Taylor Lecture 1

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1E12 Materials and Their

David Taylor
Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering Department

Lecture 1
What’s It About?
• This module is about materials.
• Materials are used in all fields of engineering: civil; mechanical;
biomedical; electronic.
• A given material is used because it has certain properties, e.g.
mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity.
• In this module you will learn:
– Which properties are important for a given application
– How these properties are defined and measured
– Why different materials have different properties
The Lecturers
Because this course covers all branches of engineering (except
computer software engineering) you will be taught by lecturers from the
different departments:


Dept of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
(Mechanical and Biomedical)


Dept of Civil, Structural and
Environmental Engineering
(Civil and Structural)


Dept of Electronic Engineering
(Electronic and Biomedical)
Lectures, Tutorials, Project
• This is a 10-credit course.
• You get three lectures per week, plus a briefing session about the
project work.
• You get one tutorial each week, when you will answer questions to
test your understanding of the lectures.
• You will carry out a project, working as part of a group.
• The end point of the project will be to design and test your own
• At the end of the semester there will be an exam, which counts for
50% of the total marks, and you have to get a pass mark for the
• The other 50% comes from reports which you will write as a group,
during the project work.
Examples of Materials in Different
Engineering Fields
CIVIL: a building made from bamboo
ELECTRONIC: Carbon nanotubes
used in sensors, memory storage devices
MECHANICAL: Jet engine exhaust
nozzle made from ceramic matrix composite
BIOMEDICAL: Scaffolds for tissue
Mechanical Properties
• I will be telling you about the mechanical properties of materials…
• …how to measure them and use them, and where they come from.
• Important for any material which is going to be subjected to
mechanical forces in use.
• e.g. A chair (person’s weight);
• A turbine blade in a jet engine (centrifugal forces);
• The suspension cables of a bridge (weight of bridge and traffic);
• An artificial hip joint (person’s weight and dynamic forces).

• These forces cause the material to deform (i.e. change shape) and
may cause it to fail (i.e. break).
• So we need to know the amount of deformation (as a function of the
force) and the maximum safe force we can apply without failure.
Useful Reading
• Textbooks by Ashby & Jones: Engineering Materials
books 1 and 2. We use these books in future courses in
Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering.
• Materials by Ashby, Shercliff and Cebon
• Any other textbooks about mechanical properties of
• “The New Science of Strong Materials or Why You Don’t
Fall Through the Floor” and other books by J.Gordon
• Lots of information on line, in Wikipedia, company
databases, etc.
Examples of Failures

A 737 engine; one of the turbine discs broke away and

exited through the engine casing, nearly taking someone’s
head off!
Examples of Failures

X-ray showing an artificial

hip joint, made of metal,
which broke in two whilst
inside someone’s leg.

As an engineer, you don’t

want to be famous for
designing a component that
In This Course…
• We will cover the following mechanical properties which are
essential for understanding how any material behaves under load:


• I will also say something about how materials can gradually degrade
and fail over long periods of time, as a result of:

The Tensile Test
• Take a sample of
• Pull on the ends to
stretch it
Original Stretch
• Measure the force, F
Length Lo to new
• Measure the stretch,
length L
Some Practicalities
• You can use any size and shape
of sample provided it has
parallel sides…
• …so the cross section is the
same throughout.
• The shape of the cross section
doesn’t matter, it can be
rectangular (as here), square,
circular, etc. Its area is A. Cross
• Normally we make the ends of Section of
the specimen bigger so it’s easy area A
to grip in the testing machine
A tensile testing machine
The Stress/Strain Curve
• We want to see how much the sample stretches for a
given applied force.
• So we could plot the force, F, against the stretch (L-Lo).
• But it’s better to normalise these quantities, so that the
overall size of the sample doesn’t matter.
• We do this by calculating the STRESS, s, which is F/A
and the STRAIN, e, which is (L-Lo)/Lo.
• These are very important quantities as they form the
basis of most measurements of mechanical properties.
Any cross section is OK
• The cross section can be any
shape, provided it’s the same all
along the length, so that the
stress is constant.

• For a rectangular cross section,

width W and thickness t, A = Wt

• For a circular section, A = pr2

Typical Results
• The stress/strain curve has different shapes in different materials;
below are some examples.
• As strain increases, stress can go up or down
• X indicates the point at which the sample breaks

(units N/m2 = Pa)
Stress s

Strain e (no units)

Types of Stress (and Strain)
• So far we’ve been talking about the tensile test,
in which we apply a pulling force.
• The stress this gives is called tensile stress (not
• If you push instead of pulling then this is still
known as tensile stress, but it has a negative
value. It’s also called compression.

• Shear stress is a type of stress that

causes sliding
• Shear stress: t = F/A
• Shear strain: g = L/Lo = tan q
• Note that A and Lo are defined in the L
same way as for tension.
• Pressure P is created by having the same force acting
in all directions (x,y,z).
• E.g. hydrostatic pressure when you are underwater.
• P = F/A the same as for tension, but is conventionally
written as positive when it is compressive.
• The strain due to pressure is a change in volume,
called dilatation D = -(V-Vo)/Vo

• Any type of stress can be

expressed as a mixture of these
Three: tension, shear and pressure
The stress/strain curve in more
• First Stage: Elastic Deformation
In this part of the
curve, the material
behaves like a
Stress s

If you remove the

X stress, the strain
goes back to zero.
Stress is (usually)
proportional to

Strain e
• The material’s “stiffness” is the slope of
the stress/strain curve in the elastic region.
• Called Young’s modulus (or the elastic
modulus), symbol E.
• If the line is straight then E = stress/strain
at any point on the line.
Yield Strength and Plastic
• Above a certain stress, sy, the stress/strain line becomes
flatter and curved. This point is called the yield stress or
yield strength of the material.

Stress s

Strain e
• We’ve seen that the simple tensile test can tell you a lot
about how a material performs under load…
• …how much it deforms, both temporarily (elasticity) and
permanently (plasticity)…
• …and how much stress and strain are needed to break
• In the next few lectures we’re going to look in more detail
at the stress/strain curve and define three mechanical
properties: stiffness, strength and toughness.
• We’ll see how to measure these properties and how to
use them in engineering situations.

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