

relations are transformed to a new set of relations with a
more solid structure. Normalization is needed to allow any
relation in the database to be represented, to allow a
language like SQL to use powerful retrieval operations
composed of atomic operations, to remove anomalies in
insertion, deletion, and updating, and reduce the need for
restructuring the database as new data types are added.
The normalization process defines a set of hierarchical
normal forms (NFs). Several normal forms have been
proposed, including 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF (Boyce-Codd
Normal Form), 4NF, PJNF (Projection/Joint Normal Form),
5NF and so on.
First normal form (1NF)
When we transform entities or relationships into tabular
relations, there may be some relations in which there are
more values in the intersection of a row or column.

Figure 14.19 An example of 1NF

Second normal form (2NF)
In each relation we need to have a key (called a primary key)
on which all other attributes (column values) need to depend.
For example, if the ID of a student is given, it should be
possible to find the student’s name.

Figure 14.20 An example of 2NF


In a relational database we can define several operations

to create new relations based on existing ones. We
define nine operations in this section: insert, delete,
update, select, project, join, union, intersection and
difference. Instead of discussing these operations in the
abstract, we describe each operation as defined in the
database query language SQL (Structured Query
Structured Query Language

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the language

standardized by the American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) and the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) for use on relational databases. It is a
declarative rather than procedural language, which means
that users declare what they want without having to write a
step-by-step procedure. The SQL language was first
implemented by the Oracle Corporation in 1979, with
various versions of SQL being released since then.

The insert operation is a unary operation—that is, it is

applied to a single relation. The operation inserts a new tuple
into the relation. The insert operation uses the following

Figure 14.7 An example of an insert operation


The delete operation is also a unary operation. The operation

deletes a tuple defined by a criterion from the relation. The
delete operation uses the following format:

Figure 14.8 An example of a delete operation


The update operation is also a unary operation that is applied

to a single relation. The operation changes the value of some
attributes of a tuple. The update operation uses the following

Figure 14.9 An example of an update operation


The select operation is a unary operation. The tuples (rows)

in the resulting relation are a subset of the tuples in the
original relation.

Figure 14.10 An example of an select operation


The project operation is also a unary operation and creates

another relation. The attributes (columns) in the resulting
relation are a subset of the attributes in the original relation.

Figure 14.11 An example of a project operation


The join operation is a binary operation that combines two

relations on common attributes.

Figure 14.12 An example of a join operation


The union operation takes two relations with the same set of

Figure 14.13 An example of a union operation


The intersection operation takes two relations and creates a

new relation, which is the intersection of the two.

Figure 14.14 An example of an intersection operation


The difference operation is applied to two relations with the

same attributes. The tuples in the resulting relation are those
that are in the first relation but not the second.

Figure 14.15 An example of a difference operation

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